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Everything posted by lexxer

  1. Update server files...thx. We would like to play without graphic glitches.
  2. That would be the thunderdome. landing in there was a pretty bad idea lol.
  3. the fact that graphic glitching is not fixed for most people? - lulz.
  4. lexxer

    Where do you get hive 0.7.3

    Anyone have a link to 0.7.3 Hive/server update? Host Altitude have got to have the SLOWEST customer support I have ever seen. Looking to do a manual update of our server as it could be hours/days/weeks before we have access to the new server files.
  5. lexxer

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    I hope DayZ decides to go with some sort of official server setup. Having random people host servers that they can shut down, restart, ban, kick, etc. will not be good for a commercial product. I said it before somewhere but I'd gladly pay $5-$15 a month for proper servers.
  6. So you banned them for stealing your cars and destroying your tents? Seems like legit gameplay to me.
  7. lexxer

    us1340 Banned for "hacking"?

    Sure you can. You open up RCON...put in GUID, etc etc. :)
  8. Tents and vehicles eating items, massive graphic glitches and duping without even trying too.. you said you WERE NOT going to patch on Friday!
  9. Not a chance :) Also let me clarify how we found your camp so quickly (without hacking). We watched your bus and blue van (1 guy in each vehicle) travel North up the road past Lopatino. There is nothing up there but woods and a dirt road. Taking the bus on a dirt road = painful (Ive done it). We figured you were dropping off loot and would head back down. I set up an ambush. Five minutes later 2 guys drive back down the road on motorcycles. I killed them both. Hence, we had 2 motorcycles. Given that the bus travels at walking speed off the main roads we figured you must have parked it close off the road. We sent one motorcycle up the east side of the road, and one up the west side. We found the bus, and your camp….quickly. <-SMRT (but not a hacker).
  10. Hooligan you are a tard. Did you even watch/listen to the video. We had two motorcycles which I can only assume we took from your 2 guys since there was a naked guy running back up to your camp that we killed. You can see it at the start of the video...2 of us drove on that motorcycle. The other person "Atropa" was on the other one also looking for your camp in a different area. He asks where to park the other motorcycle. The two other guys were on foot and asked for locs and gave thier distance. That battle went on for a good hour. We killed a few , you guys killed a few. It wasnt until you were all dead and you feared for your vehicles that the admin bans started coming down. GG.
  11. Its actually too bad for you guys. We would have been a good group to have as regulars on your server. We are active, don't hack and don't sit in Cherno sniping noobs. Too bad you cared more about your vehicles than good/fair gaming. I mean, we drove YOUR motorcycles up to your camp. You can see it sitting there in the video. At this point I could care less if you unban me. Your server is shit and was lagging bad anyways. The only good that might come of this is if Rocket realizes private servers are not the way to go in the long run. Hell, Id be happy to pay $5-$15 a month for official managed servers without BS like this.
  12. So much duping and exploiting happened with Lets have a fresh start with the next release.
  13. lexxer

    Server Hoppers/Flankers

    Just hope Rocket comes up with something. Only way to counter is to leave an area immediately if someone ALT-F4's on you. Silly and ridiculous.
  14. Mostly agree. Although most of those dupes took a little effort. The major one introduced in was happening without even trying.
  15. Nah I havent even played in a few days. Kinda pointless when people have tents with 50 NVG in them.
  16. lexxer

    What happened last night?

    Lots of duping is what happened.
  17. The amount of outright murdering and killing on sight is caused by the fact that there is no penalty for doing so. In reality, I like to think only complete pyschopaths would grab a sniper rifle, a guillie suit and go sit in the woods waiting to murder other humans. I like to think in reality only pyschopaths would take a hatchet and stick it in someones face for a can of beans in a store full of cans of beans. In reality, serial murderers are considered pyscopathic and usually end up in prison or a mental hospital. In Dayz, the penalty for NOT killing everyone you see is your own death. The penalty for killing everyone you see is lolz and maybe some free loot. My Suggestion: Mental Illness. Yes thats right kids...mental illness. After murdering enough people maybe some twitching at inopportune times (weapon sway or blurred vision). Possibly a random fit of rage (black out or rolling on ground). Talking to yourself in gibberish or some random screaming/ranting. The more people you kill, the worse and more often the effects would get. Might need to find yourself some Jack Daniels or Morophine/drugs to calm yourself for awhile. Use enough of that you might become a mental pyschopathic drug addict or alcoholic!
  18. Lets cater to the people with shitty internet... NOT.
  19. lexxer

    Tent city levelled.

    Setting up a camp is worthless right now. All it takes is one person running radar hacks (see everything on map) to ruin your fun. Sure people can also find them legit...but one grenade and a few days of stocking up is gone. Suggestion: Tents should not be destroyable like that. Even if flattened they should maintain whats inside. they should also disappear when you die.
  20. lexxer

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    All those complaining Zombies shouldn’t run indoors….PUUULEASE. That is the one thing that makes Zombies super NOT-SO-SCARY. As it is you can just run everywhere, pull 30 zombies and run into a house and mow em’ all down. Not taking into account glitches and bugs zombies would be almost perfect if: 1.They didn’t have to stop to attack. If this can be fixed they should be slowed down just a tad. 2.They move at same speed indoors as outdoors. This would be dangerous and lead to certain death for those without a weapon. At that point maybe some kind of starter weapon should be reintroduced (melee flashlight?).
  21. lexxer

    How do tents work?

    Basically works like this: 1. You place tent in a tree in the middle of nowhere that you are sure no one will find. 2. Place some cool items inside. 3. Hacker with radar script comes and cleans it out. 4. Profit! (or not).
  22. lexxer

    NY7 Nuked.

    Yep. Everyone dead.