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Sam Maunder

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Everything posted by Sam Maunder

  1. Sam Maunder

    DayZ Forums Open!

    Welcome! The DayZ Forums are now open for business. You can now keep track of your favourite zombie mod and share all those wonderful horror stories you know you have! Check the forum for updates on DayZ and to just hang out with the ever growing DayZ community. Well Done Adam for creating not only the forums but the entire DayZ website; without you none of this would be around right now! Sam Maunder DayZ Development Team
  2. Sam Maunder

    Introduce yourselves

    Hey there! I'm Sam Maunder (S. Maunder in game) and I'm an Admin for DayZ. I work mainly in Marketing and Public Relations and usually the one you see replying to emails and tweeting. I like killing zombies too! Woohoo!