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About seanbean

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  1. seanbean

    How to get rich?

    well.. you are a just a bit late on that one
  2. seanbean

    I am looking to join someone elses group

    I am also looking for some guys to team up with. skype- it.s.chris steam- http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198046449103
  3. seanbean

    West coaster LFG

    hey man I havnt played in about 2 months but I am looking for some people to get back into the game with. I am 24 and west coast as well, add my skype if thats cool. it.s.chris
  4. seanbean

    Players bodies disappearing?

    this happens when the player disconnects right after getting killed so you dont get their loot
  5. seanbean

    Worst Weapon In Dayz

    M9SD is great. learn to aim for the head
  6. seanbean

    Damage reduction?

    maybe walk backwards and wait for the zombie to stop for a second then just pop it in the face? quite easy.. zombs usually zig zag when you yourself are zig zag running away
  7. seanbean

    Loot Cycling?

    well I ran into a guy loot cycling the NW barracks.. he had a tent right outside of the door.. that didnt work out too well for him
  8. seanbean

    M4A3 CCO or M14 EP1

    2nd the m14
  9. seanbean

    Can anyone explain this?

    sounds like a cheater was messing with you
  10. you can also put the latest version number (95168) into your filter - host options to find working servers
  11. servers probably need to update , try again tomorrow