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Everything posted by Pegasususus

  1. Pegasususus

    The pc i am building is it Good for arma

    What is wrong with canyourunit? It works fine.
  2. Pegasususus

    I have become a monster..

    O no hes gonna murder our pixels! Everypony run for your lives!!!
  3. I see dayz players say this all the time, mostly the roleplayers. What about dayz is different from other games that makes it a simulator?
  4. Meeting 7 year old girls is the only reason I play dayz.
  5. If you kill somebody in cod they just respawn in like 5 seconds. Killing people in dayz is way more satisfying because you can make them lose so many hours of work on there character. It makes me e-peen hard.
  6. Pegasususus

    what exactly is end game in dayz?

    Farm act 3 inferno.
  7. Pegasususus

    This is a simulator not a game.

    o i c, didn't know that. I read a post saying this wasn't a game and it confused me.
  8. Pegasususus

    This is a simulator not a game.

    Is hardcore diablo a simulator as well?
  9. Pegasususus

    This is a simulator not a game.

    I thought this was like spy kids 3 where when you die you die in real life.
  10. Pegasususus

    This is a simulator not a game.

    Lol ok, so how is arma 2 a combat simulator? Give me some actual reasons this time.
  11. Pegasususus

    My First Adventure

    Based on your logic you should just kill yourself in real life because you will eventually die one day.
  12. Pegasususus

    Friendly fire.

    Do you have an authenticator?
  13. Pegasususus

    This is akward

    Cool fake video bro.