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Everything posted by assibaer3

  1. Hello Survivors, first of all: I know this was already posted but that post that was made before doesnt solve the problem for me! so please dont delete this... ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ So the problem is I cant start Arma 2 Oa (Steam version) because there comes the error : bin\config.bin/cfgingameui/mptable.shadow" and shortly after that error there comes this one : Error compiling pixel shader PSSpecularAlpha:0! So I searched hours in google and did everything they say BUT the problem doesnt go away! I tried: -Re-installing (downloading) Arma 2 and Arma 2 Oa -Run steam as administrator -installing latest drivers for gpu -of course restartet my pc and delete the whole steam folder and did everything new So for gods sake, please help me :( I dont want to nerv because this is the 2nd time this is posted but I want this problem fixed and i cant fix it on my own so pls help me :(( THANK YOU very much (: and by the way: im german , sorry for my terrible english I attached two photos which show the error screens
  2. assibaer3

    Pending Update: Build

    update out? sixlauncher says
  3. BIG PROBLEM! To all guys who found a heli! It will not be safed after a server restart! No matter what you do after a server restart the heli is full damaged back on the island! THIS MUST BE FIXED! sry for double post
  4. We have a BIG PROBLEM! To all guys who found a Helicopter it will not be safed! If you fully repaired it and flew it to your base or sth it will disappear after a server restart! THIS MUST BE FIXED!
  5. right, im angry too, because no one answers the question when they will be added!!!?
  6. Helicoptersss?` When will they be added? pls answeeerrr
  7. assibaer3

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Can someone answer the question? WE WANT TO KNOW THAT!
  8. Any infos to the helis yet?`They said they begin adding them 9am GMT
  10. I also wait for a official instruction whats up with the choppers now!
  11. assibaer3

    [] Helicopters available?

    that means tomorrow?
  12. assibaer3

    [] Helicopters available?

    from who do u know that?
  13. assibaer3

    [] Helicopters available?

    Anyone found a heli today?
  14. assibaer3

    [] Helicopters available?

    Anyone else found helis today?
  15. assibaer3

    [] Helicopters available?

    explain where u find him?
  16. assibaer3

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    I want to know too! Can anyone answer?
  17. assibaer3

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Does someone just answer the question if the helis are in now? Yesterday they said tomorrow which means today! I just want to know if the server(if he is up to date) now spawn helis? thx
  18. assibaer3

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Why are no helis spawning? server is up to date, restartet and everything ! but no helis on every spawn place!
  19. assibaer3

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    i dont know! when are they going to add the choppers? i know its today but when?