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About Bobosaur

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  1. Bobosaur

    everyone on server was just killed?

    It was a hack-bomb.. Has happened to me a few times and it really sucks. I don't understand how linking to the cheating sub-forum would help because I certainly had no clue who did it.
  2. Bobosaur

    Cant pitch my tent

    I'm more of an extenze kind of guy
  3. Bobosaur

    Music you listen to while playing DayZ

    I don't listen to anything. Got to be alert to my surroundings.
  4. Painkillers stop your character from shaking... Try taking off post process effects to remove blurry vision. The low vision might be due to your low blood. Are you saying even after you died and respawned, you still have blurry vision?
  5. Bobosaur


    Worst enough they take up your secondary slot...
  6. Bobosaur

    What was your dumbest death?

    Those god damn castles are a death trap!!! I don't think we should camp out in zub anymore.
  7. Bobosaur

    New Food Ideas

    Why no canned vodka?
  8. Thanks for the server, works really nice!
  9. I've had a lot of FAIR deaths in the game but only a few gave me a "WTF?" moment. 1) Proned to go under a bridge and went to crouch position and died instantly 2) Fell 4 feet down a sharp inclined mountain and died instantly 3) The asshole bandit sniping my group suddenly disconnects, joins another server to our position (the power plant) and then relogs onto the server we were on and kills us from behind... Share your WTF death moments!
  10. Bobosaur

    Can't connect with brother on same IP

    Well earlier today I had much luck playing with my brother, but let me try rebooting my router as well. It tends to happen when the DayZ character servers are slow. (When joining a server makes you wait 10 minutes+ on "Waiting for server response") Well I also have a linksys WRT54GL v6 router. Maybe it is our router's problem? Okay update and good news: Fixed so far... http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?125021-Two-computer-s-cannot-connect-to-one-server "To get around this, modify your ArmA2 shortcuts and add " -port=2350" to one of the computers. The number doesn't really matter, just as long as it's different from the other computers which will use 2302, 2304, 2305 by default. This will change the client port (though it's not documented) and allow you to connect to Internet servers. Well, at least it should ;-)"
  11. Basically most servers (seems to be the US ones) prevents us from playing games together. We live in the same house on the same IP. For example, if I'm already in the game playing, the red disconnect icon would appear, and say "No message received XX seconds", once he tries to connect to the same server I'm in. Any help and suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.