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About danredda

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. danredda

    Which chat to use?

    Direct to talk to players around (<80m) Vehicle when in a vehicle Group does nothing (as far as I'm aware)
  2. Maybe you did not uninstall 95883 (delete beta folder) before you reverted? in that case it would be just 95883 with maybe a little extra code (i think).
  3. hmmm... this makes sense. I had to force-quit due to load screen, and i spawned half the map away and lost my coyote backpack.
  4. run S/E until you get back on the map. The debug plains are near 800900 (not saying exact grid due to potential abuse).
  5. Sniper is just the name given to players in ghillie suits, not hackers...this is a cheap move.
  6. danredda

    World War weapons

    Wait, you list all these guns, and don't include one of the most iconic guns of WWII, the M1 Garand? Sounds good, but a lot of work involved. Maybe in the standalone, but it would be too much to add into the mod (unlikely these are in arma 2 currently)
  7. danredda

    Server resets

    I honestly think the best thing to do is to leave it for now until most of the bugs have been ironed out etc. Although, as DayZ standalone is being developed now, it is likely that a reset may happen when that is released.
  8. danredda

    So, killed a hacker..

    My inventory is identical except i don't carry other clothing on me. Everything except the soldier is legit (although there are rumours of soldier spawning on heli crashes). Keep the gear and have fun.
  9. danredda

    Admin Cheater : US1672

    http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/22386-admin-abuse-what-you-need-to-know/ Understand what admins can do before you call them out for "cheating" etc.
  10. danredda

    Just how rare is the SVD camo?

    Sorry I didn't specify. yes this is what I was referring to. I loved my SVD due to it's ability to hide me better (camo), but once i found an AS50 (173k damage), I've never looked back.
  11. danredda

    Just how rare is the SVD camo?

    Only ever found one in the barracks ONCE in over 2 months of playing. While it has a built-in rangefinder, it is probably not used as much as AS50/M107 due to its inability to zero and zoom.
  12. is it starting with DayZ logo in the top-right corner on the menu screen?
  13. That mario effect is perfect!
  14. danredda

    Alt + F4 issue

    Been suggested a lot. I honestly feel (if it can be implemented) that if you are within x metres (x probably being 100m or less) of gunshots, your body should wait 30 secs before disappearing but if you are farther away then you are fine (no delay). I also feel that if you disconnect bleeding, you should continue to bleed until you bandage yourself (making alt-F4 a lot harder as you would lose too much blood to disconnecting and restarting the game to survive easily). TBH though, I have hardly encountered alt+F4s (one-hit-kill guns work wonders :P ENFIELD FTW!)
  15. There (occasionally) is an NPC who runs around the map, gets in vehicles etc. Sometimes he has good gear and other times not so good. Anyways, these messages (from experience) have shown up whenever we have shot this NPC. Kinda amusing when you see him at/near the top of the zombie kill scoreboard (I think the name is george smith or something).