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Everything posted by Tatakt

  1. Tatakt

    Caps, Town and Bandits

    would be cool with some fortress/small town with walls that survivors could meet up at or something :P and bandits should definatly be recogniseable (sorry for sh!t english :D)
  2. another bunch of pussy DC'ers. GJ though guys, im just angry that all these kids always DC when they cant win a firefight...
  3. i understand your frustration about getting killed by a lowlife server hopper, BUT! if you quit JUSt because of that and are one of those people who are too attached to gear, then good bye to you.
  4. Tatakt

    Fear and Fire Starting

    man, my survivor is not that scared that he screams and throws himself to the ground :D! the Fire thing is a good idea though. but the fear part is not something that every player would like..