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Everything posted by Tatakt

  1. Tatakt

    Locking your Backpack

    Seems like a good idea to notify you if someone click ur pack, or simple make like and yes/no popup box wether you allow them to reach in your pack..
  2. Tatakt

    Can't run combined ops!

    right click OA in your steam library and click "run arma 2 combined operations"
  3. Tatakt

    My character CLONES gear

    Seems wierd, happend to me aswell, i could join 2 different servers one server i started on the beach and collected gear, other server i still had my old gear, and it was kidna random which i got, but it solved itself after i died on both those strange characters :S
  4. Tatakt

    City & house

    i like the idea about a santuary for non bandits, but the part about building ur own towers and stuff, i think is hard to make real. but i dont know, sounds cool though.
  5. Tatakt

    So.. bear traps eh?

    that looks scary :(
  6. So i see the ghillie says "fixed" but i hear rumors that if you log off with it on, you still lose the ghillie suit ? is this true?
  7. Tatakt

    Don't Stream snipe!

    but you cant point fingers and say that it was a viewer, it could have been just a regular player on the server who shot the streamer, just because he dies doesnt mean he got stream sniped
  8. Tatakt

    Don't Stream snipe!

    the definition of stream sniping, is ( someone who watches a livestream, finds the server the LIVESTREAMER is playing on, find him, and then shoot him up) thats what stream sniping is, the stuff you wrote was confusing
  9. Tatakt

    Don't Stream snipe!

    ahh Hyperion that might have been it, :P just hard to read it that way.
  10. Tatakt

    Can my computer run DayZ?

    your kinda wrong...
  11. Tatakt

    Getting the Basic Gear is too easy

    its basicly just because you got more experienced and know where to look, and how to. i dont think the difficulty have changed, i remember when i started aswell. it seemed harder, but now you learn the game...
  12. Tatakt

    Why I'll now Hack, dupe, and exploit

    ohh damn, what did just read..
  13. Tatakt

    Idea for Whiskey Still's

    seems like a fun idea, im in for it man +1
  14. Tatakt


    DC'ers.... nothing to do here... <_<
  15. Tatakt

    DayZ - Meaningful Gameplay

    i liked this post a lot ;) and i agree with it all! :D
  16. m14 + as50! would been my choise
  17. lol that was hilarious :P but good to sie people die like men and now alt f4!
  18. Tatakt

    Real Life DayZ Awsome xD

    lol epic video :D
  19. Tatakt

    Is the ghillie suit not ingame anymore?

    im pretty sure they are, im watchign quite a lot of livestreams where they find them :P i dont know about the CAMO one, but ghillie is definatly still in game
  20. Tatakt

    Sniper Zeroing

    Stupid question :D but what default key is Zero set to ?
  21. Tatakt

    Decrease enfield damage.

    i think most of the guns in this game does "realistic" damage, if you get shot irl by an enfield in the chest or head you most likely die to one shot, i dont think any guns need tweaking since its a realistic element of the game.
  22. Tatakt

    4 Days of surviving

    Cant female characters use ghillies ?
  23. Tatakt

    DayZ roadblocks, why?

    we will definatly throw our washing machines and stuff to fill up the roads in a real apocalypse :P