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Everything posted by Tatakt

  1. Tatakt

    my encounter with another survivor

    i know whats next. zombies are actually ghosts too, they can also walk through walls and any materials, just wait and see ;) also they cant run inside buildings :o!
  2. Tatakt

    Appearing on Maps

    Server option.
  3. not sure if Trying to troll or trying to troll.?
  4. Tatakt

    Heli Crash Site

    some of the loot may be hidden some strange places around the heli, i found an AS50 that i couldnot actually see, which someway was inside the soil :P just mousescroll and walk around it for some time aiming everywhere posible on the ground and around the heli.
  5. Tatakt

    SVD camo

    Hmm i found 5 mags for it in a ammo box in NWAF barracks, but i didnt pick up the ammo since i ofc dont have the guns ;/ i could have given them to you but man i dont remember the server name and i kinda would guess someone already picked them up.. but i dont know man, only seen the ammo for it that one time today ever. so maybe just store it in a tent on your favorite server till you find some ammo.
  6. Tatakt

    Air Drops, a way to mix-up the PvP and camping

    i dont know man, seems like a cool idea, but would i guess somewhat ruin a bit of the "apocalypse" factor from the game, or is it just me ? seeing planes flying over you. but overall seems like a cool idea. -an indeed should be a VERY rare event happening. not something common.
  7. this^ oh and btw, before heading out in the "woods" and north and so on, always stock up on medic supplies from hospitals, i always go with at least 3 morphine before i head out. blood bags i dont care about since i rarely play with a group. just get hatchet/knife/matches and kill animals for meat that cooks, and gives 800 blood = survival gone easy. -dont look for morphine in towns with no hospitals, i never seen morphine other places then in barracks rarely, and hospitals, or chopper crashes. i dont think it spawns in residential/factory areas.. so quit looking there.
  8. Tatakt

    Can I join my friend?

    he tells you which server he plays on/joins, then you type the name in your server filters. and if your using dayz commander/six launcher, then there is a bar you can type in, write the name there example LU 92...
  9. Tatakt

    Weapon Help

    AK-74 kobra, shotguns are only good for killing zombies, but lets be honest, no one compares weapons for zombie killing.
  10. Tatakt

    A way to spice up DayZ endgame.

    my endgame is: A good imagination.
  11. Tatakt

    There are jets and aeroplanes

    there is no need for flying vehicles in this game. Arma has them, but this is a zom(bandit)bie apocalypse.
  12. Tatakt

    Why is Sixlauncher not updating?

    im pretty sure is not out yet, therefore no update.
  13. Typical for me: Cayote backpack if im lucky or alice. 2 primary weapons, my current 2 primarys are Bizon- FN Fal, and a M9 non silenced. got 4 mags forthe m9, 3 for FN fal, and 3 for the bizon. i got a full toolbelt. only have binocs nothing else there. i have 4 cooked meats, a water bottle, and 2 pepsi's and 2 bean cans, and 4 frag grenades, and some medic supplies.. cant really say my usual gear, but i almost always get like an enfield and a m1911 or revolver to start off, alice backs arent even rare so that too. and i hit up a market and go north if i have compass/map. even though maps are useless almost atfer figuring the city and terrain out.
  14. Tatakt

    Goats Eat EVERYTHING

    wow, im going goat hunting now i guess.
  15. Tatakt

    SixUpdater virus

    your anti virus program must be bad man.. what are you using ?
  16. i dont see the patch out yet, so you must be wrong, ghillies and camo will spawn in, and we're still at where they dont SPAWN but they are in the game, if someone already had them from previous patch, stored in tents/vehicles, or on them.
  17. Tatakt

    Why don't I just go play some DayZ?

    if you have six launcher, or some other launching program, your game should update automaticly. and when/if your using six launcer, go all the way to the side of the serverlist, and press the filter thingy in the top and make all the highest version be on top. and try those.
  18. Tatakt

    shotgun don't damage?

    what ?
  19. Tatakt

    3rd Person

    just look around in the options, under controles, im sure the option is there, and just bind it to something else.
  20. Tatakt

    Thoughts on DayZ

    Sandboxes dont need goals.
  21. Tatakt

    Being nice is not rewarding -.-

    its a survival game, you were there to take there meat, they shot you so they didnt have to share. and could survive longer... life after an apocalypse :) ofc they shot you.
  22. okay folks, lets get this myth sorted... DOES ghillies really spawn after latest patch ? i know they are still in the game, that is not what i am asking, i am asking if they still spawn. People stored them in cars tents/ carried over from last patch. discuss please...
  23. Thanks for the source man :)! end of topic i guess. ohh and here is the link. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/42806-pending-update-build-1724/#entry405874
  24. did you get them off residential buildings where thet supposed to spawn ? :) after latest patch that is.
  25. Tatakt

    A message to rocket.

    if you want to avoid pvp, get your friends that your supposely surviving/rping with, and log into a very low populated server, and stay in the middle/north part of the map.