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Everything posted by Tatakt

  1. Tatakt

    betrayel to freindlys with a uaz

    Fail, for killing people helping you out that much. Fail for failing. even more fail for posting your fail.
  2. Tatakt

    Word on helicopters?

    next patch, coming the following days. http://dayzmod.com/f...ate-build-1724/ * [NEW] Radar removed from helicopter (UH1H will be added back to vehicle spawns)
  3. i gave him advice, either you take the advice, or leave it.
  4. Tatakt

    Banned from US 904

    play a different server ?
  5. Tatakt

    thanks for the stuffs dear dupers/hoarders

    wow, thats some loot :o you think some of it is duped ? or they just took a long ass time to aquire the stuff ?
  6. dude, dont log out immediatly after looting stuff, i think it takes some time for the database to save your loadout.
  7. would be sick cool if it was like a map with a snowy landscape up north, that has a lot of trees on mountain sides, and some big open areas with snow covering the ground, there should be few small towns. and in the middle of the map, the snow blends in with the southern area where there is no snow, and more frequent buildings/small towns and more country'ish area, and then finally in the south region, a major city(like cherno, but bigger) and some more city's medium size. i think the size of the map in DayZ as it is, is fine, but could be a bit bigger. there should be only be a south coast not an easter or western coast on the map.
  8. Bring back the side channel to join, and chat in game, brings backs some more social aspect, some people dont have mic's or dont want to use them, in the end it makes it harder to get friendly with other players, we need some social thing in the game to encourage us to make IG friends..
  9. Tatakt

    Dayz Question

    in arma 2, if you create a new profile carries over the same items, it only changes your name and look in game. gear/characters are attached to your CD key for your game.
  10. Tatakt


    hatchet is a melee weapon, it doesnt shoot, it only requires reloading.. also the greater the distance, the greater the bullet drop on guns, some rifles even have zeroing, to match up your scope/ironsights with the distance of your target... try playing arma 2 and train your aiming before going into DayZ
  11. Tatakt

    Arma 2 before Dayz took over?

    we're saying the DayZ forums never existed before Dayz, therefor we wasnt flooding the non existant forums with non existant topics/posts.
  12. Tatakt

    Average life expectancy?

    this is the reason, people spam respawning to get the desired spawn location, drags the number down, and thats why its only 49 minutes.
  13. Tatakt

    Need Help!!

    what does it say when you get kicked ? cant really help out from that little information.
  14. Tatakt

    Awesome being a bandit!

    you sir, deserve a dogshit, with a robe attached, as a fine medal for your deeds.
  15. Tatakt

    !Important Look!

    Starting gun, No thx. starting hatchet yes thanks ;). also yea you should be immune to getting killed for like a few sec when you log in, since the "setup completed" is there for some secs before you are in, even though your already in the game. log out should take some time like a timer when you alt-f4/abort you should stay in the game for like 10 sec.
  16. ? wth did i just try to read ?
  17. Tatakt

    Alt+F4, so sick of it.

    2 shots in the head? you sure about that? because to my knowledge any gun in the game is a oneshot to the head. and if you hit him in the head, he should not be able to alt-f4. but i dont know man, i agree with the fact that its sickening that people can get away with alt-f4 with no punishment still... hopefully a new patch soon comes out to fix the hell out of this. but unfortunately the forums are full of topics just like this, and this is no different then just pure complaining again ;/
  18. Tatakt

    I am a beginner. Tips?

    if you want to survive in the wilderness, you should look for the following: -Map for identifying your location, and where to go next. -Compass, to find N/S/W/E -hatchet, to chop up wood for making fireplaces to cook your meat -hunting knife to gut the animals you hunt, meat gives 800 blood. (no need for blood transfusion while solo) -matches, to light the fire ofcourse. else you would wanna just get some weapons, all weapons are effective against zeds, except for the crowbar. And if Zeds are after you, try running into buildings with 2 exits(may take time to get the buildings to know) but once you figured, then running in and out of buildings makes the Zeds just walk inside the building makeing and escape from them easy.
  19. Tatakt

    drinking from ponds

    okay, if we need everything we could do in real life in this game....... man i dont even know how to continue..
  20. Tatakt

    to whoever just shot me

    not sure if: try hard troll, or just plain "stewpit"
  21. Tatakt

    Lost Character?

    try joining another server, the server you joined may have been a non-hive server and it makes a new character, nothing harmed there. just find a regular server again and try join that.
  22. Tatakt

    Bring DayZ to console aswell!

    no.... just no...
  23. have you updated your BETA patch ? also which patch you running(beta), filter your server list by the latest beta patch, and try the latest ones if you have the recent update.
  24. Tatakt

    Need help! odd graphical glitch

    try going into your options at turn the "video memory" to default, and see if that helps, if its already on default, then put it on one of the other options. worked for me, i had it on very high, and put it on default. (its under video options ofc)