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Everything posted by Tatakt

  1. blahh.. i personally never shoot people who are running around with nothing, and hatchets or handguns only. i shoot people who look intimidating, and points guns towards my direction, or people i see kill other noobs/new spawns. i think people should get a chance to at least gather some supplies so they can fight back, and defend themselfs. killing people with no defense is just WEAK and pathetic.
  2. Tatakt

    Great game, but....

    if you cant find an in game map, print one from the internet, quite a few out there. and also you might just be unlucky, because maps are easy to find in ex. Stores, corner bars, civilian houses. just keep looking, dont expect everything you specificly want come jumping at you.
  3. Tatakt

    Respawn disabled? WHY???

    Because it encourages people who already have gear and stuff, to be more careful and not die as often, and also prevents missclicking the respawn when fully decked out walking around in the north west corner of the map. :P also, if your lazy at walking, in a game - dont play dayz.
  4. yup, same for moi, my mate named a server he was playing on - it didnt show up. so i went into the game itself instead of dayzcommanders, and searched by the multiplayer filter, where i found it... very strange ;)
  5. Tatakt

    admin abuse in (SA 1)server

    which genre of music did the band play ?
  6. Tatakt

    Server "Waiting on Host"

    and that has to be because your server is not the same version as your own playing account is. i think.
  7. Tatakt

    M107 with larger clip...

    i had a similar bug i guess, my m24 had 27 bullets in it before i had to reload :/
  8. found it in stary tents, can it spawn after 1714? or is it hacked.
  9. Tatakt

    L115A2 LRR is this legit ?

    alright, and yea its a hive server. strange because it just look like it spawned there, but i may be wrong. well i guess ill get rid of it then.
  10. Tatakt

    Weapon nerf needs to be removed

    its ARMA that has been updated to nerf the guns, not DayZ, and i heard rumers that rocket should be solving this in hotfix or something.
  11. Tatakt

    Home Sweet Home...

    wow bro, you playing on a potato?
  12. Tatakt

    M4A1 Holo - Not legit, right?

    legit weapon :) no worries there.
  13. Tatakt

    Blood Regeneration

    a good way to gain blood, is to gut animals and cook their meat, all you need is a hatchet(for wood) matches(for fire) knife(for gutting) then cook the meat over your fireplace, and eat it after, it gives 800 blood back. :)
  14. servers have to restart and also install the patch, i guess will be some hours before there are some more servers have it up to date
  15. Tatakt

    DayZ explosion montage

    2 AS50 TWS's found at a heli crash..... seems legit bro..........
  16. Tatakt

    Backpacks won't open

    if your not looting a pile, then opening your backpack wont apear as it would looting from a pile, where you see the inventory of the backpack in the right of your inventory, instead it will just say how many slots is left on the top left. and you just press the left arrow from the items in your inventory to drop them in the pack.
  17. Tatakt

    Group of cheaters in DE 616 server

    the only suspicious thing is that they came back with same equipment. the rest is posible with no hacks..
  18. Tatakt

    Map Loading

    here is the question, have you actually looted a "map" in the game? if not, that is the reason :)
  19. Tatakt

    FN FAL price check

    definately worth a couple of mountain dews.
  20. Tatakt

    DayZ explosion montage

    Lets hope these 2 kids get banned the heck out of, as soon as possible :)
  21. Tatakt

    First impressions

    i hope this dude leaves DayZ and the forums and never comes back, he is obviously either try hard trolling or plain retarded and new to the internet.
  22. Tatakt

    Looking for a specific server

    download Dayzcommander, a greate game launcher, with very effective filters, that work most of the time, you can set whatever settings you want.
  23. Tatakt

    has the L85 been removed from the game properly?

    its still in the game, dont know why it bugged out for you.