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Everything posted by Tatakt

  1. Tatakt

    Broken leg... Now what?

    which city you in? find a hospital, there is 100% always morphine there. -also for more weapons, just find a map like this http://dayzdb.com/map hit up every deer stand nearby your location. and hit up baracks in NW airfield, and the hangars. -barns are great for starter weapons, like lee enfields, cz550's winchesters and so on.
  2. Tatakt

    Are patches all-inclusive?

    dayzcommander will do everything for you, when you launch dayzcommander press the version thingy, and it should say what parts are out of date and such, and there will be an option to press update.
  3. Tatakt

    Anyone else use xbox controller

    sure, i use xbox controller for my xbox, and i use keyboard and mouse for my pc. thats what theyre made for ;)
  4. Tatakt

    Hacker on SE 49

    confirmed, i was on the server myself...
  5. Tatakt

    Isn't this game just great?

    the only "rare" thins must bee the m4SD and the holo, and the 2 camo suits, nothing else of ANY value.
  6. if your a DC'er drown, just DROOOOOOWN in your own puke in that bathroom.
  7. it is too late in the alpha to remove snipers, it will draw way too many players off the game. like diablo did with attack speed nerf. - when its implemented, removeing it is devastating..
  8. Tatakt

    Artifacts +++ Dayz unplayable.

    i usually have video memory on default, then i change it to very high, and back to default. sometimes solves the problem.
  9. Tatakt


    well dont blame rocket, he is not the one running Battleeye, the supposedly anti hacker program, which obviously doesnt work. but i think he should change to punkbuster or something else, battleeye is ancient crap.
  10. Tatakt

    US 281 hackers

    Raiding a hacker camp doesnt do anything to them unfortunately?. since they can just hack the shit right in again right ?
  11. Tatakt

    M4A1 SD or L85A2

    l85 is good for one thing - spotting, its insane for this, if you use the heat signature scope on it. its not a good gun for anything else then that.
  12. Tatakt


    i think the zeds/infected of DayZ are more of the "infected by a virus, human" kind of zombies, not the living dead coming out of their graves at night, type.
  13. Shoot the bad guys, leave the unarmed people alone. go to electro the famous sniper hill is swarmed by people in ghillies with their lovely snipers taking out unarmed people, and people with hatchets, i do this all the time, most of the time they got phat lewt on them aswell ;)
  14. Tatakt

    FR 82 no vehicles?

    someone found them, before you which means they are no longer at the spawns. they will only respawn if they are destroyed and the server then restarts.
  15. maybe some people just found your camp? not everyone serverhops to find camps..
  16. i see your frustration, but accusing every swedish server of being a hack server, is a bit drastic isnt it ? -hackers arent server specific, they just roam around everywhere.
  17. Tatakt

    Character Classes

    Grimlok i see you everywhere on the forums, try hard trolling and being negative, find your "kick" somewhere else, we dont need you in the dayz community..
  18. i know sir :D jk.. -and i agree, make it a secondary slot.
  19. THAT is a hell of a lot of zombies. i dont even think there is that many bullets in the world to kill that many..
  20. depends on the server, some servers are just freakin slow, have no idea why this is.. sometimes a rejoin of the server fixes it..
  21. Tatakt

    Humans are the enemy in DAYZ not the Zs

    another of the many identical topics, about the same thing... yes bandits are the only danger in this game.
  22. it is still annoying for the player that gets shot, just so you can get your 5 murders up to 6, its just a number. its not like your going for his loots or anything.. i just think its dumb, and to to annoy people. shooting people that can defend themself and fire upon you is something else. and its fine that bandits shoot people in the distance that they can see have weapons or something, but shooting someone on the coast with nothing, is just waste of a bullet - and to the annoyance of the newly respawned.
  23. Tatakt

    About Alt+F4

    agreed man, i think that logout should have a time like 10 sec countdown before you get out, and same for when you alt-f4 your characters stays in the game for AT LEAST 10 sec, making people have to log out in safe places and stuff... the alt-f4ing is like a fassion now. every single elektro/ghillie suited snipers always insta alt-f4 as soon they get shot at.. redicilous.
  24. Tatakt

    Screen Tearing

    seems like the new patch brough back a lot of graphical glitches, a lot of screen tearing and polygons filling the screen, try change up your video settings and restart the game, worked for me a most of the time.
  25. Tatakt

    Starting weapons

    makes the game more challenging to start with no weapons, and it makes you stealth a little more, so you dont just run through a city(even though most people run anyway through cities :P) but, there should definately not be starter weapons, we already had that, and it was taken out for a reason.