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50 Good

About Tatakt

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Somewhere in the woods
  • Interests
    DayZ, BF3, D3, Girlfriend, Family, Dog :p
  1. Tatakt

    Camo clothing protects against zombies hits?

    it doesnt, i've been using a camo clothing all day, still bleeds/lose health from zombies.
  2. Tatakt

    Invulnerable player

    pointless topic.. sorry..
  3. Tatakt

    US 2248 Heli Crash w/ Mk48

    lol who would make a forum post about a heli crash in a server ? who cares.. really
  4. And you love caps dont you?
  5. Tatakt

    you were kicked off the game

    i dont know man, i did as the guy said about the steam version, that worked for me.. so i dont know about yours :S i would recommend reinstalling arma 2 all over, tehre can be files missing, i thinks atleast thats what the steam thing can repair though.
  6. Tatakt

    you were kicked off the game

    okay going to try this, thx man :)
  7. Tatakt

    you were kicked off the game

    yea and its hella anoying because i wanna play dayz!!!
  8. so i just came back after a couple of days off of dayz, and i updated to and latest beta patch. the thing is EVERY single server i try to join.. no exceptions, i get this message. "you were kicked off the game" instantly, anyone havign same issue? or know a solution. and no, im not banned globally, and put your hacker excuses aside because im a legit player, and have never cheated in any way. so please keep this mature.
  9. Tatakt

    "You were kicked off the game"

    so im searching the forums aswell for this, i have the same problem, and i've NEVER hacked, seems to be some strange problem.. and stop automaticly accusing everyone for hacking because they get kicked.
  10. Tatakt

    Weird Graphics

    besides the artifacting, i would suggest buying arma 2 instead of the free version, because that right there, looks like SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! with / without the artifacting. -and yes it is worth the money to buy arma2. you will be more pleased. And also what is your computer specs, we need them to find out what it could be.
  11. Tatakt

    need 1 Partner with good gear

    lol just reconnect......
  12. Competitive ? where do you see that in Dayz?
  13. Tatakt

    Trading Ghillie Suit and Camo Clothing

    let me give you an even better thing to do, so you can keep your ghillie/camo's just go NORTH to the pobeda dam area, and just wander around in the hills and shit, tons of camps with every gun you can imagine, there is rarely a server which doesnt have a camp somewhere up there.
  14. Tatakt

    If it wasn't for the hackers...

    dude, dont get attached to the gear you have, just play if you die to a hacker. get on up on the horse again, and go find yourself a loaded campsite and gear up again, pretty easy if you know where to look.. quitting the game because of hackers gives them the exact attention they want.