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About Paizley

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  1. Paizley

    Hackers on US 634.... I hate you

    I usually do... at the first encounter, I really wasnt sure untill it was too late.... it all happened too fast on the second encounter, i knew for sure, but really had nothing to lose at this point. would love to know if there is some kind of way to get my stuff back if you are a victim of shit house hackers. probly not though. would be too hard to prove you were a victim and not just killed.
  2. loaded up on US 634 with a mate.... fully equiped with everything and high value milatry weapons.... in a completely remote spot above the map we came across a guy following us who started shooting his AK at us... we both got cover and started unloading our clips into him.. after about 4 mags later we realised this guy must be a hacker. my mate disconnected and I eventually got killed. After respawn I was in Chern when all of a sudden all players got transported to somewhere where a group of guys in a helicopter started shooting us. all of us died except the shit as hackers. If your a hacker and you read this, I hate you and hope that you have a terrible life. I also hope you crash every car you own.
  3. Paizley

    US 1357 - Hacker check

    had similar thing happen on US 828 north west of Berezino at the town south of the NE air strip. we were hiding in the forest and had not moved for about 15 minutes when myself and 2 other mates hear some creepy as music and "WANT TO PLAY A GAME" in some creepy SAW voice. To my understanding you have to be reasonably close to receive Direct Comm (50 meters maybe). but we had all areas checked when we heard this... all of a sudden a shot was fired, and it seemed to be judging the sound that it was about 800 - 1000 meters away using a DMR or something similar. the shot missed us, but i think this was on purpose. to scare us. feeling very sus I disconnected game. I don't usually disconnect unless I feel an unfair advantage and i don't just mean the fact that this guy could see us and we didnt know where he was. but the sound coming through the direct chat was creepy and did not make sense how it was only directed on us and not on group. The only explanation is that there was a 2nd person more closer to us who was using the direct chat. Though i knew that this was very unlikely.
  4. Paizley


    I think with Fishing though you would need to have some sort of Bait that you can use for fishing. and possibly a Fishing box that goes into your toolbelt along with your Rod. have the fishing box enterable so you can go in and check out your bait and gear. hmmm, maybe thats a bit far. just Rod maybe. but deffinately make it so you can catch fish i rekon. great idea.
  5. Paizley

    Well, strange kill

    how would one prove that it was found and not spawned ?
  6. Paizley

    The Scariest Bandit Moment!

    yeah for sure... screw that guy who was trying to get you pretty much hostage without any backup... I would have kept shooting his corpse while he was dead in protest to wankers like that. latest bandit encounter for myself and my mates: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/57485-us-638-0208-bandit-encounter/
  7. Paizley

    Ultimate Ammo box find

    you should let the dev team know what server so action can be taken.... I would be pissed if i found out I died from someone who cheated his way through the game.
  8. Paizley

    The Scariest Bandit Moment!

    hahahaha, he started mumbling spells.... that is amazing. unless you crawled out of building he would kill you ?? he would have killed you anyways, good work on getting him first. If he is as good at chanting spells as he is at DayZ, I wouldnt worry too much. will probly turn himself into a vacume cleaner and then somehow fall into a lake with a shark.
  9. Paizley

    US 638 02/08 Bandit Encounter

    hahahaha, If i wrote the experience it most likely would have been about 4 sentances long. twas a great battle and very unfortunate for us. we had no choice in the matter of battle. 2 gillie suited war criminals in a forest in the middle of no-where heading in our direction in clear leafy sight. good work to the last survivor :thumbsup: you managed to kill all 3 of us in the end by yourself. Awesome times.
  10. Paizley

    Weirdest Thing Just Happened

    hahahaha this is awesome.. yeah hate the thing about not being able to pick up gillie suites from dead players...
  11. Paizley

    Broken Leg need help

    Crowding is as true as he says.... fixed me right up and helped me kill some zombies. Thank you again. Cheers, Tim
  12. Paizley

    Broken Leg need help

    LOL... I aint asking for no bandits to come shoot me. I have an alice pack, raw meat, compass, watch, map , binoculars, shotgun, heaps of bullets..... really its just stuff that i dont want to lose. I want to keep playing and my mate will be back on saturday night... can't wait that long for him to help save me.. though don't want to attract any dodgey guys who want to just take my gear...
  13. Hi guys, Sorry Im sure there has been too many people saying the same thing, but I have come really far in the game and have gotten a broken leg. I am near Gvozdno near the water hole and I have got heaps of equipment. My mate who i play with is away at the moment so i thought i would mission out solo and find some morphine and matches, though somehow after 1 hit i have a broken leg. If anyone is even close and has any morphine I would be mega appreciated and give you either some of my supplies or team up with you to go through some other villages. If nothing, can you create another profile and start a second survivor in which i can find morphine and bring it to myself by dropping it and then logging in with my first profile to pick it up ??? or is the saving process of DayZ linked only with your serial code ? Thanks heaps. Tim