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Everything posted by Javh20

  1. my friend spawned in the wilderness after the no respawn patch hit, hes been out there for days now trying to die.... since rocket decided to take out the only way to fix this problem and fuck over anyone who gets stuck in a glitch or spawn like that at least take the damn spawn out.....
  2. Javh20

    Bring back the respawn button

    unless theres nothing to jump off of.. like in wilderness
  3. Javh20

    Too much complaining about 3rd person view

    and id like a banhammer for elitist assholes that think its there game... people like playing video games booo hoooo
  4. Javh20

    Bring back the respawn button

    you can still spawn in debug areas and there are quite a few ways to get "stuck" in day z without logging
  5. Javh20

    Get rid of no respawn

    how about just a fix for the people that spawn in the wilderness or glitch in bugged locations
  6. Javh20

    Respawn Button POLL

    so what are people supposed to do in the wilderness spawn or if they get stuck? just sit there and wait about 2-3 hours to die? fun shit... bring back the respawn button or a fucking way to get out of bugged spawns and glitches
  7. Javh20

    Bring back the respawn button

    uhm than what are people who still spawn in the wilderness or spawn inside a building supposed to do? ive been trying to get my friend to play but he doesnt want to because hes stuck in the wilderness and has been trying to die for hours of game time and its been like 3 days since it spawned him there.... how about we put a character youve been working on for a week or two inside a glitched wall and let you sit there and die of natural causes oh im sure you'll just "suck it up"
  8. Javh20

    Wilderness spawn WTF?!

    theres no rocks grass trees nothing
  9. Javh20

    Wilderness spawn WTF?!

    no you don't my friend is still there trying to die and hes relogged 3 times
  10. Looking for a partner or a few to play dayz with and help me get adjusted to the game, im getting better but could a lot of help im 20 and use skype and teamspeak whichever works
  11. Javh20

    Looking for a partner(s)

    thanks for the reply, ill check it out :)
  12. Javh20

    Looking for a partner(s)

    forgot to mention i live in california