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Everything posted by Bororm

  1. Bororm

    Status Report - 12 Nov 2015

    My initial reaction is sorta the same. I don't think there needs to be any more incentive for "higher tier" loot. 90%+ of players already gravitate towards most slots/best camo/best weather gear, which surprise surprise is mil gear. Meanwhile, regular clothing "suffers" to an extent, with some items being nearly outright useless. I avoid camo/mil gear like the plague because I think it's incredibly dull to join those masses and I already take penalties for it. I'll have to wait and see how much of an issue it actually is before making a judgement, but if some how I get "nerfed" further for wearing a check shirt or whatever, that is going to be a rather big and ridiculous issue imo. I get the realism aspect of military gear being better, but it doesn't mean everything else should become useless in comparison. Something that is already nearly the case.
  2. Bororm

    Testing the Repeater's Accuracy

    I miss the mod where average engagements were regularly 200-300m with ironsights. Now a combination of differences makes the average engagement sprinting up to each other at sub 50m, and usually more like point blank. Nice shot.
  3. Bororm

    is .58 stable playable?

    Exp is likely a lot more prone to wipes than stable. I wouldn't expect a stable wipe till the patch, where as they could potentially wipe experimental for any number of reasons at any time.
  4. Bororm

    Status Report - 12 Nov 2015

    Not if they're anything like the mod, which is almost a guarantee that they will be. Helicopters were always easy to take down, especially with a machine gun. It was always especially easy to shoot out the pilot, but it was 2, 7.62 rounds, to a rotor to take them down. With drum mags and 60 round mags, the current assault rifles are essentially LMGs and they are still going to add actual LMGs. I don't see little birds lasting very long at all.
  5. Except that method doesn't apply to any other animation. I can manipulate my inventory with 2 hands on my rifle/melee weapon. It is just a shitty situation where you have to lower your hands to drop your weapon, because if I'm holding some one up and see them dropping their arms it's going to make me more jumpy. And I'm not very jumpy to begin with, but most people are waaay too jumpy. I'd also reckon most people don't realize this is the thing. So in my situation when I didn't and started telling the guy "huh, weird, it won't let me drop my gun" I'm sure that sounded pretty suspicious too. It's not the end of the world, but I think it would be a good change that makes sense. Or else letting other people manipulate your inventory like biohaze said at least.
  6. I'll add one thing. I recently surrendered to some people who I actually had the advantage over just to see what would happen. I walked in with my hands up and was pretty surprised to find that you can't drop your weapons/items with your hands raised which seems like a pretty stupid design decision to me. I wanted to throw my gun on the floor but couldn't do it. I kinda get the idea of not being able to manipulate your inventory because you're surrendering, but personally I think that level of restriction should be reserved for if you're actually bound. If some one wants to risk just keeping you in the hands up animation, they still have time if you try to perform an action and that should be a choice. I don't see much wrong with a person pretending to surrender, manipulating their inventory on the sly just because the person holding them up was too careless. To be clear in my case, I wasn't trying to be shady, I legitimately just wanted to drop my gun.
  7. That second video (and the first to an extent) is the reason why I don't typically surrender to other players. People just sorta fuck with you in the majority of cases. I usually KOS but I'll give people the chance to surrender if the opportunity comes up. When I do, I take the minimum from them and treat them with respect. I don't make goofy voices and try to pretend to be a hardass or whatever because I don't want that done to me. I can understand RPing and maybe some people are into being treated like that, but I want to give the people I'm holding up as much reason as possible to play along and have a good time. They should leave the experience feeling positive, so that next time maybe they'll play along again. That said, some times I'm too lenient and get shot for it. But it really doesn't bother me at all, because regardless of the outcome it's still a more interesting scenario than just shooting each other.
  8. Bororm

    Respawn Winchester

    It's winchestor .308 ammo. It stacks to 40 and is brown/copper kinda color. The box it comes in is gold/white, same general shape as mosin ammo.
  9. Bororm

    Respawn Winchester

    I've had best luck in cars. Never seen one in a deerstand. Honestly, their spawn rate is way too low imo. Many people prefer the blaze to them any ways, so it potentially creates one of the few scenarios where it comes down to personal preference but for some reason the devs think sniping is too op (even though in reality it sucks) and made them way too rare. I think I've found as many SVDs as I have winchestors.
  10. Bororm

    My Dayz Story (two years later)

    The same way you miss when multiple people tell you it's closer to 2 years not 3.
  11. I really hope they figure out something, for both grass and other foliage and discrepancies between player settings. It sucks not being able to trust any sort of concealment because you aren't actually sure how it's rendering for everyone else. For some reason I feel like I used to go prone a whole lot more in the mod without grass in my face being as much of a problem. I'm not entirely sure what the difference there is if any in the SA, but I find prone useless about 90% of the time for shooting in the SA for that reason.
  12. Bororm

    what's with the mannequin animals

    There seem to often be ghost animals. They'll generally run away, but some times if they create a "ghost" in their original position after leaving.
  13. Bororm

    My Dayz Story (two years later)

    While it would be nice to be able to climb ladders with stuff in your hands, it seems like a reasonable design decision to me that you can't. It's a bug/glitch that you're some times able to with something in your hands. You can throw items btw, and while it's sorta a bitch to throw items out of deerstands, and throwing is buggy in general, it is possible. You can cut bushes with knives for sticks, you don't need an axe. You can make a stone knife easily. Axes are still pretty common though honestly. The truck needed a battery/glowplug. It doesn't tell you that, but why should it really. If you try to start a car irl it doesn't tell you what's wrong. A visual representation of the missing parts under the hood would be cool though, and I think that is maybe planned? The game is about 2 years into development btw, not 3.
  14. Bororm


    Guy, you're the one who's being confrontational and hostile. I stated the obvious, that the current weapon damages suck and that I hoped the spear wasn't as awful as the current majority. You went off about magical holy lances and re-coding, then onto some weird agenda of yours about how the melee system is shit and some how I don't care and want bandaid solutions. I am suggesting what is inevitable, that they adjust current melee weapon stats within the system they've already created. Somewhat ironically, if you bothered to do the research you'd know that Hicks has said that the melee system is pretty much complete and they're all but done fucking with it. So it's wonderful if you want to start petty arguments by extrapolating bullshit that isn't there out of other people's comments because you have some weird hang up on the melee system, but do it to some one else.
  15. Bororm

    Shotguns are a Joke.

    When the rocks happen no damage is transferred to the player or items. It's almost definitely the shot hitting the gun. I've had it happen multiple times now. It's something else that should have an effect imo. It should damage the weapon, or create some sort of status effect. I'd almost like it to knock the gun out of your hand, but I feel like the amount of random times it happens would end up with that just being a frustrating mechanic more than anything. Maybe forcing you to lower the gun would work, but again might just feel too shitty. Damaging the weapon itself should be a thing though, degrading it a quality level at the very least.
  16. Bororm


    what the fuck are you talking about dude
  17. Bororm


    Was hoping they actually made another melee weapon that was viable. It doesn't need re-coding, it's a matter of just putting the damage stat at something that isn't total shit.
  18. Bororm

    Shotguns are a Joke.

    Just "you" who because the majority of the thread is in agreement that they suck.
  19. Bororm

    Who is Who? violator

    You don't, it's balogney and not supported by BIS. If those are public servers I think you can report them, assuming they're kicking/banning for playing the game.
  20. Bororm


    What's the damage like? Some one test it and see if its useless like all the other melee weapons besides the axe.
  21. Bororm

    Shotguns are a Joke.

    Yeah it would be reasonable if they had lower penetration, but they have 0 penetration. There was a period where it was doing one pellet for "regular" damage. Then there was a period where it was doing one super pellet, for absurd damage (even knocked over trees/trash cans etc). Then they tweaked regular damage a time or two. Overall though, it seems like there's some other bug going on where their characteristics just get out of wack. Maybe it's not properly registering multiple impacts like you say. The bottom line is that they are inconsistent from patch to patch though. And yeah, spread is atrocious. I mean the part that gets to me is that there have been periods where shotguns were pretty much just right.
  22. Bororm

    Shotguns are a Joke.

    The other thing about shotguns is they have no penetration. So if some one is in a pine they're like 90% shielded because it won't penetrate the branches.
  23. Bororm

    Shotguns are a Joke.

    I've pretty much made this same thread multiple times now, to the point where I don't bother any more. Seems like every other patch they are fucking up shotguns some how, even though I don't think they're actively doing anything to them the majority of the time. So I really don't understand why they are such a mess compared to other weapons. I gave the double barrel another chance last night and it failed me miserably. Shot a guy twice at about 20m or so. The first shot, only one pellet hit and it hit his rifle in his hands. The second one, it looked to be about 4 pellets hitting. 2 in his chest, 2 in his legs. I saw his clothes ruin and blood, he didn't care and shot me down then talked shit about "how did you think that was going to go?" I did have some success a few weeks ago inside a house, where I blasted 2 or 3 guys down, but it was basically head shots at about 5m. There was a rumor in another thread that shotguns do no damage to players limbs this patch. I don't really believe that but would be interested if anyone tested it.
  24. Bororm

    Shot guns

    I think they paint themselves into a corner with some of these weapons. I don't have a problem with not balancing weapons in terms of damage to maintain some level of realism, some weapons are going to be better than others just like in the real world, but it doesn't mean they need to add drum mags to everything. I don't know the capacities for regular mags, or drum mags for saigas but quick google showed 20-30 round drums being a thing. Consider the current state of pvp, which is to sprint up to each other and spray with assault rifles from the hip. There's no way a semi auto shotgun with a large capacity isn't going to just be ridiculously easy/devastating in this type of scenario. Even with the shitty shotgun damage/characteristics currently, spraying people down with this thing is going to be ridiculous. The other shotguns are pretty undesirable currently because of funky damage/spread/whatever issues, and if those issues are fixed they're going to carry over to the saiga making it even more powerful. If they aren't fixed, then the current shotguns will become even less desirable in comparison. TL;DR: The team has some weird ass problems with shotguns, and they need to stop adding drum mags.
  25. Bororm

    [Poll] Official servers 1pp only

    They'll still be empty and everyone who prefers 3pp (the majority) has to deal with non official servers, what an incredibly terrible idea. People need to quit trying to force people to like something just because they do, taste is subjective.