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Everything posted by Bororm

  1. Bororm

    Anybody els noticed the m249 Para is comming?

    The thing is he's going to be sprinting up to you, if you're not sprinting up to him, regardless.
  2. Bororm

    Anybody els noticed the m249 Para is comming?

    Considering the state of the game I really don't see much difference between it and an m4/aug with a 60 round mag, or an akm with a 75 drum. I doubt there will be significant differences in handling. This thing will just end up being a sprint and spray machine like everything else, except with a bit higher capacity. I personally feel it was the wrong time to implement it, and I'd rather see lower capacity, slower rate of fire weapons instead to try to curve the go to sprint and hipfire tactics that are prevalent. At least a little, until they work out their movement and stamina systems. The m249 could use stanag mags in the mod. When I left the mod there was a big shift there too, especially on mods of the mod like epoch etc where it was easier, to just use LMGs for everything. Hip firing them and just directing your stream of rounds onto the target, even at a distance. With LMGs in 7.62 knocking out in a single shot. I just really hope they try to curve that type of thing, so it's not all rambo engagements. Right now with the floating crosshair I have no doubt this thing is going to be ridiculously easy to keep on target.
  3. Bororm

    Status Report - 26 Nov 2015

    Dear Brian Hicks, When are you guys going to get rid of the floating crosshair, or at least reduce its effectiveness for aiming, or alternatively make it a server option instead? The game has turned into a hipfiring arcadey shooter. Sincerely, Bororm P.S. Still waiting on pulling chickens out of chicken coops.
  4. Bororm

    A big thank you

    If it makes you feel any better the sword is a piece of shit :[
  5. What's a bit ironic is Whyherro in the past has gone on about dying from a splinter yet some how thinks getting hit by multiple nails, in god know's what kind of condition, is a nonissue.
  6. Bororm

    Status Report - 26 Nov 2015

    Instead the opposite is going to be true. More zombies in an area=players there.
  7. Never mind this is just beyond retarded. Forget physics, the OP needs to learn common sense first.
  8. Option A: I hit you with a regular bat. Option B: I hit you with a nail bat. Which do you choose?
  9. You sure the diapers aren't for you being a baby?
  10. I prefer a pistol in a holster, so it doesn't get ruined when you get shot rather than an smg/ak74.
  11. Bororm

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    I think ammo types should be tied to buildings, at least to some extent. So for instance you're more likely to find say .357 and winchestor ammo or something in a log cabin, than a pink roof house. But maybe you're more likely to find 9mm and .45 in the pink roof etc. It obviously wouldn't be 100%, but the loot needs to be where you can consistently find things in specific places so you can set goals for yourself. It's really boring, and less immersive imo, if everything is so random. There should still be a chance to find odd things in odd places too, just that the % spawn for particular things should be higher.
  12. Bororm

    M65 Field Jacket vs. Tactical Shirt

    The m65 jacket is common in residentials but the tactical shirt is common in military. I think a lot of people who play are really dull and just go straight for the military loot, which is why everyone ends up looking the same. My personal experience is people usually wear the gorka or other camo stuff though, I don't really see that many people wearing tactical shirts.
  13. Bororm

    Players dwindling

    We'll see a spike on release (maybe beta too) and then a rapid dwindling once again, since the game isn't going to change drastically between now and then. It's one of the drawbacks of early access, that you have time to get burnt out on a game before it's finished. People will come and go periodically as their interest ebbs and flows but the game isn't going to sustain its popularity as it has in the past. Many of us have been playing for 3+ years now (the sa is not drastically different from the mod in terms of gameplay), that's a lot for any game. It's natural to lose interest. Try reinvigorating any 4 year old game and see how long the interest maintains. The best you can hope for is temporary spikes.
  14. The reality is that gameplay is unlikely to change much. More content will be added but the base gameplay is what it is, since the mod and since the start of the SA. Which is why people get burnt out quicker and quicker imo (including myself). For those of us who started with the mod we've been playing the game for years now. I'm personally waiting for the next patch to respark my interest. I think the only major change we will see before the end of development is base building, which will flesh out the "end game" quite a bit. Still, at the end of the day everything else revolving around stocking your base is the same old story of looting and pvping. The scope of the gameplay itself is pretty much set. The fortunate thing is that the sandbox experience by its nature can remain appealing for extended periods of time, as the enjoyment is generally derived from emergent gameplay. Some times it just involves taking a break and coming back. In your case it wasn't enough, but perhaps with modding you'll be able to find the experience you're looking for.
  15. I'd like to see it eventually but I don't think the game currently needs any more high capacity spray machines considering the state of pvp. Of course, this comment comes at the same time an LMG was announced, so the devs clearly don't give a shit about that issue.
  16. Bororm

    Players dwindling

    The games been in the same patch for close to 2 months or whatever it's been, with no real hope of .59 hitting stable any time soon. It's the same old cycle it always goes through, people lose interest.
  17. Bororm

    Status Report - 12 Nov 2015

    Dear Byron Hicks, Could you please add wheelchairs to the game so you can aid your friends who have broken legs or wheel yourself around if you are lucky enough to get to one? Sincerely, Bororm P.S. Any progress on allowing full chickens to be pulled from chicken coops?
  18. Bororm

    Shotguns are a Joke.

    Dunno what you tell you. My own experience is in line with the OP and a lot of other people are saying the same. Inconsistency is the key. I can kill 3 guys in a row one day, but do nothing but tickle people the next. Desync and stuff play a role, sure, but when you play the game enough you can tell the difference. There's also the fact that at least in my own experience, you can visibly see the character's clothing get ruined. So no, it's not just misses with client side animation issues. It's hits that do minimal damage. It's not necessarily unique to shotguns, but for whatever reasons they suffer more for it. Beyond that, if you've used shotguns consistently through each patch (I've personally used them exclusively through multiple patches) then you come to realize that changes are being made and again there are inconsistencies. As I've personally noted in this thread, I've made this same topic multiple times to the point of giving up on it. Gews claims there's been minimal tweaking of the stats but there's something going on. So I don't know what you're hoping for by coming in and saying "dunno what you guys mean my experience is fine." You can probably find some one who claims that in every scenario, but there's enough people here sharing a similar experience that doesn't line up with yours to the point where logically you should question whether your experience is the actual norm. I don't see a point in arguing though. So consider yourself lucky that you aren't having difficulties and keep doing what you're doing I guess!
  19. A lot of "pvpers" carry extra shirts since they're essentially armor. Which is for a silly reason. But I wouldn't mind seeing an encouragement of carrying rain jackets or whatever for weather conditions. In general I'd like to see less military clothing and a better balance across the different types.
  20. Bororm

    Shotguns are a Joke.

    Inconsistency primarily. I mean you can look at the OP, it's got multiple examples of what everyone is talking about.
  21. Bororm

    Status Report - 12 Nov 2015

    That is actually a pretty awesome idea. Maybe not for all the parts but it would be really cool and make sense that you could find them on crashes.
  22. The only thing I really miss from the mod is mid to long range engagements. However, even that scene was taking a backseat towards the end of when I was playing (start of the SA) where fights were devolving into mainly LMG focused, sprint and spray fests. I just miss the period earlier on in vanilla mod where fights were a lot slower paced and involved a lot more precision aiming. Where you could beat a group of players with your enfield against their assault rifles. To that end as well, I felt like the mod had better player choice/personal preference when it came to weapons. I usually opted for ironsights over nearly every variation of weapon with an optic and I didn't suffer for it. In the SA if you aren't using an ACOG or PU or whatever, you're handicapping yourself quite a bit. (theoretically any ways, because most fights don't actually take place at range) PvP in general was better in the mod, but there were faults. I recently went back to it and racked up something close to 60 kills on a single life so there was definitely something too easy about it. I hope the SA can find a better balance between the two. There's a lot of things the SA does that I greatly prefer, like pistols feel a heck of a lot better than arma 2 or even arma 3 to me, but there are some very big issues that just make the majority of fights devolve into close range spray fests, negating the majority of the cool stuff. My hope, and I think the aim, is that on release the SA will basically be the mod with better systems/mechanics and more room to grow.
  23. I'm referring specifically to differences between settings. You can just assume everyone is playing with the lowest settings, sure. But since I don't, and never have, I honestly don't have a feel for the differences beyond the knowledge that the pine or bush I'm in is probably offering a good 30% less coverage than I think it is.
  24. Bororm

    Status Report - 12 Nov 2015

    Player skill should be rewarded, on both sides, it doesn't feel good to aim for a rotor or gas tank or whatever but have it be meaningless. It was already such that there's different types of damage, you could lose the tail rotor and still manage to salvage the aircraft. Or get hit in the fuel and have it deplete rapidly knowing you have to get it down quick. A general soak damage is pretty dull. It doesn't mean a rotor has to be destroyed in 1-2 hits, they could increase that slightly if it's called for.
  25. Bororm

    Status Report - 12 Nov 2015

    That's a very good point.