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Everything posted by Bororm

  1. Bororm

    Glitching walls.

    Thanks, I did not realize you had to vote on the feedback tracker.
  2. Bororm

    Glitching walls.

    Dunno what you mean by that.
  3. Bororm

    Glitching walls.

    Really would like to see this addressed. Duping and wall glitching are the only major issues I run into on a regular basis in terms of people cheating. It's every single day too.
  4. Bororm

    Will we have acog and red dot combo and etc.

    If the guy qualified expert I'd say he's a competent shooter.
  5. Bororm

    Morailty in gaming poll

    I play however I want at the time, it's just a game. If I feel like being a dick in game, I'll be a dick. If I feel like being nice I'll be nice. I've felt bad about some things before, but it doesn't last long because it's just a video game and if people are going to get upset over it, that's on them not me. I play games to have fun for myself and my friends first. You're responsible for your own fun. This is not my attitude in real life.
  6. Bororm

    Will we have acog and red dot combo and etc.

    I think variety is nice, in the mod I usually went with weapons without optics because I personally prefer ironsights to stuff like red dots. I think they should be a bit rare however, so it's something you're excited to find. I think they'll adjust it down the line. Long range scopes and acogs are already spawning less than initially, though I would not call them rare at all.
  7. Bororm

    Will we have acog and red dot combo and etc.

    Go read up on zeroing eskamick, it's a bit more complicated than it seems at first. I also initially made the mistake of not realizing how much arc goes into it. Obviously most images are exaggerated a bit, but you really are aiming upwards, even if ever so slightly, to shoot "straight."
  8. Bororm

    Concerned about the Sawn Off

    You basically need to be less than 50m for it to be effective right now. When the SA first introduced the shotgun, I found the spread to be pretty tight, I'd say even tighter than the mod, now it seems a bit wider. I'd say you want to be more like 30m or less, obviously the less the better. It's a finicky gun, and the pellets are so random in whether they hit or not as well as their travel speed. I've shot one at a guy, completely missing (legitimately missing, bad shot) and watched the pellets impact a building behind him. It was only about 30m away, and the pellets took nearly a full second to impact the wall, it was weird and I've had it happen a few times. I've also shot at two guys from one side of the hanger to the other, and had the pellets essentially make an outline of the people. I'm talking the width of the hanger, not the length. But if you do score a solid shot, it will usually drop people. I think in the current state, the shotgun in the mod was better because you were almost always likely to at least break some legs. I'd never considered that all damage is based on the first pellet that hits but that seems possible.
  9. Bororm

    Will we have acog and red dot combo and etc.

    I think sights should require an animation to swap. Something short, but something a bit more than the current status of just pulling them on and off. I'm sure some one's gonna give me shit about how you can realistically pull them on/off easily (I even see in those pics above they seem to have a pretty convenient looking clip) but I think it would be better for balance. Maybe at the least having to right click the thing and "detach" rather than just dragging.
  10. Bororm

    Concerned about the Sawn Off

    I use a shotgun almost exclusively. Not a sawed off because their spread is pretty horrendous, but a regular one. I've noticed recently the spread on the regular shotgun seems higher as well, and I'm routinely shooting guys at reasonable ranges and having the large majority of my pellets miss. I think both versions could use a little bit of love. I still find the long version deadly enough, but the spread should be tightened slightly again. The sawed off obviously needs quite a bit more love. Brumey, those are slugs and they were removed from the game. I'd like to see them re-implemented and actually working.
  11. Bororm

    Mosin + LRS cannot see impact

    there's the quote by rocket on it. http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/23tzhy/just_spent_a_few_hours_on_stable_here_are_my/ch0tv5y?context=3 BTW DayZDB map has a built in ranging tool. I think your method is cooler since it's done in game obviously, and I also agree with just using a map in game and estimating from there which is what I used to do in the mod (I never really pick up maps in the SA myself), but there's the cheapo way to do it.
  12. Bororm

    Mosin + LRS cannot see impact

    Just a general bug I believe, no shots past 100m display their impact is what I've read. Something to do with them not even rendering any more at all, so I don't believe there is a work around. Rocket replied to either some tweets or reddit posts about it. I will try to find it.
  13. Bororm

    Doesn't the rifles have too much loot?

    Pistols have their place in close quarters. I'd rather use a pistol than a mosin/blaze/sporter for clearing a building. I'd personally rather use one of the 15 round pistols instead of an sks as well, but that's personal preference and the sks has better stopping power of course. I think pistol mags should be more commonly found.
  14. Bororm

    Mosin + LRS cannot see impact

    It's a known bug.
  15. If you have unusable slots in your inventory, that you know aren't occupied by invisible cans (sardines/tuna are invisible now), either move items around inside them in the slots that do work, or drop the container/clothing on the ground and it should fix it. Same with when your gun fucks up and won't reload/eject a round. Try taking off/reattaching parts or drop it on the ground. Usually works, though not always. Guns are a lot buggier with this last patch, stuff like your view point being inside your own hands/the butt of the gun as well as guns simply not firing or allowing you to aim down sights. Dropping them doesn't seem to work in that regard, but some times relogging does.
  16. Bororm

    Town just north of the NEAF

    There's a pond on the outskirts to the north.
  17. Bororm

    Infinite Mosin Ammo

    I don't think I've seen any actual hackers, but dupers/exploiters are common. Wall glitching and duping is a very common thing. The upside is that since those are glitches they can potentially fix them, the downside is they don't seem to care much at the moment. Also, in regards to glitched items/duped mags. Fuck no I don't use them if I find them. You guys talking about holding onto glitched out pepsis and shit should toss those out. And to the question about "wouldn't you use a glitched mag if you were already shooting?" No. I was in a fight the other day and killed a guy with a m4 with an infinite ammo mag. I was out of ammo myself after killing him (goofily enough killed him with a 1911 and 7 bullets vs his infinite ammo bullshit) and I knew he had buddies around but I didn't grab his shit. I bet a large portion of these exploiters are people who just found these duped/glitched items. Throw that shit out ya dinguses. Same with glitching into walls, just because other fuckers do it doesn't mean you should go in there too "just to get them out" or whatever. Have some integrity people, don't perpetuate this shit.
  18. Bororm

    Why wont people play in the night ?

    I'll play on night when I can actually see shit, but I'm not going to adjust my gamma and I'm not going to put myself at a huge disadvantage against those who do, and without currently doing it there's not a lot of options for night time play. The flash lights are pretty shitty, so until they get flares and glowsticks etc working I'll pass. Also, the game isn't much of a survival game and offers no real incentive to stay on one server at the moment so until they get all that stuff sorted as well then I won't bother. Basically, the game isn't complete enough to justify me putting up with night.
  19. Bororm

    The first vehicle that should be added

    They said they might do a small car as well as the bike actually. I personally think it should be a car instead of a bike first if not both because bikes are such selfish modes of transportation. Vehicles act well as a group project and end game, and encourage cooperation where as bikes are almost the exact opposite.
  20. Seems the same to me, that sort of thing used to happen to me before as well. I don't really notice it any more than it used to, but I could just be lucky as I know lag in other areas is worse. When that shit happens the best thing to do is wait a bit, don't keep trying to hit your hot key or it's just going to make it worse. It basically ends up queuing up your commands.
  21. Might be a nice bit of balance for those huge assault rifle mags. Would also be something to stop dupers from spamming as much as they do.
  22. Bororm

    throwing weapons? do you want them

    I think on a basic level it'd be nice. I think all items you throw at players should sorta interact with them, like how in the mod you could chuck cans at people and it wouldn't really damage them much but would still act as a hit and a headshot gave them a blurry status. I don't think it should be like you throw a knife and it's some high damaging thing, but I could see it doing a little damage and making the guy bleed. Throwing any sharp object should have a chance to make them bleed, and throwing blunt objects should do more shock damage. Basically I'd like to see it almost like an equivalent of a melee hit from the same item. I get the feeling they're going to go that route eventually.
  23. Bororm

    Crossbow Life

    I'll say it's pretty spooky having one aimed at you in the SA because you know if they hit its gonna kill you. I was just using one and the reloading stuff is really janky. Also, the sights take a little getting used to I think.
  24. Bororm

    Grass Graphics

    You shouldn't have to buy a new pc to play, but you shouldn't have an advantage for having a shitty comp either, is the point.
  25. Bororm

    Favorite route?

    Is there? When the spawns were more evenly distributed I used to go to the NWAF some times, but it was pretty slow to see people. I'd imagine it's only worse now, but maybe I'm wrong I guess? How many people do you generally see in an hour.