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Everything posted by Bororm
classes no, a basic skill system if done right? yeah. the trick is to make the skill system have minimal impact and develop by doing things you would any ways so it isn't a grind and so you aren't set back hugely by death but still creates incentive to use caution and want to hold onto your character.
Eh I don't think it's narrow minded. I've been playing DayZ for almost 2 years now, and when you wade through the bullshit there's not a lot of substance left. I do plenty of goofing off that doesn't involve pvp, but actual game content wise there's currently looting items and then killing people or zombies. Obviously there's not much fun to be had killing zombies, you can only loot so much, so the end result is pvp. I understand there's plenty of people who don't play to pvp and that's fine, but that is the state of the game for the majority of players. Again, it's not that people are too scared to fight away from the spawns, it's that there's no real incentive to do so. Why should I go fight in that 75% of the map? What am I fighting over there? In the mod it was loot.
Why do some players do everything possible to avoid interaction?
Bororm replied to mithrawndo's topic in General Discussion
randomspawn that's why I actually think it's a good idea to show yourself and some of your group when holding people up. Obviously you don't want them to have full knowledge of your positions/numbers and all that but if some one is trying to hold you up, you should definitely be skeptical. I notice a lot of responses similar to yours qww, of why would anyone want to surrender or whatever. I don't think there's anything wrong with the choice of not giving up, but what do you have to lose either way? It's just a game, and the possibility for a more meaningful encounter than simply having a shoot out (again nothing wrong with shoot outs, but we're always going to have shoot outs) seems like incentive enough to at least give it a chance some times. That plays back into tone and intentions and all that, and yeah, if the people holding you up already sound like assholes to begin with then hell no don't surrender, but if it seems like it could be fun then I say go for it. -
That would be pretty sweet! The main reason is there's nothing to do but pvp so why go further than you need to currently. And they stupidly decided to cram 80% of the spawns into a corner of the map, which just makes it even more convenient to play deathmatch mode. First it was balota, then it was elektro and now it's the NE. Honestly, if they add some higher end weapons and make them exclusive to say, the nwaf, you'll see traffic return. I'm hoping they do that with the SVD, and while it doesn't really make sense for the AKM maybe they should even do that temporarily as well. Ultimately it'd be sorta nice if all the military bases have a chance of spawning higher end weaponry/gear but that some are particularly known for a higher chance at certain items. Once light machine guns and more sniper rifles and that sort of thing get put in I hope they go that route. I've said it before but spawns are as much a part of balance as anything else and I really think they should do the minimal amount of fucking with spawns until the game is actually more complete. Let's say tents/base building gets added, but you introduce random spawns around the entire map. Good bye to all the ideal hiding spots because now that spot may possibly just be a spawn point now. Likewise, let's say a spawn gets added to the NWAF. Say good bye to any meaningful squad fights when you have new spawns just popping up randomly on the airfield from there on out. Travelling the map and exploring it are a big part of the game, so tossing people all willy nilly through out just destroys a lot of that and turns it into even more of "oh did I get a lucky spawn? no? ok suicide time." This, exactly. You can't force people to use the map, you have to give them incentive.
Why do some players do everything possible to avoid interaction?
Bororm replied to mithrawndo's topic in General Discussion
It goes both ways imo. Yeah, you're just as likely to get robbed/tortured/whatever but you can either choose to see where it goes, which has the possible outcome of being something interesting rather than just another shoot out yet again, or you can go that route. You can say to yourself, well it's not like I really care about my loot and the likelihood of surviving this encounter is slim, so I may as well see if this becomes interesting/fun or you can choose to do your best in the hopes of coming out on top. There's no wrong option here, it's just up to you. I don't humiliate or torture the people I hold up. I take what I need from them and let them go, even offering help some times. So the choice is up to the person, they can fight back (perfectly fine with me, I love shooting people too) or they can play along and go on with their dayz life. Usually people end up asking me that very question, "what's in it for me?" and my response is "well you're surrounded so it's your choice." They might kill one of us, but they're going to die too. I find it more satisfying personally to have these interactions than just shoot people, but they take more effort on everyone's part. My group also KOSes and it really just depends on the mood and the circumstance, but if you're in that position to have a more meaningful encounter than just shooting each other I find it's rarely not worthwhile to at least see where it can go. I've done this myself, I've offered to put away my gun and go into a building etc. I've had a guy refuse and tell me they'd rather I stay outside. I ultimately just gave up on that guy. I find it a good show of faith to keep your gun lowered as well. I think it's reasonable to have at least one person constantly having their gun on a guy though, but if you're the one communicating with the guy and you finally get him out, just lower your own weapon. Again it's all about being in control but not being overbearing so people can feel comfortable in an uncomfortable situation. I've also had an encounter where we held a guy up and happened to see his buddy skulking around nearby. It was actually a pretty fun little scenario, as we told the guy if he didn't drop his gun as well we were going to kill his partner. He gave up and came out, we took their mags but let them keep their guns and sent them on their way. That was actually at the neaf with 2 kitted out dudes, the second guy had an m4 and a mosin, we let him keep both. The first had an m4. -
I voted spread out, but by spread out I mean along the coast. I don't care for inland spawns for multiple reasons, at least not in the current state of the game. The major ones being that having you spawn on the coast and potentially (once loot tables/respawn are sorted) head inland for higher end loot, then return to the coast for action provides for good map flow as in the case of the mod. I also don't care for inland spawns because it just increases the chances of having people spawn in behind you, or near your base once that gets implemented. So yes to spread out spawns, but along the coast. Honestly I'd like a return to the original spawns, with potentially some of the new northerly ones (shipwreck area is is fine). I think loot tables should be adjusted at balota to solve that issue, and that it was a mistake to begin with to turn it into what it is and the devs have just been trying to bandaid a problem this entire time with altering spawns rather than addressing the source.
Feedback about shootgun. Another frustrating episode
Bororm replied to GunnyITA's topic in General Discussion
That's part of the issue that people are stating MarchmelloMan, that the shotgun is even unreliable at close range. Also, the fact that people rarely shoot each other past 100m with anything but long range scopes is in large part due to the fact that all the guns are fucked with horrible variance in accuracy. There's a lot of other factors as well, such as lag and bullet speed etc. The game is a mess all around for all guns imo. -
I think most will agree blood bags rarely get used, why bother when you can use a saline bag. I actually really like that there's blood types and all that, but I think they could be improved and have a few suggestions that may be useful. First, I'd recommend an increase in either the amount of blood test kits or a slight change in their functionality. Adding them to medkits or simply making them spawn more often would go a long way imo. I dunno about you guys but I play in a group and once in a while one of us will find a blood test kit and use it on themselves and you end up with the following result: "I'm A+ blood type" "great." Too bad we don't have another kit so it's practically meaningless. I'm not trying to complain the things are rare as it stands, but I'm just as likely if not more to find a saline bag than I am to find two test kits. My alternate solution rather than just making more spawn would be to give each blood test kit two "charges" so you are able to test two people. Secondly, blood bags need a noticeable difference in comparison to saline bags. Honestly, perhaps this is already the case, I haven't blood bagged anyone in ages but I know that besides a slight nerf you can basically get from black and white to near full with only two saline bags currently. The thing is to give some one blood, you've got to take blood first, the result is either you need to find an unwilling victim or one of your team mates is going to take a bit of a health hit. The benefit needs to exceed the penalty in this case otherwise there's just no incentive to do it. So I think a blood bag should basically fill you up completely (hey they did in the mod), and perhaps the health hit should regenerate regardless of whether you've got the healthy status or not, for the set amount that's taken so that it is not exploited to get an easy regen status. (edit: DJ SGTHornet pointed out saline bags refill 500, and looking it up blood bags heal 1000 as well as taking 1000 from the donor. I would propose that blood bags heal for something closer to 3000 at the very least, though still believe a full 5000 would be reasonable. I think maintaining the 1000 deficit would be good as dropping it much lower would result in it being too easily mitigated by using a saline bag.) Really I think the first suggestion alone would go a good way to at least getting people to use them more, even in their current state. On a separate note I'd like to restate another suggestion I had when the SA launched that I think would be a fairly easy addition. Pieces of paper that have been written on should display a different graphic than blank ones, just some scribbles etc so they are differentiated. That way you can easily tell if some one has written a note or not. I think that would be a good way to increase their use and seems really straight forward to me.
Why do some players do everything possible to avoid interaction?
Bororm replied to mithrawndo's topic in General Discussion
I never wear shoes too, and usually when we hold people up and are greeted by the typical "what do you want?" we tell them we want their shoes. Lots of times people get a kick out of it, although you'd be surprised at how many people are also unwilling to part with their shoes. When they do drop their shoes, I put them on then take them back off and tell them some excuse about how they're the wrong size, or color or whatever and give them back. -
Why do some players do everything possible to avoid interaction?
Bororm replied to mithrawndo's topic in General Discussion
The way you act as a victim also greatly impacts the outcome. If you act whiny or rude or whatever, and I'm holding you up, honestly I'll probably end up killing you if you get on my nerves. I probably won't hold you up to begin with really if you're already coming into it with talking shit or whatever. I try to always be honest when I hold people up though, and if I tell some one I'm not going to kill them or whatever I keep my word. I think that's important. I also only take what I need from a guy, or in some cases disarm them but I try not to leave them in too bad of shape, even offer help if I can. I'll be honest though, I rarely let people hold me up because you are right and most of them just want to force feed you poison or something. If I get caught off guard and legitimately held up, I'll play along till I can tell their intentions, and if they're just going to be douches about it that's when I'll try to fight back or run. -
Why do some players do everything possible to avoid interaction?
Bororm replied to mithrawndo's topic in General Discussion
I'll add the caveat that while I've successfully held up a large amount of players, the amount of success I've had at airfields (namely the neaf) is very low. Most people at airfields are already completely kitted out, and a guy with an m4 or something is probably feeling pretty good about his odds if he's in a building. The fact that your guy chose to run out makes me think he just didn't really believe you, or maybe didn't even hear you. If it was the first bit, I suppose you could have thrown a shot in at him/over his head or something to let him know you're serious. Again though it really depends on how he was reacting to you. When holding some one up, they need to actually see you've got the advantage in some form but as I said you don't want to come across as overly hostile either. I'll also just add that your sniper guy probably shouldn't have taken that second shot. You had his legs broken, that would have been a good time to talk him down some more if you were serious about keeping him alive. I wouldn't have handcuffed him either, just disarm him if he was knocked out. Again, it's about being in control but letting people still feel like they also still have a little bit of control over what's going on. You can't just strip a guy of options completely and expect him to play along, there's nothing in it for them. -
Why do some players do everything possible to avoid interaction?
Bororm replied to mithrawndo's topic in General Discussion
Impossible to know without his side. You didn't do anything wrong, some players just don't want to cooperate. I'll say that the way you speak to people goes a long way to get them to do what you want though. I play in a group, and we try to hold people up once in a while. Our success rate isn't bad I'd say, but you're never going to appeal to everyone. Some things I've learned though is that you need to make people feel comfortable as there's not a ton of incentive for a player who doesn't want to cooperate. This isn't the worst way to go about it, but I'd personally be a bit less dramatic. I'd refrain from straight up threats until after the guy doesn't cooperate for a bit. I generally open up with a goofy "put your haaaands up" sort of deal, and while I generally ask people to drop their guns, I don't always. Some times it's just as well to tell a person to put their gun on their back instead, if you can see them this shouldn't be much of an issue. People feel a lot safer if they can hang on to their weapon, and if you really do have the situation under control it's not a big deal as long as they sling it. I generally will steal people's ammo but let them keep their gun, unless I really don't need the ammo either in which case I tell them to head off in a particular direction with their weapon still holstered. You say you were met with silence though, so there's not much to be done. If you can't really strike up a conversation with the guy, it's unlikely he's going to cooperate. Any ways, the point is you want to be confident but not pushy. Keep things casual, but make sure you're in charge. Basically, don't phrase your commands as questions ("put your gun down, ok?") but also don't be overly hostile ("drop the fucken gun asshole!"). Keep it fun, and people will have fun with you (sometimes any ways!). -
Bandits make this game.
There's some common houses in elektro too, and I'm sure in every town there's some common places people like to do it. As mentioned above, you can really do it to probably any building. The NE is just more popular, especially lately with all the spawns thrown up there. And yeah, pretty sure you can't shoot out. You have to come out, the issue is people pop out behind you and mow you down then jump back in. Also, when you do come out, you're usually sunken in the floor, so you're still only half exposed. It's really shitty, but Rocket made a post on reddit recently saying both wall glitching and infinite ammo mags are going to be worked on this coming week by some of the programmers. So that's hopeful! http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/24h70q/rocket_the_standalone_game_just_broke_2_million/ch7mfa8?context=3 I'll take glitches like that over some of the really fucked up hacking that went on in the mod, at least this stuff should be easier to fix. It's really the only big form of cheating I've personally run into. I know hacking no doubt exists, but I just don't see it often where as every single day I can run into people with infinite ammo glitching walls.
Feedback about shootgun. Another frustrating episode
Bororm replied to GunnyITA's topic in General Discussion
As to this, slugs aren't in yet, at least not on stable. Did they add them to experimental? They were in before shotguns were in, then taken out. As far as I know you can't load the few still hanging around. In the mod, pellets were pretty much better than slugs at any range. You could shoot people with pellets up to a couple hundred meters, and as long as some connected you were either going to make them bleed or highly likely you'd break some legs. Up close, each pellet did 2000 dmg so you can imagine how quickly that added up if you got a lot of pellets on target, conversely a slug did 4500, so short of a headshot you weren't likely to kill anyone even with both shots. The double barrel in the mod was actually pretty rad for those reasons, as long as you were using pellets. The semi auto shotguns were even better obviously, but there were no style points to be had there =P I'm curious as to how slugs are going to work out in the SA, I can see them actually being good this time around. Carrying both will probably be ideal, slugs to make those ranged shots and pellets to decimate dudes close up. -
=P I meant it would be 2 kits in one item, but rather than wracking up the object count just change the graphic/add an extra "charge" That's actually a good idea, but it's still easier to just find some saline bags/eat to healthy currently.
Feedback about shootgun. Another frustrating episode
Bororm replied to GunnyITA's topic in General Discussion
I mentioned in another thread but I run the shotgun nearly exclusively. It's definitely wonky, the spread is pretty fucked up now and whether you hit people or not even at close range is really dependent on luck any more. Damage is pretty random. My experience is I usually either out right kill some one, or the majority of my pellets magically make an outline of people 10m away. I recommend 30m or less in SA at the moment, the less the better. -
7.62 will go through any thin wood, so wooden fences, wooden doors, barn walls that sort of thing. NOT house/building walls. Pretty sure 5.56 will as well. They'll also penetrate thin metal, so stuff like the thin metal shacks/hanger walls etc. As far as I could tell, bullets would NOT penetrate metal doors however, such as the doors on the jail/atc. Wood doors, yes. I didn't test it all that well though, but in the little testing I did they did not seem to. So yeah, there is bullet penetration, but it's mainly for what looks to be extremely thin materials and the type of round does matter. Trajectory will also be altered upon penetration. Ricochets are also a thing.
All fine suggestions, now just add shooting fresh spawns to the list! I didn't mean to imply it's the only thing to do, but it is something to do! haha See? Fun times for everyone!
You've pretty much described dayz sa in its current state. Food and drink are a non issue, zombies are practically no threat, so what's left to do? This isn't new to the SA either, it was the state of the mod as well. Believe me, I can't wait till the game becomes something more. In the mean time, you gotta make fun where you can.
What I predict DayZ will achieve by the end of the year.
Bororm replied to TheWizard14's topic in General Discussion
Pretty sure part of the actual bit that they've mentioned is that the survivors in dayz are immune to the infection, which is why they are still alive. -
From the mod. Of course, you could just hit respawn in the mod with broken legs... not so much any more.
You get the added benefit of being able to tell people you're a hero! It's great.
Shoot them in the leg for extra fun. I shot a guy in the leg in the mod once and watched him crawl around for seriously about 30 minutes, till he finally found morphine. Then as he started to run off, I shot him in the leg again. Unfortunately the second shot killed him. I felt slightly bad so I told him I was sorry over side chat, his response? "np" That guy knew how to dayz.
I miss bmrf some times. I wasn't a fan of the direction they started to go, but their servers were great. Once the SA settles down and there's a reason to stick to a single server I'd be happy to play a bmrf one, but sadly it seems they're done with that. I do enjoy seeing folk like you around the forums.