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Everything posted by Bororm

  1. Bororm

    Very annoying bug, needs fix ASAP

    I wouldn't. Because I could die walking down some stairs and then not be able to loot my own body. And dying from walking down stairs happens like 1/10000th of the time, where as not being able to loot bodies happens the majority of the time. Regardless of that it's not an either or thing any ways.
  2. Bororm

    Very annoying bug, needs fix ASAP

    Yeah this bug is total bullshit and honestly the one that annoys me most right now. I don't even care about gear (basically never use any mil gear, hardly ever even have a backpack, just play to fuck around), but not being able to loot bodies is a load of shit. I had a body today, in an open flat field I couldn't loot: He'd just come from a heli crash, sure would have been nice to see what he got off it. Usually it's reserved for sliding bodies on hills but it's just gotten worse. And this patch is worse than most of the previous patches even for hill bodies. I'd say a good 50% if being generous (probably more like 75% in reality) of bodies you can't loot right now. I don't think it was even this bad when ragdolls were introduced, as I recall their gun would stay in the spot they dropped and you could loot off that. Not any more. Some how they'ved fucked it up even harder. Is that game breaking? No. But it's pretty fucking bad. People can say whatever they want but pvp is still the majority of the game, and looting players is a huge part of that. Also, I hate ragdolls forever and wish they'd never put them in. Yep, I agree with this.
  3. Bororm


    As we like to say "there's always tickets to the coast" at the airfields.
  4. Bororm

    Fly sounds on dead bodies

    I'd like to see them return. I want bodies to last longer too. What would also be spectacular is if you could loot every body, especially the ones on hills. That would be great.
  5. Bororm

    .308 Rare?

    Deer stands spawn it too. It's fairly rare though for sure.
  6. Bororm

    Super silent kill.

    It's a really shitty bug and leads to a lot of potentially terrible scenarios imo. I can't say I've ever really died to another player because of it, but it's a very real possibility for it to happen. Along with other desync problems as mentioned in this thread (like stances/sliding). I really wish they'd get these sorted out.
  7. Bororm

    Super silent kill.

    The open/closed door thing I don't think necessarily applies to another player closing a door though. In all my experience, though I must admit I've never tested it deliberately, the bug is that one player sees default door states as open (which is the legitimate state) and the other sees them as closed. The player who sees them as closed has to essentially open them twice, which is actually closing them first then reopening them. For the first player, he'll see the other closing an already open door then opening it again. If the first player were to close the door, I think the second player would just be opening it once. But still have to open it.
  8. Bororm

    Super silent kill.

    You positive it was an axe swing? If you were looking out a window you might have just gotten sniped. Sometimes a headshot where you don't hear the shot sounds a little similar to being smacked in the head with a melee weapon.
  9. Bororm

    Suicide - add safety measure

    The safety measure is your brain.
  10. Bororm

    Up-to-date Gun Comparison: CR527 vs IZH 18?

    This is not my experience at all. This patch is actually pretty fantastic for finding guns and ammo. The ammo is a bit rarer than guns, but it's still abundant. The guns are fucking every where though. This patch basically has more loot than the previous one (which wasn't bad), especially with loot auto turning itself over every 30 mins. Helicopters on 1 hour respawns also means an abundance of heli loot if that's what you're into. I don't go for AKs and mil gear, but that is the most common stuff by far. I mean, this patch is probably one of the best patches in a while as far as loot is concerned.
  11. Bororm

    Where do binoculars spawn now?

    deer stands and mil tents/barracks like always.
  12. That's the point though. It's less the weapon and more the player. If you want to invest the time to find a weapon that has some better characteristics you can, but you aren't forced to to compete. I've used the SVD and FAL, and while I don't have a ton of experience with them my opinion was that I much prefer a winchestor to the svd because of my playstyle (I prefer longer ranges when I'm sniping, and more precision any ways) and until the FAL gets optics a regular assault rifle is kinda better. They're still powerful weapons, but you aren't going to be losing a fight purely because of them. They're something to look for and invest time in if you want, but can also just happen upon by luck. The game is a sandbox so not everything is supposed to be appealing to everyone. You can pick and choose what you want to do, hopefully without putting yourself at a huge disadvantage because one aspect of the game doesn't interest you.
  13. They've already said they aren't going to do flying ai helis and I'm really glad they made that decision. The common scenario with those was always "I hear a heli!" "oh shit!" "oh wait it's just ai :[" It completely demolishes the excitement and tenseness of hearing a player flown helicopter and all the implications that went into it. Knowing that when you heard a helicopter it was for sure because player(s) had put that time and effort into it and being unsure of their motives. Yes you could tell if it was an ai one by the way it moved, but that initial reaction which I think is really important to the atmosphere gets ruined. Maybe mods will put it them back in, and I can appreciate that some people found them fun, but personally it's one of the choices I'm incredibly glad they've made. I want DayZ to remain focused on the player experience above all else. I don't want to see any form of ai besides the zombies and animals.
  14. I'm nearly positive at one point in the mod they were able to just spawn in any open field. I'd imagine the simplified version was no objects/structures/trees within X meters.
  15. Bororm

    Have we forgotten our roots?

    Besides being possibly in poor taste, how would a my little pony sex doll damage the realism of the game? They aren't 800 years old, they're replicas. And honestly, if I did find an 800 year old helmet in the sort of shape the ones in game are in, I'd absolutely try it on. Why not? When most people talk about realism they aren't talking about a perfect real life simulation. It's a video game.
  16. Bororm

    Have we forgotten our roots?

    Do you mean to imply those things don't exist in real life?
  17. Bororm

    Iron sight is weird

    Part of the issue with iron sights is that your view is pulled out pretty far from the gun. In the mod/arma you're much closer up on the sights, so you perform the right mouse zoom function while aiming down the sights it feels like a greater effect. Some one like Gews has better information on the actual zoom levels compared to the mod, but the resulting "feel" is that you don't get that same sense of focus. Mid range engagements are pretty dead in the SA due to this and a number of other issues. Mookie's 250m FN FAL shot is fairly impressive for the SA, but from personal experience that was pretty much my normal distance of engagement in the mod. It's not mutually exclusive to being a problem with the sights, weapon damages as well as movement and a tremendous increase in the amount of cover (enterable buildings) all play a role. But the sights are definitely an equal part of the equation.
  18. Bororm

    The what if

    I wouldn't play a game where death is a perma ban.
  19. Bororm

    Iron sight is weird

    Bear in mind my experience is from 3pp servers and I'm not including sniping. Most pvp in my experience culminates within 20-30m, even if the initial shots are further than that. Of course past that distance ironsights are still preferable, but the goal in most cases is to get closer. There's little benefit to remaining stationary because you can't really trust most concealment. The result is that pvp is usually fast paced, sprinting results in increased sway and a tendency towards spraying at close range rather than mid range engagements. Basically, sprinting up to each other, while trying to be the person who gets the flank is the end result. Which greatly favors hip firing, as you can remain in third person for more situational awareness, move faster by not having to transition into first/aim down sights, remain entirely accurate as well as having increased control over recoil/sway and not having to suffer the flash/smoke obscuring your vision of firing in first person. Don't get me wrong, I'm by no means saying this is exclusively true, it is just the majority of my experience. I find myself still using ironsights frequently, but the majority of the time it's to my own detriment and most of my kills end up a result of hip firing whether I intentionally meant to or not. I personally hate the current state of things. Here's a nice video by Gews demonstrating the accuracy of the floating crosshair: Why they decided to improve it when their original goal was to remove it is something that still drives me bananas trying to figure out. BTW, aside from the crosshair representing sway, it's also projected in a 3D sense. Aim it at a tree or other object to see what I mean.
  20. Bororm

    Dayz Happy New Year! :)

    That's quite the inventory distribution =P Happy new year.
  21. Bororm

    Iron sight is weird

    Break your habit of using the ironsights, at least if the floating crosshair isn't going away. It's infinitely better to aim with that, as cheesy as it is.
  22. Bororm

    Where are the pistol magazines?

    They need to add the other types of pistol mags to the tent loot tables. There's a million red 9 strip clips as mentioned above, that loot spot could be shared with 1911, p1 and even amphibia mags. Keeping cr75 and glocks to police stations.
  23. Bororm

    need help for hiding my camp

    Don't use tents basically. Barrels hide extremely well, tents stick out like crazy. Don't forget you can throw barrels when you place them so put them on their sides too. But a green barrel in an evergreen or a yellow barrel in a bush is extremely difficult to see, and unless some one is actively checking every single tree and bush you're probably going to be alright. My group has our barrels set up in a very popular town and while the more obvious ones have been found once, we moved them and they haven't been found again. I've had some barrels in Cherno as well, and I'm sure many others do too. I'm a fan of the "hiding in plain sight" idea. Until base building is implemented, hiding cars/tents just isn't really going to work in the long run.
  24. Bororm

    my sedan is misbehaving

    ^ it works, I've done it.
  25. Yeah it's pretty stupid if you ask me. The jail near the tents at the NWAF still gets a whole lot of traffic too, and I've ran into people wall glitching in it still. I don't understand why they turned the one closer to the firestation into rubble, unless it was for the same reason which is also foolish. Fix the bug instead. That bug isn't even limited to the jails either, I'm fairly certain it works in almost every building.