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Everything posted by Bororm

  1. Bororm

    Gun fights

    The system is a mess but there's still fun to be had. Once in a while the stars align and things work out alright and it actually feels fun. The more you do it the more you learn to play within the confines of it too, even if the end result is a shit show =P
  2. Bororm

    Kevlar, other needed items in DayZ.

    It would bring back an aspect a lot of players really enjoy, long range sniping.
  3. Bororm

    Kevlar, other needed items in DayZ.

    Curious why you think that, as long range sniping (500m+) is a shit show right now. I think the game could use a higher powered, low rate of fire, long ranged rifle.
  4. Bororm

    Side Chat ?, the game feels like a ghost town.

    Side chat should just be tied into the walkie talkies.
  5. Bororm

    Kevlar, other needed items in DayZ.

    What do you think the plate carrier and the press vest are made out of? You can already some times take close to 3-4 shots with just a t-shirt. I agree about a .50 cal sniper though, and for that reason actually. Players are already incredibly tanky.
  6. Bororm

    Something weird about ammo stacks.

    Reloading in general is a fucking mess this patch. My weapons keep acting very strange. I especially dislike that it seems I have to have a weapon raised and be standing still to start the reload animation on some guns but not others? They tried to add the whole jamming thing and bad ammo mixed into piles of good ammo or something but it just doesn't feel right yet.
  7. Bororm

    Up-to-date Gun Comparison: CR527 vs IZH 18?

    Honestly? It mostly is the one side who bitches. You rarely see pvpers complaining about farming and shit because they just don't bother with it if they aren't into it. I suppose that's the "problem," that you aren't forced to pve but you are pretty much forced to pvp. The real problem is people who don't realize that's what the game is about. BTW the guy you're referring to who said it takes up a "good" gun spot is one of those hardcore "survivalist" people I'm talking about. And on the flip side I'd consider myself a "pvper" if we're categorizing ourselves and you can see my own stance on it in my other post.
  8. Bororm


    I'd assume the gatehouse is referring to the castle gate houses. They have an arched tunnel and a single room, found at most of the castles. To see the items in them you need to run around with your inventory open because the items spawn beneath the ground.
  9. Bororm

    Gun fights

    The current state of pvp sucks for anyone who actually cares about aiming.
  10. Bororm

    Up-to-date Gun Comparison: CR527 vs IZH 18?

    You just mostly hear from one of those two groups because "survivalists" like to sit around and bitch that the game isn't "survival" enough, and then take their aggression out on the people who like to primarily pvp, who in turn defend themselves. So you mainly see those two extremes and most of the other people go on playing the game instead of sitting around the forums talking about it.
  11. Bororm

    Cant find netting

    I think tying netting to dynamic spawns was stupid. I also think you should be able to just craft netting from a lot of rope. This isn't an item that should warrant such rarity as ghillie suits are pretty shit and hardly anyone used them even when netting was abundant.
  12. Bororm

    Why I Kill on Sight

    People who have a problem with KOS are making the mistake of caring about the motivation of the people doing it. People in this thread are saying they respect his honesty and he's not as bad as those "other" KOSers, but what's the difference of the result? (note: I KOS) If you're going to hate KOS because you assume the people doing it are just being assholes or whatever then why not just pretend they were doing it for a purpose since you're already making up shit in your heads. This guy explained himself, 99% of KOSers aren't going to yet people still want to demonize it because they're too caught up worrying about the motivation. PVP is fun. If you don't have fun with pvp you're playing the wrong game I'm afraid. And no it's not going to change drastically enough where pvp takes a back seat, this isn't that "survival" game.
  13. Bororm

    Up-to-date Gun Comparison: CR527 vs IZH 18?

    Variety is fun. I used to use the double barrel in the mod because I wanted a challenge. It turned out it was pretty good for its own reasons, though arguably it was still one of the worst guns in the mod. Likewise in the SA most people are going to grab a pump over the double barrel, just like they'll grab an akm over an sks or whatever. If all we had was the "best" version of everything the game would be super stale. The izh rifle is a piece of junk, but I'm glad it's in. I was using it the other day and although I didn't get to for very long as I ran headlong into a guy by accident, I still want to return to that. It's fun and it's potentially a good way to work on your aim as well. Taking up a "spawn" is a weird way of looking at things. Especially because the spawn rates aren't equal or all shared. Not always finding what you want is also part of the game.
  14. Bororm

    Regarding hoods

    I think it's more likely it's a separate head piece. Look at the way it's rendered, it seems pretty distinctly separate to me and that's the logical way they'd approach it since they don't want to do attached hoods.
  15. Bororm

    Cable Car

    People who think this thing is going to be functional are living in a different reality. It's just a prop. Seriously mind boggling to me that anyone would think it was anything more.
  16. Bororm

    Police Station Stairs

    Something that can help is to vault before going up/down stairs. It resets your player position with the server, which is one of the issues with dying on stairs.
  17. Bororm

    A NOOB and his chainsaw...

    I'd like to see deerstands/towers fixed in terms of throwing items out of them, it's a real pain in the ass. I haven't seen a chainsaw in .59, in .58 I think they were fairly common. I don't think they should be as rare as they seem to be.
  18. Bororm

    players running to fast

    I can't wait for this, I hate the state of pvp as a result of player turn speed especially. It's just a zig zag mess of who can run up and spray the other player.
  19. Bororm

    NEW BOW!

    You should record that, I'd love to see it.
  20. Bororm


    Wow, I had no idea you could make rope from rags. I spent a good 30-40 mins earlier looking for a rope haha. Was a bit ignorant of some of that other info as well. Thanks for all that, very good information. I guess it's not as bad as I thought.
  21. Bororm


    I'm not counting the traps because I'm referring to the act of actually fishing with a rod. You need a stick, rope/guts, a hook, bait to get a stick requires an axe. to get the bait requires a knife/digging tool. to get guts requires killing an animal, likewise for bone hooks. so unless you happen to find a rope and fishing hook, which honestly aren't that common, you're still requiring two more tools to get a functioning fishing pole. then once you have a fishing pole you have to ditch your melee weapon. It's just a bunch of hassle for something that isn't that rewarding. They should introduce full rods/reels/lines as an actual item.
  22. Bororm

    Gun safety mode

    If your gun is lowered, left click raises it and then you have to click again to shoot. Be more careful.
  23. Bororm


    I think you should be able to make hooks from a sewing kit or some other methods besides bones/finding them. I don't like how fishing requires more effort than it's worth to actually do. All the various little things you need to collect to do it, and the amount of tools required is sorta silly. I'd fish a lot more if it weren't such a drag.
  24. Bororm

    Very annoying bug, needs fix ASAP

    Yeah but it's fun to vent =P