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Everything posted by Bororm
BTW the 30 minute remark comes from the rifles supposedly being on that timer in the officer tents. Whether it was true or not, or how exactly it works I don't know. Essentially I think the confusion is from the following scenario: The server will only spawn an m4 every 30 minutes. It checks if there is room to spawn the m4 in the officer tent. There isn't room. A player comes along and removes an item. Now there's room, and the server checks this every 5 seconds (that's been stated by the devs). So you remove an item and immediately an m4 spawns. Then you remove the m4 and immediately a UMP spawns because it was also "queued." And so forth. Till after a bit, you are actually waiting for the timer. That's speculation on my part but seems to fit in what happens. In my own experience as well, it seems like loot respawns in waves by type. You will get a bunch of plate carriers and attachments in one wave, then a bunch of UMP ammo and pistols or whatever in another wave, and so forth. Personally I think loot should just turn over by itself in about 20-30 mins or so. I think you should reasonably be able to go to a place like the nwaf, not find what you're looking for, go to another town or two and come back and have a renewed chance. Loot cycling should be eliminated.
They fixed the problem of it crushing servers. You are also incorrect, loot does not currently respawn unless a player interacts with it. You may have been out of the way, but I bet it was on some one else's route regardless. Do you think you are unique in checking out of the way deer stands? People make routes of all of them. Check some of the latest status reports and do some testing yourself. (here I did it for you: https://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/229133-status-report-23-sept-2015/ and other people tested it for you too: 4:05 specifically) The loot system is incomplete. You seem to have a very biased view of how the game should be played. Again, I dislike loot farming, but in this case they need to fix the game before you can really blame anyone for doing it. Just like server hopping. Players shouldn't be required to adhere to subjective, made up rules about how other people want them to play, at least not on public servers.
I think loot cycling has been curved a bit, at least in the "officer tent" or whatever you want to call it. The server I play basically stopped spawning loot in that structure, and when it does it's crap now. I believe they may have removed nato weapons from it and also done something else. However, banning for loot cycling? I don't know, that seems like a pretty subjective thing. You're free to run your server how you want, but at this point of the game there isn't a lot of choice. Items won't despawn unless a player interacts with them currently, so the result is you either loot cycle or server hop, or wait hours for some one else to move the trash "by chance." I was never a fan of loot cycling in the mod, but this patch almost outright encourages it. There were 3 buildings to get these weapons, or else helicopter crashes. When there's so little aspirational loot, what else are you going to do with your time if that's your goal? Even beyond that, if you're sticking to one home server you don't want to find the exact same loot in the same buildings every time you play. I made a point to cycle all the buildings in my home town on the server I'm playing, because I don't want to see the same shit there tomorrow, and the next day, and the day after. If people don't cycle loot, it stagnates currently. There are definitely problems with persistence though. I've seen even regular items lasting days, like fire helmets I dropped or ruined backpacks/vests etc.
is the roadmap and estimated Beta times still accurate?
Bororm replied to d.walker43's topic in General Discussion
I think it was the twitchcon interview, Hicks said they are roughly on track like Stryker7x says. That said, we're in october, with stable patches now on a seemingly 2 month cycle. Which means we can reasonably expect 2 patches before the new year. I'm skeptical. -
It's not about taking too long to get there, it's about getting bored of it by the time it's done. We're here for each iteration, and have ample time to get bored of each bit of content as it's added. Some folk are going to get bored enough to quit until the game is finished, and some are disciplined enough to wait until that time to even buy it. The ones who quit till its finished are going to return to find gameplay not drastically different, so they'll be entertained for a relatively short period and then quit again. The ones who waited will probably be most entertained. The rest of us will have been playing the game for literal years. So it's not so much that it took too long to get there, it's that people were there for the journey and when they've reached the destination are they really going to care any more? Especially when that destination isn't any different than the weeks leading up to it, which as early access participants is the scenario. It's not shunning it, it's getting bored of it. People still play 15 year old games, so there will always be some people, but yes I think DayZ is likely past its prime at this point. I think that happened with the launch of Alpha honestly, when people were really excited coming off the mod, which was already 2 years old at that point if I'm not mistaken.
I dunno, there was already a population decline before they were removed. Some people miss them, but I know a good amount (including myself) that don't. I think it's less zombies and just still a lack of things to do. Persistence is really the biggest improvement in months, and it's awesome and what DayZ needed, but it's still just stashing a few barrels and loading them with weapons. Which gets dull after about a week, since that's the extent of it. I think the population is consistently declining more so for that reason. We get little things here and there, but the patches are now about 2+ months between with not enough content to actually maintain interest. Removing zombies doesn't help for sure, and as much as I personally don't care about them it will be good for the game to have them back, but this game is going to continue to decline until its release. On release it'll likely see a resurgence of players who had quit coming back to see what actually happened. The unfortunate likely scenario is that in the long run DayZ is probably past its prime. The SA has made a ton of improvements over the mod, and will continue to do so, but the end result gameplay wise isn't going to be anything drastic over the various versions of the mod. We'll have base building and more fleshed out mechanics, but it's still going to be the same game just better. I'd argue the majority of people playing DayZ started with the mod, so for some of us we've been playing the same game for 3+ years now. That is a long time.
I don't like the idea of making anything flat out invisible. If you look carefully enough, you should be able to notice these things. There could stand to be more bushes, foliage, small trees, other objects in rural/wilderness areas. The north east portion of the map that was redone actually isn't bad in that regard, but there's no reason to fight up there. In places like the woods around myshkino tents (arguably the most active wooded pvp area) there's hardly anything so people just stick out. That's true of most of the map, it's usually a handful of pines, maybe a couple bushes, and a whole lot of nothing.
Good idea. Would also be nice if it were distinctive enough that you could potentially tell if a player dropped their weapon when you tell them to. And of course subsequent trickery as a result.
That's a different topic altogether. According to Whyherro, we're all dying of splinters and sweat as soon as the electricity goes out which is what I was addressing.
I'm not bothering to read that because I'm sure it's more of the same and I can tell by the first sentence you're still failing to understand what "scale" means. I understand you're a survival instructor and desperately want your real life skills to mean something, but the reality is people are stupid but not that stupid and can survive just fine without modern conveniences.
2-3k people in Novo are you kidding me? The city Cherno is based on has close to a 100k population. The point about third world countries is that people live fine without electricity and plumbing. The generators and plumbing go out, so they start drinking rotten milk? Do they suddenly become idiots without electricity? I don't drink or eat bad food when my power is on why am I going to start doing it when things get shitty? How in the world did people survive tripping before electricity??? Seriously absurd. The map supports the notion that either the majority of people are now zombies or got the fuck out. We don't know how long that took so that's all speculation. It's always been implied we're pretty early into the outbreak. I'd say it's easily evidenced that the virus is fast spreading considering the amount of zombies (that are supposed to be in/in the mod) or else people would be gone before being infected. Yes, many people will die. That's the exact scenario. We're a small amount of survivors in a landscape encompassing multiple towns and cities. So unless everyone evacuating brought all their food with them (something that isn't even feasible), there's still going to be a ton of stuff left behind. Where do you think looters go with all the stuff they loot? You think they're filling their cars with groceries to evacuate? If you're evacuating you're getting the basic necessities and getting the fuck out. I'd argue you're probably an idiot if you're even bothering, besides having gas and basic food that you likely already had in your home. You're going to stop to do some looting when the world is going to shit or are you going to make it to the nearest evacuation zone? In a snowstorm people are looting/buying everything up and bringing that shit home. If we assume they did the same here, then the stuff still hasn't left the cities it's just redistributed. If you wanna figure out the amount of zombies to survivor ratio and extrapolate it and scale everything up be my guest. I don't need to do the math to know that there's hardly anyone left alive in a partial country's worth of supplies. Any ways it's all nonsensical because at the end of the day it's a video game. None of this has any actual impact and is all speculation. My guy dies within hours every day and respawns. The game has zombies. So make up whatever scenario you want. The main point is that the devs have a scenario they've decided on (and they've admitted to leaving it extremely vague so the player can impart whatever they want), and that if you think the game is going to change drastically when the beta is slated to come out in half a year and we're getting patches every 2-3 months, you're going to be disappointed. "Survival" was a shitty tag to include because people have a horribly flawed (limited) definition of what it should mean, but hey, communication has always been one of the weakest points of BIS.
Those are large cities, the map is just scaled down like everything else. If you can eat through even a small towns worth of food in a couple of weeks you have an eating disorder =P Have you been to third world countries? There are many places that exist without power, refrigeration, sewage (I mean you notice that all the outskirt towns have outhouses right?) and police. They aren't all struggling to survive.
I don't understand the idea that we should be constantly starving and cold and fighting for basic survival. Just because the apocalypse hits doesn't mean everything else changes and becomes so desperate. The opposite scenario could be true, and over abundance of resources as everyone else is dead or left. All those clothes, nonperishable foods, medicines, tools, supplies in your house don't simply disappear because zombies. And now we're a handful of survivors in an entire country worth of supplies. I think there's a bit of a weird situation where people define the term "survival" as eating bugs and making lean tos, probably a result of too many shows with the word in the title featuring just that. The term encompasses a lot more, or even a lot less on a basic level. Surviving other players fits the definition just as much as surviving starvation. I also don't think it's any surprise that a game development studio specializing in military sims, creating a game based on a military sim engine, from a mod that was popular because of pvp, is creating a pvp centric game. All that said I'm not saying I'm not in favor of more pve elements, they need to catch up to the pvp. But I just think people have an expectation this game is going to turn into something it's not simply because their definition of survival is limited.
I like to ask people if they want to see my secret and make them huddle around, then I open the lid on the compass and tell them "don't tell anybody ;)" I think the little things add a ton to the game.
Just practice on fresh spawns.
Steam was doing maintenance around the time I noticed people crashing. Was probably related to that.
Armored ground was way more of a balance issue in the mod than helicopters ever were. It was no fun being run over by near invulnerable vehicles. On some servers that's all pvp became, was running people over with armored trucks. Of course, a large issue of that was large vehicles in the mod could run straight over everything, including trees, and an overabundance.
I get something similar lately. When I join a server I often get 0 frames, then eventually get a "session lost" and have to rejoin. Then it's fine. Lately my background/character hasn't been loading on the menu screen either. I don't have spotify or anything unusual running so I doubt it's that in my case. I also get a memory error every time I quit the game.
I'm pretty sure the m65 jacket provides enough warmth that it doesn't matter that it's not water proof. I think they need some things like ponchos or an item that doesn't provide anything but protection from the elements that you can put on.
Well, if you completely destroy a truck it is supposed to respawn at a spawn point. It seems sort of difficult to completely destroy them though, it used to be you could blow up the gas tank but I couldn't get that to work any more. The restarts are also 12 hours if everything is going as it should. So there's still potential =P Some people wrecked a truck we had at one point.
Sitting in a bush is a great way to get killed in my experience any more. Which isn't to say it's not better than being in the open, and there is a time and place for it. But current pvp tactics are primarily focused around a lot of movement, getting real close, and spraying people down.
It's because they are taking the same approach they did to weapons and other systems. They are creating the most complex variants first to test the mechanic/work everything out, then simplifying. It's why they started with the m4 which has the most attachments and moved on, and why they started with the v3s because they said it would have the most variations. I'm not entirely sure that the littlebird in this case is the most complex helicopter/air vehicle they are going to have, but it sounds like they mainly used it because the model already existed. It still makes more sense to work on air vehicles now and add something simple like bikes later.
The game currently encourages you to just wear the "best" shit that happens to be the most waterproof and also has the most inventory. It's super boring. They need to rethink clothing and weather effects.
For tires, you just need to remove the tire and put the repair kit in your hand, look at the tire and repair. I think that's how it worked, if not it was just dragging the kit over the tire like a sewing kit. You have to remove it first in any case. However, if it's just the front tires, you can remove the middle tires and replace them that way. For gas tanks and engines there's no repair, but they will fix themselves on restart. The tires actually fix themselves too I believe.
The loot system is still incomplete and loot wont turn over unless interacted with. The result being people take what they want and leave the garbage which just stays, taking up slots that could otherwise spawn something more valuable. This will hopefully improve when items despawn without interaction.