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Everything posted by Jave

  1. just curious, on what server did you find them?
  2. I am looking for a new mature, 25+ age prefered european clan/group with voice com and tactical/military aprochment regarding the gameplay in this game. Im only interested in survivior groups as i hate banditry and killing noobs is not in my interest. I have been playing for a month now and i know my way around. I currently have high end gear (AS50, Ghillie and what not). My current group is being desolved due to some players got bored of the game and others are on vaccation. I will only join through some sort of voice communication. If there is any such group out there feel free to PM me with contact info! Best regards, Jave
  3. Bump! Im still looking for a small tactical expirienced group/team of 6-8 members. Not interested in large clans hoarding members! pm me :)