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About Donwey

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Hi guys i just came with an idea for dayz standalone. What about that, you will implement some soundtracks or music from The Walking Dead ? i think it would be better than just listen to the old one in Dayz Alpha. Had to turn the music off because its just horrible. if you have a better idea, write it down. :)
  2. HI guys, am i the only one who has been experiencing low performance and stuttering issues for quite long? My Pc isnt that bad. it should run this game at least on medium settings with average of 40 fps. Due to performance problems ive installed new system windows 8 but nothing changed. Even on low settings game is unplayable whenever i look at some builduing. I did a lot of those performance fix guides but it isnt giving me anything useful. My pc : i7 920 @ 3ghz GTX 570 Evga SC HDD Hitachi 256gb Windows 8 64bit Asus p6t deluxe v2 Ram 4gb Corsair 1202mhz Anyone having trouble with this game same like me? Its really sad that such a good game like Dayz has the worst optimization ive ever seen in my life.
  3. hello guys, ive got an idea which might be really good for dayz. when you look at dayz and zombies,especially their movements look sick and bugged, it looks like something is wrong with the engine. ive found a video, where guy named robbaz (not me) is playing arma but with some new mode, i dont think its dayz. look at the video and tell me if you like those movements more. In my opinion i think Zombies schould be slow and not running after you whole map. they schould also have something which make them more creepy. This schould be definately implemented in standalone game. video (youtube) :
  4. Donwey

    FPS Breakdown

    youre not alone , this game is poorly optimized even my pc cant run it always 40fps. In cherno i hardly get 25fps .... of course i did a lot of guides,tweaks for better performance but it seems to me that you cant increase your overall performance in the game just by changing 6 settings ... My pc : GTX 570 EVGA Superclocked WIN 7 64BIT RAM 4GB CORSAIR 1333MHZ ENERMAX 625W PRO 82+ ASUS P6T DELUXE I7 920 2.67GHZ @ 3GHZ
  5. Donwey

    Third person vs First person view

  6. Donwey

    Zombies Movements

    Hey everybody , i just wanto to show you another zombie mod for arma 2. I dont know how its named but it looks really awesome especially the zombie movements. Is it hard to implement these movements to dayz mod? just asking :) Video here :
  7. Would like if this fix would work on nvidia cards :( , i will give it try at home