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Everything posted by Skillasaur

  1. Skillasaur

    DayZ - Helicopter Invades Camp!

    Highlights of this vid: Dropping an L85 with thermal scope for a DMR. (Whut?!) Fighting zombies with as AS550 non-scoped and zero'd to 300 at 50m range. (Whut??)
  2. Check this thread: http://forums.bistud...-to-disable-HUD Dunno if any of it works though.
  3. Skillasaur

    Was fun while it lasted.

    Arma 2 only came out a year ago 0_o... It's just not designed to combat hackers, and the engine certainly wasn't designed for MMO style persistance.
  4. Skillasaur

    Crash site question.

    Until the server restarts afaik.
  5. Skillasaur

    Found this in my files [HFB Servers]

    If I had to guess it looks like someone uploaded something to your server somehow.
  6. There is apparently a script out there which can steal admin password from within Arma, so that's how they were probably doing it.
  7. Well, you should die for alt+f4ing.... ...but apart from that, you probably logged out with shock. If you log out with the white icon on your right hand side (not the leg one) you'll get a long unconcious timer when you log back in (5 minutes I think?). You're either logging out again with shock still active or your character has bugged due to logging out with shock. Not sure what you can do about it if it's the later, other than see if suiciding/respawning fixes it.
  8. Skillasaur

    Help running dayz

    30fps isn't that bad. You could try lowering your video memory, disabling vsync or matching your 3d resolution to your actual resolution. Otherwise, compare your graphics card to the recommended specs for Arma2 (you didn't post your model) or try updating your drivers.
  9. Guys, there's two issues here. 1. If someone hides a body you can still hear flies but the body isn't there. 2. If someone logs out as they die their body won't appear/stay. Unless a body disappears and you can prove it wasn't hidden and that the person didn't log out then it isn't a new bug.
  10. Skillasaur

    Graphical Issues

    It's because it's an engine bug and not a DayZ bug. You have to wait for BI to fix it, not Rocket.
  11. The two concepts are actually not mutually exclusive and there is no strict pattern to follow. Developers can easily go from engine development to release without any alpha, beta or release candidate testing and they can also have closed and open testing at any stage of the development process. Generally speaking, Alpha is considered the stage at which the game engine can support a player and experimentation with features can begin. Beta is considered when a game is fully feature-complete and is mainly in need of bug-testing and polishing. Release candidates are builds which are tested against a criteria for release to the public. DayZ is an example of open-alpha. The game is not considered feature-complete, it is not tested against a fixed criteria (the criteria changes with every release) but it is open to public download. Published games tend to have developer-only alpha stages and perhaps small closed-beta events before release candidates to ensure that 1. People do not review the unfinished product 2. PR campaigns are successful 3. The product can demand full price Generally speaking, mods tend to go open alpha or beta due to the fact it would be illegal to charge money for them (without first purchasing a license from the engine developers) If DayZ was being developed by a funded and published company it would likely not be open alpha to avoid all the current complaints and bad press DayZ gets in the form of glitches, cheats, bugs, graphical problems and everything else that the player would expect to be working from a product they would buy from a store.
  12. Looked like debug hills, so meh... What I find more interesting is the description: "Where did you get the sniper suit? Me and my friend killed a spawn killer by the shore (he got the kill) " Since when could you loot a Ghillie?
  13. Skillasaur

    My First Murder :-/

    I was raiding the school in Elektro with a friend. Someone from the restaurant across the road opened fire on us. We took cover and my friend bandaged himself whilst I covered. I was watching with an M1911 when I saw a guy stand up in the top floor of the restaurant. Shot once and got a head-shot. Still felt guilty.
  14. Skillasaur

    Can't pick up items that spawn in outhouse

    The way I've got this loot in the past is to aim your crosshair beneath the doorway of the open outhouse, then slowly move back until your cursor changes to lootable. The loot pile's range is further than the blocking brush of the door, so you should be able to loot it from distance. Good luck.
  15. Skillasaur

    White-hat Hacker?

    Good hackers do exist, but I'm sure the devs don't see it that way. Good hackers still distort the eco-system that regulates players relative strength in DayZ - some hackers give out free equipment (a friend of mine got given every tool in game, an ATV and an AS550 + M4A1 CCO SD) but even by being "friendly" and "generous" all they are really doing is breaking the balance that encourages players to work together. When you know people walk around with automatic weapons and 12 clips of silenced ammunition you know the only thing they're going to do with it is hunt other players. Due to the fact it's a persistant hive a "good hacker" on one server could potentially break the balance on an unlimited more servers just by how big an influx of high-end loot is injected into the game, making it much harder to balance for legitimate players. I used to play a Third-Party MMO style mod for HL1 known as Master Sword, and for a long time most of the new, higher end developed areas were impossible for legitimate players because they were built with the assumption of having best loot in-game and an unrealistic level of skill attainment. Afterwards it was revealed the players who were calling for the new high end content had cheated for most of their abilities/items.
  16. Skillasaur

    Solution for Alt-F4

    The only way to prevent it is to keep the character present after the player has disconnected. In most MMOs the engine structure is designed around these sorts of restrictions but this isn't the case for Arma2, so whilst the word is that the devs are working towards it there's not ETA on a fix.
  17. Skillasaur

    Legs broken left to die US 104

    You should be able to press the respawn button if your leg is broken. Also, sounds like you got thunderdomed - tis a hack.
  18. Skillasaur


    And they'd be a nice portable source of meat if you ran low... nomnomnom.
  19. Skillasaur


    For the sake of balance, I've known a lot of server admins on other games who have also turned out to be hackers, even in amateur league clans. It's not a fair assumption to make, but it's hardly an unreasonable question.
  20. Skillasaur

    To The Sniper In Stary Sobor In US 814

    You should be able to hit the respawn button if you've got a broken leg. I've not tested it though.
  21. Skillasaur

    Few more questions

    Saving a vehicle or tent means it will not despawn/respawn for a certain amount of time (I forget exactly how much). It will not transfer to other servers and will not stay forever, but it will be "safe" from anything but being stolen or destroyed by conventional in-game means. You can re-save at any time too.
  22. Hah, metagaming combatted with metagaming. Love it.
  23. Skillasaur

    Zombies aggro from 50+ meters

    ...For a visual description of the problem done in 5 minutes on paint :P
  24. Skillasaur

    Looking for 1-3 people to join my group

    Frankly I prefer "Flashlight Warriors" to "Beach Babies" Lose the green text, bold and font, post your timezone and available times to play and I'm sure you'll get some attention.