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Everything posted by MufasaFromLionKing

  1. MufasaFromLionKing

    why am i a bird?

    So, i own OA/Arma 2 legitimately through steam, and havent played in a few months, i try to play today, and i'm a bird, can't respawn havent seen any messages or anything, i've read about it being an anti-piracy thing, but i own the game legitimately, if necessary i can make my steam profile public and link it here so people can see. reinstall isnt much of an option if it would involve me redownloading 20gb of game, as i'm in australia and bandwidth is at a premium EDIT: i should also say, i have not used hacks or shit like that which might steal my keys
  2. MufasaFromLionKing

    why am i a bird?

    yeah, i've tried 3 so far, the first one i tried was empty other than me.
  3. MufasaFromLionKing

    Decrease enfield damage.

    enfields fire rate is how it's scaled down. move along
  4. MufasaFromLionKing

    Silenced Sniper Rifles

    ok.. this game isnt entirely about realism, it's a game, not a simulation, and even if it was that dedicated to realism, and squads of seals and spetznas were crawling chernarus..... who cares, it's simply not balanced to add silenced sniper rifles, if your argument is "ooh i cant help my friends shoot zombies" then get a different bloody gun or use the sniper rifle properly- from a distance, it's not the snipers purpose to take out zombies- atleast from close range, for the most part it's to shoot other players if you want to help your friends, get a gun made to help them with, or just friking camp at a safe spot like any smart sniper, and even then if you're stupid enough to give away your position to shoot zombies, you're going to die anyway. tl;dr, get a silenced assault rifle.