First off Im reasonably noobish with computers but want to get down slaying bandits and zombies so please explain all of your steps thoroughly (i am very nooby at computers :). OK so i bought a disc retail of arma II and op arrowhead off steam. When i launch six launcher and go onto a server it says these exact things: Adoon 'dayz_anim' requires addon 'CASigns2' and then proceeds to a black screen as if i was entering a server. Then there is some red writing on teh bottom left of teh screen often i cant make it out but its connection issues or kicking becase i dont have the correct files? Anyway, i then get sent back to the op arrowhead main menu and it says these 2 things: No Entry 'bin/config.bin/CfgVehicle/house.scope' then i click continue then it says : No Entry 'Bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_Ind_Oil_Tower_Ep1.camoflage. Then i press continue and i am sent back to the main menu. Btw, i cant do Verify or Validate armaII files on steam because when i right click it on steam libary it just shows "Icon" options. I can verify and other things with op arrowhead, Is this because i bought arrowhead off steam? And armaII files dont show up on Program filesx86/steam/steamapps/common but op arrrowhead does. Please help because i would love to play :)