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About midiambient

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  1. midiambient


    I happen to have the same problem. i will keep you posted if i find out something new.
  2. midiambient

    whats is your ideal gun setup/gameplay style

    most of the time i use anything that shoots straight ;) and my beloved M1911 ;) edit: and don't forget the hatchet, must underrated weapon IMO
  3. midiambient

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    we weren't lucky i guess.. if anyone else is in need of a transfusion or some morphine around the nw airfield i'd gladly help. the only thing i expect in exchange is that you give me a transfusion :)
  4. midiambient

    What was your luckiest find?

    Winchester and M1911 with loads of ammo plus binos and a czech all in one building. got raped 10mins after though
  5. midiambient

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    check your PMs
  6. midiambient

    Deer stands?

    most of them are found where you'd put up a deer stand. in the treeline overlooking fields. if you run through the woods and come along some zombies in the middle of nowhere you're probably near a deer stand.
  7. midiambient

    Favorite youtuber for Dayz?

    PietSmittie it's in german but fun to watch.
  8. midiambient

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    sorry dude, wasn't online anymore when you posted. hope you could help the other two guys.
  9. midiambient

    Introduce yourselves

    Hi, middle European here, as you won't know Liechtenstein :P i followed some let's play and wanted to play the game so bad i had to buy a new computer. my first attempts were merely succesful with finding some nice guns but getting lost in the woods until i reached the map border o.O looking forward to having some tense moments and maybe meeting some people to kick some bandits ass. i'd love to drop a sniper with a hatchet :D
  10. midiambient

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    if anyone in the area petrovka, grishino, nwaf needs a transfusion or morphine i can help. in return i'll ask you to give me a transfusion. i don't want to bother the medics when i just need someone to set the needle B) PM me if you need anything or if you are in the area and willing to help. thx
  11. midiambient

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I hve to thank the Rated M Gaming team for a fast and professional medical assistance. those guys have saved me a lot of trouble! big thanks to them.