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About Ardenyal

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Ardenyal

    DeadZone settings

    I agree. The axial deadzones feel terrible. Like a free to play game. Ideally you would have a radial deadzone with adjustments. Also how the sensitivity ramps up is too harsh making it hard to do pixel perfect adjustments.
  2. Ardenyal

    Timing of Patch 1.5.8

    Release the Kraken!
  3. Ardenyal

    What was your dumbest death?

    First time playing. I spawn. I run into a building and get some gear. Run outside and see someone. "Hi :)" I said. Run up to him. Do my own safety dance (lean left 2x, lean right 2x, vault). Spot some zombies and crouch into cover. Lean to get a better view of *BOOM*... I fall down unconscious and die soon after... 5 minutes I lived and I'm never trusting another survivor ever again.
  4. My tears of joy - devour them.
  5. Ardenyal

    Allow stmovement!

    Yes please.
  6. Waiting for server response is a different issue (server load being too high). Waiting for loading was about character data being messed up or something... Thanks for fixing this, I was able to get in now.
  7. The spawn rate is a bit ridiculous now. Right now you can just about kill a couple zambies, climb up a deer stand, hop down and run 50m crouched before the zambies spawn back. I can see this being a real problem in a bigger city where you have near endless stream of zambies coming at you with new ones popping up all the time.
  8. Ardenyal

    Stuck on loading after 1.5.7 patch

    Same here. Stuck on loading... Actually, the loading bar fills up. I hear environment sounds. Receiving goes through and "Loading" appears, chat isn't visible and I can't close the game without going to task manager. I'm guessing there's a problem with my character. Earlier today I had a lot of problems logging in and was spawned as bird, unarmed guy in the middle of nowhere, unarmed guy in forest. Did my character data get screwed up on the database server or something? I have tried the fixes that have been posted here. Reinstalling DayZ, reinstalling BattleEye. It's now not as crowded as it was earlier in the evening and server load shouldn't be the problem. Edit: Tried deleting MPcache, no luck.