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Everything posted by Kelfryn

  1. Server just started yesterday, all fresh spawns are most likely still there for vehicles. It has a day and night cycle, with a active mod (and looking for more if people are interested.) Only one ~ two server restarts every 24 hrs so your game will be minimally affected. None of all that auto refuel and free weapons you have to earn it. Server name is: DayZ Chernarus standard (I know its such a small basic name unlike every other server) Server ip and port are: Feel free to use global and the such as you like
  2. IRL Information Name: Jeff Dossett Age: 18 Location: USA Timezone: Central Do you meet ALL the requirements? If not, which ones are you missing and why?: Game Information IGN: Kelfryn Steam ID (if applicable): Kelfryn Desired group role (Medic, sniper, spotter, etc): Engineer Why you would like to join? What interested you about us? (min. 4 sentences): Because GMS is one of the few groups of survivors out there that really has their shit together. (pardon my french) As a group you have managed to find and secure a location whilst having watch and having a safe spot for noobies to go to. It is very rare to see a group these days that arent just mindlessly being bandits What skills / perks can you offer to [GMS]?: I am a excellent scavanger I know where to look for any and all supplies needed, I am also capable of flying and driving at excellent levels. I practiced for a long time as a lone wolf survivor so I know how to get by and I am more than willing to risk my life and it means I can save my fellow man
  3. Kelfryn

    Looking for good people to play with

    I would be game as well
  4. A few days ago a user, who for the story's sake will be called coconut, joined our teamspeak wishing to join our clan. We had a age limit which coconut did not qualify for but we said he could gladly still play with us as others have in the past. After joining the teamspeak I believe he only helped once, sort of. Even then not really. Coconut invited one of his buddies to our teamspeak. Though we didn't like it we allowed it for the sake of being nice people. While I was on the teamspeak I heard a phrase that caused his inevitable demise "hey let's camp cherno." I drew the line there. No way would I allow this bandit to walk over new players, or players in general as they are going through cherno to loot whatever they need to survive. It was my personal goal to kill these players. Me and one of my fellow comrades decided to assassinate these two players and put them in their places. They had been server hopping around this time and trying to kill players. They found their-selves a atv and proceeded to ride it around on a different server. Knowing we could never catch them without a vehicle we followed them to the best we could on our server with a vehicle. for about 2 hrs till they finally crashed the atv and almost died. They went to green mountain to check for vehicles and while their they had to log for dinner so I was ready to kill them as soon as they logged. unfortunately my comrades ping was to high to join the server so thus he could no assist me. I had only one shot at them but I didnt want to risk a 2v1 situation. Realizing that our current tatic would not work we had to get a new way to kill them, and our first objective was bringing them to our server. We said we were going to start a spec op training at *classified location*. Eventually we covinced them and they took another 2~3 hrs to repair a truck on the other server and go to *classified location* I acted like I was refilling my mystery machine (I actually did need fuel). They thought it was a trap but after several minutes they calmed down and I told them to guard me from the *classified location*. (note: during this time we prepared for their arrival my comrade was sitting at a location to snipe them). Once we were both ready I said there was some loot I wanted from the locaiton they were at so don't shoot (as they were still slightly cautious). Once I moved up and got in a spot where the couldn't escape I shot the first once while my comrade killed the second. We looted a m24, 2 m4a1 sd's, a gillie suit, and 2 coyote packs. tl;dr If your a bandit and I find out. I will hunt you down no matter how long it takes
  5. Accomplished full repair stopped leaking. http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198034738494/screenshot/578962749312955723?tab=public
  6. Overwatching the heli while I wait for clan members. Oh so much paranoia
  7. Kelfryn

    Seriously pissed

    Also you didnt wait 3 minutes, the ticker is set up to bring you up in 3 mins. Noob stake your fault carry on folks
  8. I finally made it back to cherno after a 30 min run just to be shot be some dick "guarding the fort". good good guards jackass Edit; If this happens again without anywarning say goodbye to everyone in the fort
  9. There is a war happening at Fort Friendly be wary
  10. We have a group of 4 now, more is good