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Everything posted by paxtonmega
Today right at the start of the new year I bring you the answer to the question "how do i friggin range my gun without dem mildots son?" Enjoy, hope you learn something from it CLICKEDI CLACK YOUTUBE VIDEO ABOUT THE SNIPING Peace (psst psst, leave a subscription will ya?) ~PM
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Hello folks, welcome to my stream thread! I will update it with announcements as soon as I schedule a new live stream the day it will air, alongside a little video with music to give you a little something to listen and use yourself since they are DRM FREE. [outdated because a mod thought it is a bad idea to start a topic that will clearly contain video highlights as well, since this has been moved I will post my highlight videos here as well now, because that would totally fit into the live stream thread, yeah] First announcement for today: DayZ Experimental - Guns blazing fun stream - Become a MegaMeTool today! Start: 8 PM GMT (check and compare your timezone here: http://www.gmtslider.com/ ) Link to stream: http://hitbox.tv/PaxtonMega Video announcement with music: Music: Deus Ex Sonic Augmentation - Vig - The God Machine (Medley) Further posts will contain announcements to further live streams, if you want to be notified as soon as possible follow me here: Youtube -> http://youtube,com/PaxtonMega Twitter -> http://twitter.com/PaxtonMega Hitbox -> http://hitbox.tv/PaxtonMega Furthermore this thread will contain specials, best off's and highlights from the streams I conduct, so stay tuned for video material next to the announcements as well! Have a fine day, see you tonight if you please! ~PM
Want to: Produce Machinima, Need: Way to start DayZ SA in SP mode!
paxtonmega posted a topic in General Discussion
Before anyone starts nagging, here is some information on what I do want to do and what I do not want to do: I want to be able to record footage of towns I want to be able to record footage of the countryside +- Might want to be able to have one or two zombies running around I do NOT want to bypass any game mechanics I do NOT want to encourage piracy or theft, I own two copies of DayZ SA and all I want is to record machinima footage without some bandit strolling along and ruining the fun What I search is a way to start DayZ in a Singleplayer manner, emulated server environment or even a Dev Debug mode in order to being able to record stable videos. As you all may know, some servers run good, some have fps issues. A local running application will give me the stabilitie I need for my planned videos and as a sort of server admin I'd be able to get to places faster. I do not want to rent a server for this purpose because I know that admin abuse is serious buisiness and implementing a server to the hive that would give me everything I want and need for other official servers does not seem quite right in my opinion. So I come to you, crafty DayZ players, maybe devs that find this and kindly ask if there is a way for me to "unofficially" start a round of DayZ that is in no way connected to the hive, just on my machiene, with no saves, so I can record videos without the guilt of abusing any mechanic that is abusable. Are there any ways to start a dedicated server on my own machiene, that only I can access either by default or LAN settings? There is a LAN tab in the game thus I think the basics are implemented allready. Would be a big help in my quest of doing some machinimas, town overviews and cinematic camera movements :) regards, Pax -
Want to: Produce Machinima, Need: Way to start DayZ SA in SP mode!
paxtonmega replied to paxtonmega's topic in General Discussion
There has to be a way, it was possible with earlier versions and it sure as hell is with current versions. The only thing I'd need for a start would be to be able to load up the map in an editor mode like the maps on ArmA 3 -
Welcom little newbs, adorable bambis and experienced players that still get violated by bandits... Are you lone wolfing around Chernarus? Look no further, help is here. Covering in this weekly series I am giving away tips and tricks to a lone ranger playstyle step by step for various situations you might encounter in the dangerous world of Bandit Simulator... wait no... DayZ Standalone, that's what I meant! Episode 1: 5 KEYS TO... Surviving Looting Towns http://youtu.be/nKTzLoyESZQ A quick little rundown on what to do and, most importantly, what NOT to do in towns and villages while searching for a fortune on your own. Have nobody to watch your back with a sniper rifle? No problem, you can keep yourself in the game by following these 5 easy and usefull tips and hints! Episode 2: 5 KEYS TO... Better Loot TBD Episode 3: 5 KEYS TO... Staying healthy TBD Episode 4: 5 KEYS TO... Topic classified TBD ... Hope you liked what you saw, hope to see your face around week after week, looking forward to do more of these! Leave a like and a sub, greedy Bandit survivor! >: D ~PM
Welcome ladies and gentlemen, I tried doing something very different from my usual style of videos containing gameplay and tutorials. Now for the first time I am about to release a set of story driven narrative videos that both tell the story of two survivors and also try and capture what happened in Chernarus, why the outbreak started and what lead to the events of the actual in-game gameplay we experience. Starting off with two prologue stories concerning Kevin (spoken by me) and Alice (spoken by my girlfriend) I want to develop both survivors and Chernarus to become one big set of story to keep in mind while playing DayZ which, in itself, does not provide any kind of lore at all. Enjoy the project, I will update this site every wednesday and thursday with new chapters of both sides of the story alongside my gameplay and tutorials that will keep coming as well. Any suggestions and opinions on the project either here or on the videos themselves. ~PM Kevin's Diary Chapter 00 - Prologue Alice's Diary
I reckoned that too, but mostly it sounds like it does because I used normalization on audacity, which, after re hearing it a few more times now, seems like a stupid idea. Fixed for the next part :) Thanks brah
Want 30 FPS More?? Introducing: The ultimate Run-Through of all tweaks for DayZ SA. DayZ Standalone follows closely in the footsteps of it's father DayZ Mod, not only in terms of Survival and Banditry but also the every so slight lack of good performance. This FPS Guide will take your hand and lead you through the process of getting up to 30 more fps out of DayZ Standalone by tweaking the cfg files, choosing the right ingame video settings and Startup-Parameters. It's kind of a science for itself with the pretty badly hurt engine. While Rocket and his team (who are actually the most awesome people on planet earth, not even kidding) work on a solution for these problems, we might as well take the scenic route and tweak the hell out of the game in order to get better performance. Follow the three easy steps to success and get more out of your game, your gameplay and your survival attempts. It's a shame that we have a large drop in cities but even THERE you will get 20-30 FPS more than before. Elektro, Cherno, formerly pretty low fps areas are now actually enjoyable for everyone! :) CLICK ME TO VIEW THE VIDEO Hope that helped you guys out at least a bit, who is around longer in this forum knows I only intend to help everyone out with my videos, doing this since DayZ Mod :) Enjoy your evening ladies and gents! ~PM
Aye, experienced that too, makeing the -nopause command pretty much useless, but I ain't gonna say no to a 10fps boost ^_^
As I understood it it forces DayZ to use DX9 Renderer which is not much different than DX10/11 in terms of DayZ itself as a game, the only game so far I saw a huge difference in renderering quality was Dragon Age 2 that changed models back to Dragon Age 1 Styles. DayZ however uses a lot of textures of ArmA 2 still :) At least thats what I got from reading around it
Ain't no bandit in me just Bandits are going to be eliminated by my hand of justice... or something like that. Will keep this thread updated with each new gameplay video. Enjoy, and leave a sub if you may... please? MERRY X-MAS - DayZ Standalone Ep.01 -> A bit of looting and ranting, I confused Zelenogorsk with Berezino, please bear with me.... GREEN MOUNTAIN LOOT - DayZ Standalone Ep.02 -> Ideal spot to aquire some good military loot, as shown in the video. Now I only need some spare parts... ALLMOST FORCE FED TO DEATH - DayZ Standalone Ep.03 [sQUADPLAY] -> Making our way to the NWA to get some good stuff, I was not dissapointed and had some fun force feeding a friend, allways a highlight NEW YEARS RANT - DayZ Standalone Ep.04 -> Me ranting about combat loggers and such, no biggie AIRFIELD AMBUSH - DayZ Standalone Ep.05 [sQUADPLAY] -> 2v2, pretty intense!
[VIDEO] Survivalist Gameplay - NO unnessecary Banditry
paxtonmega replied to paxtonmega's topic in Gallery
Episode 5 done! -
OH MAH GAWD LAWD! :O Been playing so much RE lately, RE6 and Operation Raccoon City, but obviously the original 3 are my Zombie roots ^.^ speaking of which, let me fire up my PS1 and kick in the good old #2 for Birkins sake That is a good way as well yes, yet again this needs to be set up before engageing players and in hindsight. The mildot-less-mildot rangeing (what a term...) is more for the suprise engagement and defence in case of people interrupting the peace and quiet of a NWA raid from an unexpected location :) You can do all sorts of rangeing techniques actually, all work more or less precise, yet most involve time before engagement, or, in case you did it a lot before, could actually work pretty quick. That's some heavy math, have my beans!
[VIDEO] Survivalist Gameplay - NO unnessecary Banditry
paxtonmega replied to paxtonmega's topic in Gallery
One more german video with subtitles on the way, stay tuned -
Ladies, Gentlemen, some of you may remember me for my DayZ Mod tutorials, again I am in the process of making such tutorials to enable you to learn the DayZ ways now on standalone. Feel free to watch, comment, share and leave a subscription, it's no magic and doesn't cost you, just go for it and improve your gameplay. DayZ Standalone [First Impressions and future visions] http://youtu.be/Gh4_dsKf4fs Loot Cherno [GUIDE] Bare-Handed/Post-Spawn http://youtu.be/19HH2RB0I5s Navigate without map and compass [GUIDE] http://youtu.be/h49pogZnY4k MOSIN NAGANT SNIPER TUTORIAL http://youtu.be/2OJ_WdFemcY I will keep this thread updated as soon as a new Tutorial surfaces. Currently planned: - Loot Elektro [GUIDE] Bare-Handed/Post-Spawn - Loot Berezino [GUIDE] Bare-Handed/Post-Spawn - Loot Zelenogorsk [GUIDE] Bare-Handed/Post-Spawn - Stary Sobor safety route [GUIDE] Don't die a derp - To the north [GUIDE] Bare-Handed/Post-Spawn - Survive on minimal rations [GUIDE] - Basic Survival Tips and Tricks [GUIDE] - Basic PvP/CqC/Long Range Engagement knowledge If you don't find an important topic either in the video or "planned" section, let me know by commenting down below so I can cover the topic right away, nobody's perfect so neither am I. Have a fine day ladies and gents, if you liked what you saw, tell your friends. ~PM
"Path of least resistance" Bambi-to-gear way video on the way, stay tuned
thank you sir :) you get my beans both for the kind comment as well as dat sick RE2 Birkin avatar!
glad to hear that :3 thanks!
Really hope they won't put the .50cal rifles back in the game, these were just ridiculous >.> yeah, if I have the sniper role I am provoding overwatch and only one or two deadly shots before i have to move my butt to another position :)
[VIDEO] Survivalist Gameplay - NO unnessecary Banditry
paxtonmega replied to paxtonmega's topic in Gallery
Episode 4 is now online -
As seen in the video ^_^ tho these 800 meter shots really need some preparation time, in a firefight center mass does fine enough, even tho the mosin looses its damage over range. I think it was not designed to be a real sniper rifle, I see it as the new CZ550, a lot of players did good with it, others didn't :) well, I'd dare that too but actually I've seen and done so many shots on the Mod as well as the Standalone, sometimes it's both awesome and strange how accurate even the most inacurate gun becomes in a tight situation. Over 600 meters the Mosin is absolutely deadly, I killed many bandits that way that were roaming the coast as well as the airfield, everything above is playing with fire for me because even the slightest movement fails your shot hard.
Thank you sir but the night is cold so I want to share this kind gift with you on a warm camp fire :beans:
mosin nagant sniper tutorial is online
[VIDEO] Survivalist Gameplay - NO unnessecary Banditry
paxtonmega replied to paxtonmega's topic in Gallery
Episode 3 is online, SQUADPLAY element. Subscribe for more! -
[VIDEO] Survivalist Gameplay - NO unnessecary Banditry
paxtonmega replied to paxtonmega's topic in Gallery
Episode 2 online