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Everything posted by sajuuknightfall

  1. would be best if it was free. there have already been many who given there hard earn money to the dev. in other words it should be free for arma 2 however they should charge say 15 dollars for the arma 3 one should they be working on it, they should include a single player version as will. and no you can't use the stuff you get from the single player in multi lol .
  2. sajuuknightfall

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    the solution to people just killing is making it so they can't loot your body. there would be less of a chance someone would just kill you because he doesn't benefit from it other then just wanted a kill. you could introduce a trading menu . right click on player and a window opens. but your item such as 'beans' and he buts say 'ammo' and you click accept, he then clicks accept and your transaction is complete. have a nice day then you slowly walk back and leave. this in turn will help easy people from killing each other on sight for there loot however they could still shot you if they wish but the chance that someone will do this is less because he doesn't really get anything from it other then a kill. also this will help people joining groups to search for ammo and stuff in towns. if this doesn't work you could create SAFE zones on the map control by AI player. you intrude you'r self to the AI and he lets you in, should you shoot anyone inside the safe zone the AI players will shoot you dead. in order to protect the player there should be walls around the camp and add towers with AI Guards. here you would freely be able to trade your items with other players.