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Unkn0wn (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Unkn0wn (DayZ)

  1. Unkn0wn (DayZ)

    Share servers with SIDECHAT enabled

    At least give servers the choice, some like it, others don't. IMO not only did it add a certain sense of 'community', it also made it much easier to help newer players. Not to mention it made those many alone hours slightly less dull.
  2. Unkn0wn (DayZ)

    Screen is unbearably shaky when in 1st person mode

    Use 3rd person if you don't have painkillers. This is an excessive feature IMO, I couldn't bear to play 1st person with this effect.
  3. Isn't this pretty moot since you'll never directly stare a bandit in the face anyway? Chances are one of you is going to be dead before you hear the heartbeat noise kicking in. That being said, YES, but only if the range is big enough to matter.
  4. Unkn0wn (DayZ)

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    Why not a simple system comparable to most MMO's? You want to log out so you click disconnect, a message pops up: "Your character will be taken offline in X seconds (counting down realtime). You can still see your character during this time but can't take any actions. So if someting happening in this timespan you click cancel and react. You're back in the game and if you wanna quit you'll just have to do it over again. ----------- THIS
  5. Unkn0wn (DayZ)

    Which T-Shirt design would you buy?

    2 is nice and clean, though 1 would be ok too.
  6. Unkn0wn (DayZ)

    Build 1.5.8 rolling update

    Think you should probably allow people to still use scrollwheel to interact with basic equipment tbh
  7. Unkn0wn (DayZ)

    Build 1.5.8 rolling update

    I keep getting kicked off the server?
  8. Unkn0wn (DayZ)

    Build 1.5.8 rolling update

    Sweet! Interesting to see how the infection mechanic works out, hopefully it doesn't cause everyone to just avoid nighttime servers, especially when it's raining.
  9. Unkn0wn (DayZ)

    Timing of Patch 1.5.8

    Well, player corpses should be able to give you infections as well, that way bandits take more risks :D.
  10. Unkn0wn (DayZ)

    1.5.8 this weekend?

    I was hoping for a small decrease in the amount of zombies as well, the performance boost that will give servers is a big enough reason IMO. It doesn't need to be the 1.5.6, just somewhere between 1.5.7 and 1.5.6 would be good enough. Happy to hear about the (hopefully much) slower spawn times at least.
  11. Unkn0wn (DayZ)

    Pistol holstering

    Would be a very welcome addition imo, if it's possible at least.
  12. Unkn0wn (DayZ)

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    You could have a server message display who murdered who, but that may be a little intrusive. I believe just displaying the name on screen (and in player list) in a different colour would be a good enough warning when crossing very low humanity players.
  13. Unkn0wn (DayZ)

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    I believe this change is for the best, the bandit system, while being a good idea in theory, had too many downsides. Having players able to differentiate their look sounds amazing. I do hope it will still be possible to identify very low humanity players one way or another? Maybe you can just have their name show up in a different colour on the regular servers that show names? I think that would be a good way to keep a WARNING! indication. (You wouldn't have this on hardcore servers, but then again if you want to play hardcore, you probably won't mind)
  14. Unkn0wn (DayZ)

    Dev may stop?

    Some people...
  15. Unkn0wn (DayZ)

    Why does hardly anyone go north??

    Waste of time tbh, walk 30 + min just to get killed on the airfield? I know there's more up north than NW Airfield, but many of the places simply aren't worth it. (considering the amount of zombies you encounter is huge now, even in the smaller villages that have only 1 - 2 places for loot)... Sure I enjoyed the adventure the first time I played Day Z, but several weeks down the road I really don't see much point in wasting so much time walking for so little gain. (A lot of my friends feel the same way) Cherno, elektra and balota offer most of the good gear as well, and them being bandit heavens only makes it more exciting imo. (Not to mention you can always PK for loot yourself) The only time I bother going deeper in land is when I have a vehicle, or when I happen to spawn close to some place that I know has a vehicle spawn chance.
  16. Unkn0wn (DayZ)

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    Negative humanity should just give you a red name, or some other 'minor' indication, then let players choose their own skin.
  17. Unkn0wn (DayZ)

    Daytime servers are always overloaded.

    I like playing nighttime, occasionally, just not for the entire day. So yea, a shorter day-night cycle would probably be better but AFAIK rocket already said he didn't want to change this. (I don't see why though, what's the point of forcing realtime cycle on servers when people will just swap servers to avoid it anyway) Another upside of having a shorter day/night cycle is that players can actually experience an entire day and night, in a single playthrough, which adds to the immersion. (Actually experiencing dawn, nightfall, rather than just hitting a time of day when you log in) I also think players will tend to stick around for nighttime a lot more if the cycle was made shorter. Hope rocket reconsiders his stance.
  18. Once you go bandit it's pretty much impossible to go survivor again, unless you're content with not defending yourself every time a survivor shows up and starts shooting at you. It's pretty stupid. IMO you should lose half of your negative humanity every time you die.
  19. While more zombies is fun and all, I hope it has been noted that they cause a significant performance hit, especially server-side. I've seen a lot of servers that start desyncing the moment the count runs up to +- 1000. They seem a lot more stable around 500 - 600. Performance should always come first, I'd rather have a stable playing experience with less zombies than an unstable one with tons of them. Ideally the zombie count should be a little higher than in 1.5.6, but respawn times definitely need to go up. (And have some sort of player proximity check to prevent random spawns when you're looting) Maybe zombie count should even be a server setting, so so servers can pick what works best in terms of performance. 35 player servers could easily have more zombies than 60 player ones.
  20. Unkn0wn (DayZ)

    Persistance and server switching with tents/vehicles.

    Vehicles and tents (including the stuff in the tent) always stay on the server, they only disappear if the server crashes AFAIK. And of course there's always the chance a player runs into them while you're offline.
  21. Unkn0wn (DayZ)

    How to get to my friend's location fast?

    People should be able to choose their spawn location, albeit with some limitations to be honest. Would save the frustration of having to kill yourself and go through the login process again (which probably further strains an already strained database) Having to travel a distance by foot to meet up with people is really fun initially, but it becomes a dull part of the game pretty quick the 10th time around. Alternatively I suppose they could devise some sort of 'camp spawn' system, where players can spawn at their tent at least once. (Obviously there needs to be some way to prevent people from setting up a tent and continuously spawning there everytime they die, allowing them to easily travel to the place where they died and kill whoever killed them)
  22. Unkn0wn (DayZ)

    Elite Skins (Survivors and Bandits)

    I hope they just add a lot more skins overall, especially to differentiate survivors. (And maybe add some sort of high humanity skin)
  23. Unkn0wn (DayZ)

    Camping spawn points

    Players should be unkillable until they are well and properly logged in to be honest. Especially new players
  24. Unkn0wn (DayZ)

    How do you Pronounce the name?

    I pronounce it Dai-sy. (with a short pause inbetween day and Z)
  25. Unkn0wn (DayZ)

    Weapon with a flashlight

    AFAIK batteries recharge automatically when you turn the flashlight off for a while.