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Everything posted by mrnull
good news to hear, hopefully the main focus will be stopping hacks/cheaters, the main ground work for the game is done, stoping hacks should have a high priority cant wait for release, will had over cash gladly for it
i dont get why all the dayZ servers are useing the beta patchs for arma2 the 2 days i got play dayZ on the offical 1.62 patch i didnt have any graphic artifacts, or loading issues it seems like the beta patches for arma2 introduce more bugs and troubles then anything else and since there can be a new one release every few days it must make it pretty hard to pinpoint certian bugs in the mod why not stick with developing this mod under the 1.62 stable patch? atleast then the bugs would be easyer to pinpoint and servers/clients wouldnt be fored to jump bewteen different servers depending on what beta patch they are running, would also remove the chance of it being a arma2beta bug being reported for this mod and allow us to find the bugs in this mod
i get the whole version and all that, my point of the post was why not stick with 1.62 stalbe patch that was release, some bugs that get reported could be because of the beta patches that came out after 1.62, from my understanding 1.62 was a stable version of the pervious beta patches that came out all rolled into one patch, so it would already have the tech that dayZ need in order to work as intended, beta's are known to have bugs, beta patches, beta drivers, etc, i know this is an alpha mod, so its still in very early stages of being developed, but developings under and stable version of 1.62, insted of contantly changing beta patches makes more sense if u ask me, gives them a rock solid foundatin to build apon, and would help pinpoint bugs a lot quicker and easyer
dont have any screenshots of it, but it seems like anytime theres a lot of barbed wire i get massive graphic artifacts, to the point where im totally blind and cant see anything at all geforce gt 555m 1GB(driver 296.10) win7 x64 8gb ram i5 2430m (2.4ghz stock, 3ghz turbo)
each tiome u die, u learn something new, like not jumping down from high places or to be a bit more stealthy the first 3 days playing i think i had guns twice, and got gunned down each time, yeah i made a lot of noise yeah i did stupid newb things in dayZ, but its part of learning how to play it right now i can survive for 3-4 days max, untill i walk through the wrong area while hunting for pigs/cows and get pegged off by a bloody sniper!!!! i still have fun with it tho, it town campers keep pegging me off i try to aggro as many zeds as i can so i have a horde of 20+ runnin after me and lead them towards the campers if i know where they are lol make ur own fun with the game think outside the box do the unthinkable climbed to top of a build once, and then thought "shit.. bet some sniper is gonna plug me one now" climbd up there to get away from zeds, so i hopped over the edge and gave the zeds a manwitch, lol, i lost my gear, i made a dumb mistake, but i still turned it into something fun in the end!! make ur own fun, find the urban legends thread, study a map that u find on google, and go looking for the creepy things posted in that thread its to easy to have fun with game my goal is simple, i wanna have a survivour for 5-6 days now!, slowly working my way to a week
turn all the settings down to lowest possible, it should be playable on ur system dont expect it to run super smooth tho the amd 4250 isnt that great of a gpu, i used to have a laptop with a 4270, and that was almost 2 years ago now i wouldnt even bother trying to run most new games on it give it a shot and the lowest detail level, but dont count on it being very smooth, also run it at a low resolution, 800x600
i always thought a sandbox game was basicly a massive area, no loading screens, and be able to use whatever is avalabe in the enviroment providied in game
New players cant get past learning curve
mrnull replied to Sidewinderx84's topic in New Player Discussion
i brought arma2 just to be able to play dayZ learning curve? all i did b4 playing was find out about the controls i didnt bother with watching videos or anything else everything else u learn while playing the game if ur a gamer who cracks the shits about not being awesome as soon as u start out, play something else i jumped in the deepend of the pool, and drowned to start with now im surviving and loving every minute of it if i live or die, i dont care, coz i learn a new tactic for the game i've always just thrown myself into games without reading anything more then the controls for it thats the point of a game, there is a respawn button, learn from ur mistakes, try again its not like once u die thats it, the game gets deleted and as for setting up and installing it, i didnt have a problem, i use the six launcher/updater, and it has worked flawlessly for me i dont see why ppl bitch about "learn curves" in games, if u cant learn how to play a game, how can u learn to do anything at all? learn sum patience keep getting killed in a big city, dont go there and look to the smaller towns/deer stands for gear doesnt take much effort to work it out -
sounds just as good as taking all the servers offline and not allowing anyone to play at all....... ban everyone coz of one person? serious?
some good stories here have been to GM both at day and at night and in both times it has been empty, not a sound, so i've thought "hey why not go check the tower for some loot!" as soon as i hit the top of the tower, i hear flies buzzing like crazy, and the groans of zed's once i reach the bottom of the tower and peak outside the door, theres always 20+ zeds in camo's shambleing around everytime, day or night, have done it about 5-6 times the trip, mainly coz i've notice ppl tend to avoid the place and everytime i try to get out of there i run out of ammo and become a fresh manwitch for the feast also ealyer today i was at stary sobor, heading for the army camp there, had 2-3 zeds chase me there, run into the first tent, pegged em off with a mak, no troubles, peak outside, no zeds or players anywhere, so i go from tent to tent, checking the geasr, find food, drinks, more ammo, then i come upto the last tent, empty and it looks like there is a remington 870 sitting there!! bonus! need a back up wep!! as soon as i step into the tent a zed comes out of nowhere right in my face!!! did he have a predator cloacking system?!?! he took a swipe at me and hit me making me blled so i start back peddleing, as soon as i was 2 steps away he disappered, into thin air? i couldnt work this out, thinking it was a spawn bug or a glitch, but it had happened, he made me bleed, so i bandaged myself up, and very carefully made my way back to the tent to see if he would come back, didnt show up, so i looted the gun and booked it for the closest forest logged out just after that happened and i had the illiusion of feeling safe, lol
Why is this advertised as a Zombie game?
mrnull replied to SolarClipz's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
zombies are still a threat when u find a wep, do u sneak away from them or past them? or risk putting a few rounds in em while u scvange for supplys then giving ur pos away to other players and having them kill u and take all ur gear? its a game about making a choice? do i kil that other player? do i kill a zombie? do i help this newb i see on the coast? just seems like most ppl make the choice of shooting on sight everything is a threat, and a lot of players get paranoid about loseing there scavanaged gear spend countless hours sneaking from town to town looking for a sniper rile and would u let sumone get close enough to kill u and take it? -
There is a mod to help people with A2 lighting issue....
mrnull replied to wolfstriked's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
it ccould be u r useing buggy graphics drivers if ur having trouble with the lighting maybe updateing or downgradeing ur drivers will fix the problem -
DON'T LET STEAM UPDATE OA!! Game breaking!
mrnull replied to happylarry77's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
i havnt had a problem with DayZ at all since the steam update i use the six launcher it installs the beta files into the addon dir of AO if u launch Day Z through the Six lanucher/updater, it doesnt change any of the files in ur arma2 install dir(copying over .exe's etc) and runs the beta patch right out of the addon dir, im able to connect to any server on dayz, just depends if they are running the same patch as i am dont know why so many people are having trouble with it -
good idea, but portable raidos would need to be inculded as well, transmition freqences, would add a deep layer of complexity to the game code very good idea would be awesome to voice chat with a team mate who is at "base camp" and give a report of said town area, call for player reinforcements,etc,etc very good idea, but also very complex
maybe not the cleaning kit, but to have wep's break over time u need to replace them, maybe not break, but jamming frequently, then u have to break out the hatchet and go hunting for a new wep, theres already enough needing to spend time lighting fires for food, drinking, bandages, etc, another thing on the list to make ur char stationary and an easy target would make it more painful, maybe making guns have a "3 dayz" life would be better, so after 2-3 days they would jam/break, forcing you to get a new wep
There is a mod to help people with A2 lighting issue....
mrnull replied to wolfstriked's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
if u cant see them, they cant see u? if u r having this much trouble seeing in dark areas in a game, or well lightened areas, wont other players if its the sun, back track and circle around if its at night, take a risk and run it, as long as ur not running while holding a light or flares u will be pretty hard to see ive had many ppl walk rite infront of me at night, almost stepping on me, because they havn't seen me in an open field -
quivers for xbows, and also a better sight/optics on it as well if they fix the xbow up they coudl make it so with collection some wood and scrap metal u could make ur own xbow bolts
More "realistic" zombies (slower but more numerous)
mrnull replied to T8TRG8TR's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
wtf? realistic zombies? and one questions u have seen a real zombie? and therefor know how they move? -
isn't that part of the UI with there lil EAR and EYE icons... and how they have BARS to display the amount of noise u make and how visable u are to hostiles in the area??? gee looks like ur suggestion is already in there!
bandits , survivors, and other. which are you and what is your play style for PVP
mrnull replied to picky (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
if i see a player, and they dont see me, ill offer help via direct comm, but useing text, if i dont get an answer, i head the other way, i dont often team up(as most people have the SOS attitude) so id say i was a survivour/hunter, i stick to heavyly forest areas where there is water/animals, make sure there are a few towns close by incase i need ammo/supplys, or if i've used my last crossbow bolt and cant get it back, i tend to follow how i am in person, a hermit who aviods ppl at all costs, lol -
use direct comm and say friendly? if no answer, just watch then, dont use ur mic in this case, direct comm has a big range on text chat, so for all the other player knows u could be watching them threw a sniper scope, if there un-armed and say yes still be wary of them only times ive managed to team up in this game is with fresh spawns/newbies newbies ive helped(telling what gear they need to find, etc,) fresh spawns ill help escort em to somewhere they are safe then go my seperate way i do that because it helps my zed kill count go up lol still dont trust anyone, unless they are a real friend u play with, everyone else is fair game its about surviving, not who has the biggest friend list
New players guide from Bandit point of view
mrnull replied to [email protected]'s topic in New Player Discussion
good tips, and i learnt all those things from playing the game for a week lol if new players cant get a handle on the game after a week then it will lead to high levels of anger/frustration not the kinda game u can go into expect to "own" everyone in i spent my first few days making all kinds of mistakes but i had a blast running everywhere making snipers use up a few rounds to kill me insted of 1 shoting me just learning the map layout, and what not to do can be ones of the best parts of this mod -
running into a town after freshly spawning and having 20+ zeds hot on ur heals and leadings them to the player that shot u and made u have toi respawn nice to take the zeds to a nice fresh manwitch every now and then :) lol
I'm a new player - and this seems SOO hard
mrnull replied to T8TRG8TR's topic in New Player Discussion
i havnt been playing long, but the only things i looked for were controls and a loot map online, just to get a rough idea of where to find half decent gear the rest of the time i've just been winging it, yeah ive died a trouck load of times, but ive enjoyed it, each death teaches u something new once u learn the layut of the map and know where u roughly are without having to alt-tab out, it get easyer, u end up making "mental landmarks" so if u see certian things u know its a heavyly traveked area and know the run for a few minutes in another direction before contiueing on ur current path get the basic's of how to play it, learn the rest each server will be different one server there could be a valley that is camped out all the time by snipers, on another there could be no-one except u and a wild pig -
Important information about arma 2 OA patch 1.62!!!!
mrnull replied to joecheeze's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
gah, ill give it a day or 2 then try to play DayZ again problems have been found, more patches will come out to help fix these problems the world wont come to a grinding halt(well i hope not anyway) guess ill have to read a book or play a different game untill the issue is fixed OH NO!!! its offical, the world has come to an end lol