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Everything posted by Shyoto

  1. Shyoto

    DayZ Build 1.6.0 Rolling Update

    Man the frik up. I'm on Day 27 of this character. I average 14 FPS in open fields. 7 FPS is fantastical whilst deep in Cherno. 10-12 FPS is not unplayable.
  2. Shyoto

    1.5.8 Boring Suggestions List

    >"Night time - Just come on." Make nights darker to counteract the effect of increasing Gamma, or make nights lighter so that we don't need to do it. Anything else is not a good idea. >"How about a zombie / wound infection system" +1 >"Soviet country needs more soviet weaponry " -1. Current spawns are fine IMHO. >"There are places in Balota where AK47 Racks don't give out AK47's" Because they were all looted at the start of the Zombie Apocalypse. We are weeks later. The change to make here would be to delete the model, or edit it to be an empty rack. >"Disallow movement of weapons and items in backpack that cause errors," +1. >"Make flash-light an equipment slot item or other accessed by F." It's a sidearm slot. Deal with that buisiness. If you want a sidearm+flashlight, loot a G17. -1. >"Be able to use tents to give yourself medical treatment such as blood transfusions and resting effects." +1 >"Remove Player Names on hover." +1. But this information needs to be attainable somehow when you're in very close proximity, and all other player information needs to be voluntarily sharable to certain others (trusted survivor bands e.c.t.) >"Remove East Coast spawn points, move spawns away from Elektro and Cherno towards the West." I'm reading this as "Force the currently overpopulated spawn area to be condensed into an even smaller one." -1. If anything, spawns need to be shifted to the East Coast, not South Coast. This would make Cherno and Elektro a late-game raid-area, not an early-game Bandit Lolcentre. Solnichiy and Berezino would make better noob-cities. >"Randomise some starting equipment, This reinforces having to help others from the start." Erm.... if you say so? Sounds more like a reason to lay waste to every survivor you next meet. They might have stuff you need, and why would you want to share what you have with them?
  3. Shyoto

    Humanity effects

    Being as how the game still has no conceivable way of discerning between accidental misfire, mercy-killing a dying man, killing someone in self-defence, and actual murder- I'm going to vote NO. Fix the useless humanity system to begin with before adding stuff to it.
  4. Shyoto

    Under the wrong impression (Temp)

    Also combine the effect that not only is it sunny out at 10am, you're also in the middle of your full sprint while wearing all that gear... You're going to be overheating, not catching a cold...
  5. Shyoto


    +1 'Nuff said.
  6. Shyoto


    I'm absolutely all for this. So long as we change the Bandit skins. Specifically, to the skins used in STALKER. You know, where every bandit wears a water proof coat over a woollen jacket? Because bandits are smart.
  7. Shyoto

    Make Death Last a bit Longer

    Being as how I spend little enough time as it is trying to get into the frackin' servers as it is with all the goddamn waiting, I absolutely refuse to add more time to that. As far as "looting your old stuff back" goes, Hell, my squaddies don't even bother setting up around the corpse any more. We simply loot the best bits, throw tools like map and compass into someone's backpack, then we all go meet somewhere else. So all adding time to our deaths would do is... Stop us from playing. Think about it realistically now... You want to punish players by stopping them from playing? I don't really have anything else to say other than "This is a terrible idea."
  8. So, because you won out on Luck-of-the-Draw, the rest of us should be punished for an item that spawns once in every 2,272 spawn cycles, from one of only 12 possible loot piles? NVG spawns are not a problem. Your argument for moving longarms northwards will impact on gameplay even worse. What's to stop the bandits from simply walking north, grabbing an AK, then walking south back to Cherno, and laughing like maniacs at all the highest-level survivors with revolvers? You're still going to be crying about being "sniped" at 300+m, except now you won't have a weapon to return fire with. And removing all long-arms from the game entirely? I can guarantee more players will want to murder Rocket than will thank him for it.
  9. Shyoto

    Way to distinguish friendlies

    In the same vein as the OP, how about using ArmA's squad system? Have it so you can offer new friendlies a place in your squad, (if they're within 5m or w/e) and they can accept/decline. Combining this with the Custom Models vein, we could potentially take away the floating green diamonds that mark squaddies (not a fan of those myself) and perhaps add, say, a green arm-band to those in your squad, only visible to your squad? *shrug* I'm throwing ideas at the wall to see what sticks here :D
  10. Shyoto

    Zombie movement - the zig-zag shuffle.

    +1. I always just assumed it was some sort of Pathfinding issue though? We all know how bad ArmA2's Pathfinding AI is...
  11. Also, the "goal" of a survival game, is most certainly not "to die". It might help you out to make note of the number of EVE players that are attracted to the game. It's a sandbox, with emergent gameplay. The idea is that you scratch out whatever living you can, you set your own goals, and you find your own enjoyment in the game. If your fun is in dying, go right ahead and die. Mine is in surviving, I'm gunna go right ahead and survive. I also do make village and town raids on a regular basis, mostly just to check for sweet loot spawns. I never go into a raid without a clear objective of what I'm looking to loot. And I also drop a mag into any other players within half a click of the town before I go in. Because I don't want to get close to them. If you want a "Close-up Zombie Apocolypse Firefight of Death", I suggest you hit up Left4Dead. This is not the game for you.
  12. Speaking as a player who hasn't died in... nigh on 2 weeks... I live with my buddy in the middle of a forest. We live on canteen water and a goat spawn. I don't know what "tension" you seem to be lacking. Every time I load into the game, I'm tense from start to finish. I'm constantly terrified of any player I spot from 500m away. And ALL of my interactions with them are extremely tense. Those interactions usually involve bursts of small-arms fire. Note, that I said small-arms. Not scoped rifle-fire. If anyone takes a moment to think this through... You want Scoped Rifles to be gone because you don't want to get sniped from 500m? So is it OK if I set the ranger on my AK to 500m, and use a 5-round burst? Being as we're in post-Cold War Russia, it's well-known that AK's are everywhere. Or even better, if I just use the Iron Sights on my non-scoped bolt-action rifle, and just account for bullet drop, like any man worth the air he breathes has done since the invention of rifles? By your arguments of close-rangedness for whatever the Hell it is you want to force on me for my Survival enjoyment, you want to limit gunfire to within 20m? So,... Anything other than a Winchester with pellets, an M104, or any of the sidearms... Because, you know, every other gun in the game is head-shot accurate at 200m, and body-shot accurate at 300m? The only difference between the majority of firearms and those with scopes, is that the scoped weapons have a pair of binoculars strapped to the top. And being as how I have a pair of binoculars... If you force engagements to within 100m, I will stop fearing other players altogether. Because, quite simply, 50 players on a 225km2 map... I will never, ever come within 100m of you.