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About chunkeymonkey79

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  1. My mistake, didn't read close enough. Thanks for the info though.
  2. I can't seem to find any public hive servers as of last night and today. I heard that the reason they went down was due to HFB servers going under. Sucks, cause I was getting into v1.8.1 vanilla and had a good operation going. Anybody know if there are any public hive servers up?
  3. chunkeymonkey79

    Severe FPS problems

    Yeah, the thing was: when I first installed it ran perfectly, and the performance has degraded over time. Idk why.
  4. chunkeymonkey79

    Severe FPS problems

    Nope, Windows 7 x64 bit Yeah, already tried that fix, didn't work.
  5. chunkeymonkey79

    Severe FPS problems

    First post in a while! Anyway, I've been having some pretty severe FPS problems lately. Don't know if it's just optimization issues or what, but i've been averaging 30fps in the wilderness, and 15-20 in cities. Relevant Specs: i5-3570k @ 3.4 ghz 2x GeForce GTX 660 (sli) 8GB RAM My friends have usually been getting around 40-50 fps with their settings on medium. I even put everything on very low and I'm still only averaging 20fps in cities. No idea why, my FPS is 60+ in all my other games. Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
  6. chunkeymonkey79

    New to DayZ and PC gaming. Help!

    If the 'Maxtor 21' was a silver rectangle, it's a hard drive. Also that nvidia card is outdated, you'd definitely need a new one. Can't tell with your CPU, because you can't tell what brand or model it is directly from the chip.
  7. chunkeymonkey79

    New to DayZ and PC gaming. Help!

    If anything, salvage the case. Love the Alienware cases, just not their hardware. But get the specs, post, and we can go from there on what you should do.
  8. chunkeymonkey79

    Buying a macbook, need suggestions

    Well this thread is certainly giving me a hernia(Alienware's, Mac's, prebuilt's, oh my!). Anyway's, ARMA 2 is very CPU-intensive, so I guess shoot for the 2.4 GHz model? Sorry, but I can't really recommend either of them. Even though you're not a 'hardcore' gamer, it might be worth just building a medium range rig to run a good range of games on. Also if you care about OSX that much, then run Hackintosh of of it.
  9. chunkeymonkey79

    Get rid of chernarus.

    You can't be serious.
  10. chunkeymonkey79

    Dayz SA to be a failure

    Didn't read the rest of the comments, just wanted to say to OP: The reason DayZ is so successful is because it doesn't appeal to the masses. People are tired of easy, casual games.
  11. I jam a pen cap in between the crevice of E, D, and S. Works pretty well.
  12. chunkeymonkey79

    How well would this run DayZ?

    Please spare yourself the trouble and build your own computer.
  13. chunkeymonkey79

    Utes map

    0/10 fail troll.
  14. chunkeymonkey79

    Our chopper goes missing

    Also vehicle experiences are very short-lived, to my knowledge hackers can see their positions.
  15. There isn't really a fix to this problem, there is no way to detect whether it was self-defense or not...avoid other players?