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Sinful omnivore

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About Sinful omnivore

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Sinful omnivore

    Hackers, and the state of the standalone game?

    New engine will have a lot to do with this. It is my understanding the reason it is hacked so frequently now is arma is a script based engine as it was developed with mostly a LAN setting in mind (correct me if I'm wrong) and new engine will go a long way to at least slowing hackers down. I feel your pain though as the server I play on has been hacked twice a day for two weeks.
  2. Sinful omnivore

    So can this not be played alone?

    Welcome to dayz.
  3. Sinful omnivore

    Graphical bugs

    At NWAF
  4. Date/Time: Tuesday Night July 24th- Friday night July 27th What happened: Played Tues for 4 hours no issues. Logged off went to bed. Logged back on wed night and the server constantly kicks me, I revalidate install and reinstall dayz. Game loads, joins server but game then crashes to windows with not responding error on loading screen. Reinstalled beta and revalidated. Notice I am suddenly running 1.62 (gussing the re validation did this?) So I tried to log into a 1.62 server which went succesfully but im on the beach with no gear. Where you were: Krasnostav when I logged out tuesday. What you were doing: Loggin off and logging in next day *Current installed version: and 94444 (the server I play on hadnt updated yet) *Server(s) you were on: US 751 *Your system specs: Dell XPS Laptop Intel I7 1.68 Nvidia 450gtm 8gigs ram 2 TB sata's *Timeline of events before/after error: Raided NWAF, traveled back to hide my carsaved my vehicle walked 10m away went prone and logged out. :'( 2 NVG and rangefinder gone...
  5. Day 30 was my record. It was sad seeing him go... Moreso because I died to a glitch. Was getting out of the offroad and storing some gear... when I went to walk away I just broke my legs and blood dropped quick. My buddy tried to stop it and give me a transfusion but it was dropping too fast.