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About Pride_Lion

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  1. Pride_Lion

    Weapon Attachments spawn in loot piles

    So... guess I proved you wrong now that Rocket announced standalone to be released in alpha before Arma 3.
  2. Pride_Lion

    Now That DayZ Is Going StandAlone

    Yeah the dead zombie loot is debatable i see your point.
  3. Now that DayZ is going standalone all those suggestions that could never be done can be and I have a few of my own that would really make this game better 1) Crossbow Quiver: you've probably heard it before, people say that the crossbow is the worst weapon in the game, mainly because you can't hold very many arrows, but if there was a quiver the crossbow would be a very helpful gun as it's a starter and is quiet with the ability to retrieve ammo but it also needs one other thing which leads me to my next suggestion. 2) Crossbow Red Dot: the crossbow is incredibly hard to aim because there are no iron sights and I think that a red dot scope would just make the crossbow an even better starting weapon. 3) More Clothing: Now i've suggested this before and I'll do it again I'd like separate clothing pieces like a balaclava or a bandana, and clothing pieces that affect your gameplay like a bulletproof vest that prevents small caliber weapons from penetrating but still breaks ribs or disorients you also it would be black and provide no camo and possibly also weigh you down, stuff like this. 4) More Starter Melee Weapons, Less Starter Guns: Less civilian gun spawns and more melee weapons just like it says 5) Police Loot Spawn: To compensate for the less civilian weapons a new loot type spawn would happen, police loot which would include: G17, Remington 870, MP5 and maybe an M4A1 (Plain) to act as an AR15. 6) Dead Zombies Loot: A dead police zombie should have a sidearm, a dead farmer a hatchet proper loot spawn on proper dead zombies 7) Scarier Zombies: at the moment zombies are just a nuisance and I know Rocket is focusing around the monsters inside of players but I'd like to be afraid when I see a zombie horde, but with this It'd be nice if zombie's reactions be more realistic as in a zombie on you from 100 feet away when you make no noise. Please tell me what you think and add any suggestions you think are needed in the standalone DayZ game.
  4. Pride_Lion

    Lingor Island?

    Why is it not allowed though? I mean it's not like you can bring items over into the official game, all there doing is modding a game exactly what Rocket did to arma 2, I mean I get it that you should not post about it on the dayz forums but why is it bad that there modding a mod? Does Rocket have copyright or something?
  5. Pride_Lion

    Was 'Killed' vs 'Murdered'?

    I want the was killed feature gone and the Murder count in the debug screen to register like 10-15 minutes after the kill, so you'll never know if he's playing dead or really dead
  6. Pride_Lion

    Weapon Attachments spawn in loot piles

    Why do people keep talking about Arma 3, Rocket doesn't want to move to Arma 3, I believe he is going to keep using Arma 2 engine and then go standalone along the lines of how minecraft was and have the game that way. Why would rocket rewrite the whole mod for a new game, new engine when he can take a step even further and go standalone, I highly doubt there will be DayZ for Arma 3 so don't go preordering it now just for DayZ (yes it's a great game and worth buying).
  7. So I'm looting the north west airfield barracks (all players have left game probably cause it's night) and I hear gun shots and light outside the barracks randomly this guy is right outside shooting zombies he turns and see's me just as I pop 3 5.56x45mm Nato rounds into his chest and watch him fall to the ground. At first I felt guilty but then I realized that he was probably server hopping and looting the barracks (or he was just an idiot who logged out at a really retarded place) I took his nvg's and left the bizon and M4A3 he was carrying and left the airfield.
  8. Pride_Lion

    New Clothing Content

    I really love DayZ but one thing it's missing is the ability to define your character. Yes there is a little bit of customization but I want to be able to put on a combat vest and a balaclava and look like a bandit or maybe I want to look like a normal civilian. Anyways my point is I want the ability to define my character and stand out and also a few more clothing items with different perks like bullet proof vest (it's black and easy to see but provides more protection) or you could go with the classic ghillie (stealth but no bullet protection once so ever).
  9. Pride_Lion

    Random Death

    AS50 can pierce objects, your sound might have glitched out, also headshot silenced weapon?
  10. Pride_Lion

    TRADE | Satchel(s) for an SVD Camo

    Unarmed you do realize that the other guy will be packing a sniper rifle, I would highly suggest you do not arrive unarmed or without sniper overwatch
  11. Pride_Lion

    To the guy on US 284 I killed in Zeleno

    Uh Josh225 you probably had connection problems cause the CZ 550 is at most two shots on the body to kill. Either that or you fired like a mad man and didn't hit all 3-4 shots.
  12. Pride_Lion

    Unable to connect to ANY servers.

    Yeah guys it looks like six launcher can update clients to the new patch but servers who need to download the new patch can't because the website is fucked up
  13. Pride_Lion

    First Blood

    I murdered for the first time today, I was extremely thirsty when i spotted a campfire, there was 3 guys sitting around the fire, i went prone in fear they saw me, I stayed still just 30m away from them. They preceded to put out the fire and run off I chased them until I was around 150m away up the road, I aimed down the sights of my CZ550 that I was lucky to find in a barn and killed one of the trio I then preceded to fire and kill another one and watched as the last guy ran away into the forest for his life. I searched the body and found Medical supplies (blood bags, morphine, epi-pen) and plenty of soda pop (even a mountain dew), a bigger backpack and an AK74 which I decided to leave as I had grown attached to my rifle. So I guess what I'm trying to say is that I feel extremely bad that I killed 2 survivors, but it was either be a nice guy and die of dehydration or become the monster I'am and murder innocent people. What would you guys do in my situation?