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About burno111

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  1. Obvious trap is obvious
  2. Every time I try to join, I get the message that i've been kicked, but it's instantly when I get into the lobby. How do I fix this problem?? Edit : The message says " You have been kicked off the game . "
  3. burno111

    A newbie's guide to guns. Where and what:

    I thought the winchester was pretty quite for the type of gun.
  4. Not a big computer person, So don't know if this will help, But I have don't have enough memory in my computer which causes it to act slow in game. But only at some areas. Also might want to check Temp of Video card, and change the Video memory or what ever it is in the options to low.
  5. Is there a public chat in DayZ, Or in other terms a chat that everyone can talk in? I watch videos on youtube and they have a blue colored text and it has people talking to eachother. ( Also, I'm new. Sorry if the answer is infront of my face ;( -- ) Thanks!!
  6. burno111

    Bought Arma specifically for this mod...

    The axe in the tree stump is just a prop. The axe you are looking for should say "Hatchet" when you look at it. and it should be on the ground, And when you find it, you click the middle scroll button OR scroll and it will give you a option menu to the far left. Hope this helps!
  7. burno111

    Bad Version

    You could try going to the updater, right click on a server a selecting "Update Options" or something, and then click " Install and update mod/ Join game". Not sure if it will fix your problem though.
  8. burno111

    Cant Connect to servers

    Try using the updater and right click on a server, go to "Update Options" or something, then click "Install and update mod - Join server"
  9. burno111

    Anyone watch The Walking Dead ?...

    Quality looks good as it is! Nice video though.
  10. burno111

    Who's Playing Guitar In Cherno?

    Hey man! let's play guitar together! Pm if you want to lol
  11. burno111

    did you ever play arma 2?

    What's Arma 2? :)
  12. burno111

    Sporadic crazy FPS drop

    I'm not a huge computer guy, but I have the same problem but it takes longer. My brother told me it was likely because of my memory because I really don't have that much. Might want to check into that. By the way, You don't need to have steam open to play DayZ. I suppose playing DayZ without Steam open would help a tad bit. ( Again, not a huge computer guy ) Hope this helps.
  13. burno111

    Zombie hordes in the woods ?

    Well it's as rare as Heli crashes. I don't know how rare that is but considering that i've played 28 hours+ and haven't seen one , I think it's a good idea. It allows you to run threw the woods like always, but keeps you from slacking off from looking at the screen. Also much fun for the groups of people that have nothing to do. Great idea, as far as it stay somewhat "rare" :).