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Graz (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Graz (DayZ)

  1. Graz (DayZ)

    Standalone Request - Multiple paid accounts

    Rocket is aware of most of the exploitation that this would bring about. The fact remains that nothing will stop people from buying a second account anyway, might aswell make it official and put in some measures to control it.
  2. Graz (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Body guard available with helicopter support for the next couple of hours. Pm or add me on steam : Thelastgrazgul
  3. Graz (DayZ)

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    This is fantastic news for Dayz. There's a lot of community questions incoming I'm sure! Engine? Will it be ARMA 3's?
  4. Graz (DayZ)

    US 362 Admin and AGW Clan Abuse

    This is the slam dunk. Sorry US 362, your motivations for locking the server aren't relevant. Locking a server is against ToS for a reason. Hackers suck, but admins who think they are above everyone else because they pay an arbitrary amount are worse. I really support you trying to make sure your server is administrated, but that doesn't justify what you did. Sorry to hear about the issues on your server, hopefully by locking it whenever you want you haven't added to the attacks on your server.
  5. Have your say on part A; http://dayzmod.com/f...-part-a-cities/ Zombies have received a lot of attention and there is a ton of changes already proposed on the forums. Apologies in advance if I step on anyone's toes. These changes are to add more variation and immersion to the zombies, meaning that you need to have some situational awareness to survive which is what ARMA II is all about. Part 1: Some ways to make zombies a 'living' terror; Zombies can play dead, they have the same detection properties but you'll need to be a bit more careful Zombies can climb through the windows: an extra animation for zombies to climb through windows that players can't (most likely too hard to implement) More body shots required before death Larger zombie to zombie detection, mainly so that you can't take one out in a corner so easily Part 2: A more controversial change, feedback appreciated Armed Zombies Melee armed zombie (crowbar or hatchet): these would always cause bleeding on hits and deal extra damage. They would have a reasonable chance to break bones. Pistol armed zombie: a zombie would have a pistol (most likely makorov or G17) 2-3 bullets in chamber (less damage then 12,000 blood if you get crazy RNG) Extremely inaccurate: %20 or so Always cause bleeding on hit gun is lootable after shots are fired, is a normal zombie holding a useless (but lootable) pistol Shots alert nearby zombies The reasons for this are to have a bit more immersion, it would also mean that not all shots mean an armed survivor is nearby. It's within reason that zombies can be armed and none of these zombies would be "imbalanced" it would mean a healthier supply of pistols for the new players, provided they are smart enough to take down an armed zombie. Players would also be forced to engage and/or avoid some zombies. Meaning that some intelligence would be required when moving through an infested area. Part 3 I put in some zombie 'fixes and changes' to balance them out a bit more No more bleeding on hit (armed zombies fill that role) No broken bones on hit (armed zombies can do that) Remove "Mike Tyson" bloodline from the zombies, no more knockouts please As always, praise, flames, suggestions, beans are all welcome.
  6. Graz (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Bodyguard online for the next 3-4 hours Got a chopper today, can any medics please contact me for some work. My steam ID is Thelastgrazgul
  7. Graz (DayZ)

    DayZ for Counsoles :]

    I can't believe I'm validating this as an idea by replying. As an idea, this is fine. As anything else, it completely sucks. I don't want to flame you, but I'm struggling to resist. Some reasons of the top of my head You talk about a smart business decision, but Dayz is currently yet to make any of it's own money. It may be driving ARMA II sales, but none of the team is seeing a cent of that. The developers are yet to develop a PC version. Currently it's an Alpha mod, a console port is unthinkable at the moment. ARMA engine was never designed to be ported, it's reliant on processing power and is intensive on computer resources compared to other games of it's generation. This is a simulation, consoles are simply not designed for this type of game. Even something as simple and easy as the sims didn't have an impact on consoles, console consumers do not want to play this type of game on console. The ARMA II engine and teams have no experience with console mods. An entirely new team would need to be created, this requires a huge investment. Mouse > Controller. Mouses offer faster, more accurate responses to the human hand. This is yet to be solved in any FPS, the only way around this is console servers and PC servers, that would mean a new hive set up just for consoles. So many buttons, Arma II is not your standard FPS. Choppers for starters are very technical to fly and is closer to simulation flying then the BF choppers. You seem to have forgotten about vehicles, scoping, rangefinding, rolling, inventory, map/gps communication channels ect. This is not a standard FPS, it requires more buttons than you think. New Console generation looming: You said it yourself, the timing isn't right to release a game. The developers most likely have no contacts to get access to the new generation hardware and therefor can't design the game until the specs and set up is known. If you can solve the issues above, you should immediately leave the forums and go make your millions. I would gladly eat my own words to see better gaming. Until then, I'm sorry to shoot you down so hard as you clearly are enthusiastic about this game
  8. Graz (DayZ)

    US #1357 Locked server

    So why lock a server against the rules? If you don't care, why are you here? Your post is crap, even by trolling standards. I can only assume you own the server and are attempting to derail this post. Otherwise there is a ton of posts similar to this, you should pick up your club and get to work, you've got a ton of trolling to do...
  9. Graz (DayZ)

    Please remove "L85A2 AWS"

    They are extremely rare, they are made more common through duping and hacking. We found 2 in a vehicle, and the number as grown to about 4-5 because of duping bugs. Finding two is hardly conclusive of 'common' There are people who win the lottery twice too, that doesn't make winning common
  10. Graz (DayZ)

    Please remove "L85A2 AWS"

    The L8 is a great tool, but it's not the game breaker that you think it is, the gun has a 300m effective range for starters. Thermal can not see through objects and are only useable while zoomed, meaning that your thermal has a tiny cone of vision and and you will struggle to get a good picture in dense areas. Many animals and zombies give false positives. The L8 is a fantastic tool and will give you an advantage over someone who doesn't have one. It's balanced, however and has it's own pitfalls. If people want it removed that's up to the masses, but it's certainly not broken and is no replacement for some 'mach 1 eyeballs' and a rangefinder.
  11. Graz (DayZ)

    Make Dayz Harder! Part B: Zombies

    Reserved for Responses Response: An armed zombie is too powerful. I believe that this is up for debate, it's also more easily balanced out then you would think. The inclusion of a gun isn't to make zombies ubercrazyimbasuperawesome, it's to add more immersion and to balance out the removal of zombies making you bleed all the time The idea is simple, some zombies will cut you, others won't. It will require more situational awareness and target prioritizing I would appreciate more feedback on what you don't like about armed zombies, is it that you feel zombies should be too stupid to use an axe or gun, or is it more of a gaming issue. %100 agree, the bugs are an issue but they will be fixed at some point. The 'zombie coming through the boarded up window' is a great cliche and gives you a very 'horde of morons running at you' feel. This idea is assuming that the zombie speed and wall glitches are solved. There is a bit of talk about zombies and the speed they move, this isn't something I haven't brought up and have no intention of talking about. Zombie speed is mainly due to the engine from what I understand so I have no idea how to go about changing or 'fixing' it. I like reading all your responses and would prefer something a little constructive, Is an example of a retarded response, hating the ideas is perfectly fine, providing a reason is better!
  12. Graz (DayZ)

    US #1357 Locked server

    Passwording/Locking a server is against the Dayz rules. It doesn't matter your reasons, the server should be considered for blacklisting unless the host can provide some reasoning for 'testing' Why the trolls have come to this thread is beyond me, the OP's motivations aren't important. There is a breach of rules and there needs to be a blacklisting or an explanation.
  13. Any actual admin that sees this would be disgusted with your attitude. Allow me to educate you 1) You are not better than everyone because you have a server, get off your high horse 2) Admins have responsibility and must be the bigger person in almost every situation. If you aren't man enough to turn the other cheek you should consider shutting down your server 3) The "clan servers" and the abuse that steams from them receives more complaints than hackers, people like you are a bigger problem 4) Banning solves nothing, what's 1 server ban? The most likely outcome, you will attract hackers to your server who want 'vengeance' on your abuse 5) Why are you kicking people? People have every reason to 'cry' when someone abuses their power and kicks them I'm sorry to hear about your bad experience, but not as sorry as I am to the players who will suffer because your ego makes you abuse to the one function you are given as an admin. You want to be respected as an admin and given some more tools, stop abusing the ones you have! I hope this wasn't too blunt/harsh, but I think it is a fair call
  14. Graz (DayZ)

    Golden Revolver

    I wouldn't bother banning him. With nuking, godmode, invisible and all the other crap you have bigger fish to fry. He's not hurting anyone running around with a pistol, let battle eye take care of it and just be glad it wasn't disruptive.
  15. Graz (DayZ)

    Make Dayz HARDER, Part A: Cities

    This is the point I'm making ~_^ Most of these games aren't super insane ultra elite changes, they are mainly simple ideas to increase player immersion and give the big cities a hellish feel. I get that you are worried about the player balance, but the guy your up against has to content with these city changes too. I can also get into elektro or cherno, loot the hospital, supermarket and fire station without ever firing a shot. While zombies going nuts for guns is great, they are still a non-issue if I don't shoot. I Agree, but a house should not be as much as a safe zone. This is why I like the idea of alarmed homes and zombies locked in a room. "NPC" spawned bear traps in houses would also be amazing for this. The message should be clear: BE CAREFUL As to your sound changes, I like them a lot. Part B will be zombies, but I haven't thought of enough ideas to make a post yet. Plus I would like part A to run it's course.
  16. Graz (DayZ)

    Make Dayz HARDER, Part A: Cities

    The middle of the map is close to Stary, that's a pretty popular spot! The thread wasn't about me as an individual; However I usually stick near stary or head south to Cherno, both these areas are a stroll in the park (depending on player opposition). The issue this thread is trying to improve is that a huge city is no less difficult than a little city. The more experienced players find looting a bigger city easier, as there is more options open to avoiding zombie. Big cities should have a different "feel" to them, and a lot of players who survive past the 24 hours mark need to have something to sink their teeth into.
  17. The loading screen is great, I'd love to see some noob friendly tips, letting them know the things we already know from dying 12492148926419 times. Reason for this? Best way to distribute information imo. We all have to look at the loading screen and there's very little to do apart from read the tips Remember, bandits can hear you shooting Zombies spawn only when players are close ~200 meters Helicopter crashes are a great source of equipment, but can spawn in any field Got a broken leg? Contact the Reddit Rescue Force Admin powers (for the obviously large amount of uninformed) There's always someone shooting in Cherno (for the old timers!) Patch notes Don't trust anyone at first sight, access the situation before revealing yourself The bigger the weapon, the more zombies are atracted by it's sound I have more I'll put up, feel free to contribute to the list. If it gets decent enough we might even get a sticky :P It's a very SIMPLE idea, I'm aware. I think the tips are great, it gives you something to do during the load screen and sometimes even the pros learn something Flamers, bean givers, contributors are all welcome.
  18. Graz (DayZ)

    (Ceased Trading)

    Willing to trade for a SVD Camo. Happy to trade an "unfair" amount for it and can use vehicles to facilitate trade.
  19. How the hell Did we not think of this. This fits perfectly with looting, medics and the heavy weapons. +1 Would love to see this get implemented.
  20. Graz (DayZ)

    Dayz goal / to easy

    http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/54614-make-dayz-harder-part-a-cities/ Go and read this. Dayz is sandbox, I get that people don't want much direction, but more stuff to do is always good
  21. We have some spare. I can swing by in a ute with the gun in the back, he takes gun out, puts gun in. Happy to do some work for the medics :)
  22. Graz (DayZ)

    Tips and Tricks on the loading screen

    Was thinking the Dayz loading screen tbh
  23. Graz (DayZ)

    A Final Solution to the Bandit Problem

    The infamy system is an epeen incentive. This is why the skin was removed (among other reasons) The tools to communicate are already in the game, it's not that they aren't useful, it's that people don't want to use them. The whole idea feels too specific and it goes against the sandbox feel that I like.
  24. If they are abusing their rights as admins, this is the wrong post. Even so, take a screen shot of you being banned, pretty simple and it's hard to dispute. Get 10 of those together, you've got yourself a pretty solid thread that's very hard to ignore
  25. Graz (DayZ)

    Side Chat Comments I Miss

    My absolute favourite! Disable voice over side chat, people are morons if given the opportunity, but side chat is an interesting diversion when trekking through the woods Almost like radio chatter?