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Graz (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Graz (DayZ)

  1. I feel like Littleassassin2 is derailing this thread, perhaps we should get back on topic. It's been about 3 weeks since I've died to another player, you anti-coalition peeps up and running yet? I'm getting bored >_< One of our medics was killed in transit so yesterday I decided to have a bit of a challenge and raid the offending bandit's base, while they were there and only wielding a cobra scoped AK. End result, 4 kills and I only used 2 clips. One got away, but you can't win em all I guess. Any bandits feel like providing some decent sport please? To the OP, come at me bro!
  2. Graz (DayZ)

    The Coalition - Changing the Culture of DayZ

    Probationary Member organizations: [ForH] Fort Haven 97th ADU Regulators Sins of Man Last Resistance Wow, lots of new people coming in!! Welcome
  3. Buying a server (piece of hardware) does not give you rights to the hive nor the software associated with it You do not pay for access to the hive, you pay for a piece of equipment. Dayz and the hive is provided to you for free so long as you obey the ToS You side note has no relevance, for starters the hive is not in the EU, you didn't not pay anything for it, you agreed to a ToS. Owning and leasing basically give you the same rights when it comes to games... My favourite part is how inaccurate the analogies are; Would you lsiten to the man who built your pc if he said you cant use the internet on the weekend? Actually this is more like you buying a pc, plugging it into the wall and demanding the internet and rights over the internet. Would you listen to the man who sold you a car and told you that you cant go over 22MPH or turn left on Tuesdays? It's more like buying a car, then driving on the footpath, then complaining when your license is taken away. We all use the hive, so it's more like a public road. Your car (server) is allowed on the road so long as you follow the rules set for everyone. Play by the rules or play by yourself, simple enough?
  4. Gogster and his replies are the reason that threads like this exist. The disgusting level of arrogance, profanity and sheer lack of intelligence displayed by you makes me ashamed to share a community with you. You continually come into threads and attempt to derail them with invalid arguments and childish name calling. Being an admin that displays due diligence to the community I know exactly what you have to go through on a daily basis and the tiny amount we pay for servers does not make you better then anyone else. Please get off your high horse and for the love of god you really need to stop drinking.... Meanwhile... Legacy can you please let us know what approved means?
  5. Time changer works on mine, are you doing all the right procedures? Stopping server, changing the time, making sure your only doing it once every 24 hours. Saving, start/stop check if it went through? I too have problems with the ping kicker, there is an armaholic application that lets you set it so I've just been using that. Vilayer support is always prompt for me, and I live in Australia, so time zones are a bitch. I have sent 7 tickets so far asking questions and off topic support (Hive Q&A, tutorials) and the have all been replied to within 2 hours. The ToS states that the time changer has a cool-down to comply with the rules set by Dayz. Vilayer's strict adherence to Dayz regulations is one of the reasons they are automatically white listed. Anyway, hopefully your issue gets resolved
  6. Graz (DayZ)

    More aircraft!

    I'm totally up for more aircarft. I'd like to see 2-3 on the map. Maybe instead of Hueys we could see the little birds, they don't have guns and have a lot more scouting potential then the Huey. The Mi-8s should be in for realism, but honestly I'm a much bigger fan of the chinook. Aircraft in the standalone for sure! Tractors are a poor mans game, 1-3 people crop dusters is the way to go. With a bigger map (2x at least) it would be great to have a V-TOL jet, but I'm against armed air craft as it would break the balance. The current Huey is as armed as it should get, and ammo should be hard to come by and cumbersome to carry around (4-5 inventory slots)
  7. Graz (DayZ)

    So, I use hacks, this is WHY

    Of course, he will only script in weapons for himself and his buddies until he's killed and that's where he draws the line. OH WAIT... This is not what will happen, get killed by someone he can't see, assume it's an invis hacker and nuke the server. The OP is clearly deranged and unbalanced, have you actually read his posts???????? This skiddie will never stay nice, he's clearly a rage filled, dysfunctional personality and I will put money down he has ruined MANY servers and killed the atmosphere. The idea that people wouldn't shoot on site in a zombie apocalypse is bogus. I don't want to use sociology to crap on you, but that's not how people function in situations like this, especially in an infection scenario. They tend to quarantine and kill anyone that comes near them, as they could be a threat in the future or carriers themselves. There is also a large amount of PTS going on, which would lead to the development of sociopath tendencies (Type 1 Defense) as a coping mechanism. Generally someone running at you screaming gibberish ('friendly') is fairly similar to a zombie anyway, besides in this kind of environment, your doing him a favour with a quick death. Actually lets test this, go outside (I know it's bright out there) run straight at people in the street screaming "I'M FRIENDLY, I'M FRIENDLY, I JUST WANT A HUG" and let me know how it goes. You could always go one step further, grab a hatchet and charge a police officer screaming about how friendly you are. Just don't blame me when he guns you down before you get near enough to goobie all over him This is just a typical case of someone getting upset with a game, throwing a tantrum and ruining other peoples day to make himself feel like a big shot. My pity and disgust to the OP
  8. The vehicle behind you was driven by your friend Scotty, he tells me you both went to this base together. It's bizarre that you would embellish and make it sound like an admin was nearby and rage banned you. The ban was issued for a marker, which is linked to ESP. This wasn't issued over a base or meta-gaming, please stow your torches and pitchforks until you've gotten more then two lines with no evidence... You questionable moral character and embellishment of the story aside, I've take then following actions; I have manually removed both yourself and 'Scotty' from the banlist and forwarded what I found to battleeye. You are welcome back on AU 30 until they say otherwise. The base with the tank traps will be left unattended for the next 12 hours, feel free to rape and pillage. I have disabled the sniffer that has banned you, please don't make me regret it
  9. Should be removed The van and ATV may be back at the base you took it from as I did a quick reset. Feel free to take whatever, but be quick as it will be relocated (obviously) I'm not %100 sure but it looks like a marker was the reason for your ban, I have removed it and sent it to battle-eye. You are more than welcome on AU30 until they say otherwise
  10. That is interesting. Was this the ATV you parked near the square made out of tank traps and barbed wire? If so you parked that near where I was playing with some left over fortifications. (016 147ish) There have been 3 incidents around the base I believe your referring to (the one with the UAZ?) A GAZ was attacked and destroyed by myself A van was stolen when no-one was on. (seemed to reappear two days later for no reason) A hilux & Ural was stolen, later found near a rock with a bunch of tents in the wall. (a friend in the Huey spotted it) I happen to use Vilayer, which; Does not allow me to remove battleeye under ANY circumstances (my server will be shut down and a message sent suspending my account, this is automated) Does not allow me to bring down the servers for extended periods of time. I would prefer if you could provide me with some evidence of battleeye being removed, as I would like to investigate. If someone has the ability to remove battleeye without myself or my host knowing, that is very grave news. As to being banned, I have not banned a carecup, can you provide a screen shot? I use the community ban-list and I coordinate with 2 other admins (about 7-8 servers) and we share bans, so if you can provide me with the text (we use initials) of your ban I can investigate further. I believe you are talking about two different camps, both have been raided in the last couple of days. Meta-gaming is %100 allowed and I can guarantee that was not the reason for any bans on AU 30. Can you provide me with more information??? Sorry to hear about your bad experience I'll make sure I get to the bottom of it.
  11. Graz (DayZ)

    Goodbye DayZ, false positive banning.

    Lawful Adjective:Not conforming to, permitted by, or recognized by law or rules. I feel so dirty responding to a troll Battle eye simply wasn't DESIGNED for something like Dayz, rocket, BIS and battle eye constantly bring this up but it never seems to sink into people skulls. This is an alpha mod that has been around less then 6 months, it's an entirely new approach that is run on a simulator, not a game... ARMA was not designed for Dayz, battle eye was not designed for the script kiddies and the sheer scope of Dayz happened virtually over night. In the space of about 2 months, battle eye has revamped server side detection, found away to start blocking malicious scripts and has banned well over 10,000 hackers. Let me grab the list of other companies that have had a similar situation and performed well... oh wait there isn't any If you want a polished, bug free product, you should reconsider playing an alpha mod as it's neither a full game or even a complete one at that. I'm sorry 2 post person that created their account yesterday, but you should consider that you are being a little hypocritical and have very little experience or standing to back yourself up with. What you were trying to achieve by trolling a post promoting caution is beyond me O.o Yet again most of the malicious hacking boggles my mind too... maybe I'm just not meant to understand script kiddies >_< It seems battle eye rectified the error within a day, as long as they continue to improve at the rate the are, hacking will be eradicated by the time I actually have to pay money for dayz, for now I'm happy to enjoy the free ride
  12. Graz (DayZ)

    Goodbye DayZ, false positive banning.

    I think the issue was taken with the selection of the word unlawful, I doubt there is any legislation in place restricting battle eye or court decisions in anyone's favour. It was most likely just a case of semantics. I'm sure battle eye will fix the false positives and get on top of the hacking eventually. ARMA is a very trusting engine and obviously there's going to be exploitation. Maybe a day off the computer might work in your favour :) Keep in mind there will also be script kiddies that got caught in the net too, so don't immediately jump on sides.
  13. Seems like an excessive ban. You haven't provided anything apart form him meta gaming your base, which is perfectly fine. Are you going to ban anyone from now on that wanders near your base? If so, that's very clear admin abuse, please post some evidence of this hacker as-well. If there could be a little bit less trash talking I'm sure a moderate will enlighten the admin on banning to preserve a 'base'
  14. While the universe was busy revolving around you, this issue was posted, verified and is in the process of being fixed. Have a look at these posts since you may be new to a search function https://dev-heaven.net/issues/40381 https://dev-heaven.net/issues/41244 https://dev-heaven.net/issues/39441 https://dev-heaven.net/issues/40802 https://dev-heaven.net/issues/40229 https://dev-heaven.net/issues/41575 Perhaps you should go there and consolidate your post to one of those, in future please take 30 seconds to see if your issue is already there...
  15. ^ Nothing here points to cheating, admin abuse or anything else really. Sucks that you paid for this lesson with you life, without evidence this thread is bogus.
  16. Most of the suggestions are player friendly. I love the hardcore realism, but I feel that once I have a gun I'm very low on challenges. There are many ways to go about this in simpler terms, I might start basic; CITIES need to be more dangerous, These are where the infection hit first and hit hardest. Survivors are more present here and the legacy should remain. Simplish ways to make the cities harder. Hive generated evilness Bear traps on the streets (ya know just lying around) Zombies locked in a room (maybe a quieter version, until they spot you of course) I've always liked car & building alarms (from a game that shall remain nameless) go around being reckless and you'll draw a whole lot of attention Overgrown parks (for ambushing and snipers) More zombies in cities (supermarket/hospital/firestation spawn a greater number of zombies) 'Ambient cit sounds' some random sounds/events that seem player initiated. eg doors opening, zombies aggro to buildings without players in them, twigs snapping (ideas needed) I like tougher zombies but I'm unsure of how to get this done without breaking anything. Why? Cities are easily soloable, you can just sprint to the firestation, grab some stuff, run to the supermarket and gtfo. Cities should be something to be avoided, more so then they are now. The also contain medical supplies, great navigation equipment and armament. The message should be clear: you want to hit the heart of Cherno/Electro/Berez, you should bring your buddies and/or have some decent equipment. We would see more clans and groups hitting cities for the rewards and challenge. People would not head to the nearest major city first. Bandits are more common around the coast. There would be less reckless rushing in the population bases. EDIT: Added some more proposed changes Part B will be on zombies Please stick to the cities for this post :)
  17. Graz (DayZ)

    Make Dayz HARDER, Part A: Cities

    I quite liked this post. I'll admit that I'm a very experienced and capable gamer and have not really ever come across a game that I didn't get the hang of within a couple of days. If you have a look at the changes, most of these are along the lines you are asking for, bear traps, zombie traps & home alarms are a step towards the randomness of the game. I understand that not everyone desires such a brutal environment as I do and the feedback (or reality check) is welcomed. The main thing I want from a place like electro is that it has a different feel to somewhere dinky like petrovka. On an unrelated note in Cherno plus (standalone) I would love to see electro and cherno moved and combined, so we have just one huge city :)
  18. This is a basic compilation from known hacker websites, I can’t post evidence or what I have found as that is not allowed on these forums. If you are a server admin, please read as this will help you minimize hacker attacks. The motivation My server has been running for close to two months. Hackers were a myth on this server and I always wondered why some hackers rape a server over and over yet leave mine pristine. It suffered the first hacker attack last week, my team (4-5 people) had a substantial base. A Ural, Vs35, UAZ, 10-15 Tents, 2 Utes, 2 Bikes, 1 ATV and a Heuy stashed at a different location. This base was teleported to drakon island and also the sniper point in Cherno. I wasn’t online, but I became curious, why go after that base??? There’s nothing to gain as a script kiddie. The chopper was untouched at its separate location, why was that left alone??? No-one seems to ask script kiddies why they bother doing stuff like that. Blowing up a base is fun in itself, but there is more to it. I decided to do what I could and find out. The Process Over the last two weeks I have been scouring the popular hacking websites, I’ve created an account on 3 different sites that have advertised bypassing or scripting for Dayz. I have started threads asking people what makes them want to nuke a server. My data collection, I totaled well over 400 posts and messages responding to these threads. I then removed posts by new accounts (under 10 posts total) and ones that were off-topic or excessively abusive. There’s no point in predicting crazy, you’ll just have to trust me on that. I was left with 286 responses. This is no small number and the answer was very clear. The result Important Of the 286 posts, 270 said that they will only nuke a server that belongs to an abusive admin. What is admin abuse in the eyes of a hacker? *Admins who reset a server after they die or the base is attacked *Admins who show up on the reported thread multiple times are targeted *Admins who password their server *Admins who ban and kick players for little justificationThis is %94 of the reason why hackers nuke a server Around 200 (just over) said that they will flatten bases that belong to ‘admins’ or ‘clans’. Most script kiddies seem to think than any ‘large’ base will belong to an abusive admin or a clan that is exploitive. Scripters assume that most clans have at least one covert scripter and are justified in destroy their ill-gotten gains. When an admin attempts to use their admin powers to reclaim the base, most scripters will chain nuke the server as a 'message' Just under half of the posts stated that they will nuke a server when they are killed by a hacker that is invulnerable, using a teleport script or has god mode on. Most script kiddies simply assume that anyone who can kill them is a hacker, this is a common assumption that I feel has more false positives than anything else. The ban-waves are hitting harder than you think. There is a ton of stolen IDs that is generating a very cheap CD-Key market, but battle-eye is starting to win. The number of complaints about banning is going up and up on these sites. Most people pay for ARMA II and then purchase a subscription to the battle-eye bypass and some are not reusing hacks after buying a new copy. This is an assumption on my part Important Ways to minimize hacker attacks on your server below; If you have accumulated multiple vehicles, spread them out! The high value vehicles (URAL, Vs35, Heuy, UAZ) should never be in the same place. Hackers will simply assume that you have been abusive to gather such an array of vehicles and will trash your ID Give a message before a restart, don’t just hit the button, and give warnings at 15, 10 & 5 minutes at least. I personally log off after 10, so people can’t kill me before a reset and think that I am resetting to get my stuff back. Do not react to a hacker attack!!! If you start banning, kicking, resetting and generally throwing a tantrum like a 12 year old you will only make it worse. All you will accomplish is guaranteeing that they will be back to ‘send a message’. If you go overboard, they will report you on the forums and you will get draw more wrath on your server and in the worst case scenario, get blacklisted. They want your delicious tears, don’t be a sucker and play into their hands. Play it cool, gather evidence, get them globally banned and have the last laugh Avoid an inflammatory message of the day. Posting useless, empty threats will only entice a scripter to rape your server and laugh at you about how powerless you are. Posting stuff like “all hackers will be banned” and “no faggot hacking” is pointless, you aren’t fooling anyone. A brief disclaimer. This isn’t ‘research’, ‘proof’, ‘evidence’ or ‘fact’. 300 is a small sample, I admit but the correlation is very strong.My thesis wasn’t on “hacker motivations” and I’m not a psychologist, nor have I intended to represent myself as one. The data is there, you should turn it into information however you see fit. The message: Many admins are trying to protect their servers. I admire that you are attempting to create a fair environment for everyone. What you must understand is that we currently don’t have to the tools to take on script kiddies and/or hackers. Currently there are many false and overturned bans from admins. We are inflaming the community and goading hackers/scripters to attack servers. The best way to sort this problem out is to report to battle eye. A global ban hurts these kids, it's the best way to grab this problem by the balls
  19. Oh I agree, they are not cyber heroes and the few people that script for the right reasons would never be so stupid as to announce what they are doing. Most of this comes down to "butt hurt" What server admins need to understand is that preventing a hacker attack starts well before the pipe bombs start dropping. Interestingly enough, since this I have started this thread the servers I administrate have been hacked several times a day. Coincidence?? I'll admit that the following guide lines will not stop hackers entirely, but I feel that it's a step in the right direction. Your feelings about battle eye aren't as important as nailing hackers. Continue to report to them and they will slap these kiddies with global bans!!
  20. Graz (DayZ)

    The Coalition - Changing the Culture of DayZ

    We are already operating a logistics department. Most of the transportation would involve a UAZ or VS35 as that have a stronger off-road capability.
  21. Graz (DayZ)

    Banned From AU32

    You know what I like, that you didn't mention the chopper in your original post. I'm not asking for evidence, can AU 32 please send me this GUID as I run an AU server and he'll most likely migrate through my server at some point.
  22. Graz (DayZ)

    A Threat To Banditry Itself, And A Solution.

    Sure thing, I'm going to post you our mission ops and the server I'm on when we get one going. You are welcome to bring friends, guns and the blindfolds that you all wear when you circle jerk your "buddies". I'll even bring my mountain dew to sweeten the honey pot. All that I have left to say to you: Your beans will be especially delicious ^ Pretty much this ^ I encourage banditry, it adds so much to the game right now. Hunting and being hunted are undoubtedly the most thrilling parts of this game. Protecting medics is fun because it's hard, the better you are, the more fun I have playing this game Looking forward to seeing you out there :)
  23. Graz (DayZ)

    Heli not saving

    Simple stop-gap for the chopper. I have put 2 tents on skalisty island, one with the repair components, one with 20ish Jerry Cans. Save the tens (make sure it is the first time you save these tents) and they will be bugged with the same problem as the chopper. Until the vehicle and items are fixed, at least I can repair and partially fuel the chopper when the server resets. The funny thing is, no-one can raid or destroy these tents as the re-spawn on resets with the chopper. It's not a 'fix' but it takes some of the pain away
  24. Graz (DayZ)


    They are usually very good to me. I'm AU and the timezone works against me, yet they always seem to get back to me quickly. If you got their announcement in your email it's most likely understandable that they are a little bogged down atm
  25. Graz (DayZ)

    The Coalition - Changing the Culture of DayZ

    Most of our "care-bear" medics are tailed by 2-3 extremely bored body guards that have been in far more difficult situations then hiding near electro's coward hill. In fact on a populated server, somewhere around half of our missions have a gun fight at one point, more often then not the opposition is wielding a scoped rifle. Essentially engaging a bandit is a victory, every pair of eyes on our security detail is one less that the fresh spawns and medics have to worry about. What happens to the coalition is anyone's guess. It's objectives aren't defined (and clear goals may never be set) so I won't bother trash talking on that. Currently the Coalition is about adding a new experience and changing the culture of Dayz. Even if it crumbles in a week, medics are raped and pillaged, trading camps are satchel charged and patrols are teabagged relentlessly, it will be a success simply for existing and the attempt. Personally most of the para-military components of this organization are spoiling for a fight. I'm yet to fall to another player on a TWM rescue mission, so to all the bandits and wanna be Ned Kelly's, bring your equipment, bring your A-game and bring your beans, I will enjoy taking them.