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About KyleAlexander

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. KyleAlexander

    FN FAL Spawnrate?

    Are heli sites random? I've been looking but never found one :(
  2. KyleAlexander


  3. KyleAlexander

    Zombies should have more random Loot

    Maybe even a makarov?
  4. KyleAlexander


    You sir, have taken what I was going to say. You have my beans.
  5. KyleAlexander


    Maybe 2 Minutes would be better, because i log in and want to find some loot XD
  6. KyleAlexander

    Starter weapon...

    NO. /thread
  7. Maybe we could add armoured vehicles too? XD Like vans that have low-level weapons. More reason to go inland?
  8. KyleAlexander

    Australian Looking for Teamup.

    Hey, I'm Kyle and my character recently died (Damn Cherno snipers) and I'd be happy to link up with you sometime, if you wanna then send me a message? my steam is blacksabre98 :)
  9. KyleAlexander

    Punishment for banditry?

    Even grouping up is hard, you're right, this is a bad idea but one thing that definitely needs to be improved is the communication.
  10. KyleAlexander

    Punishment for banditry?

    Valid point, but remember you have to actually see them, maybe a distance factor?
  11. KyleAlexander

    Punishment for banditry?

    The reason there is over 9000 topics like this is because everyone wants a reason NOT TO KILL. I've been trying to think of a way to do that.
  12. KyleAlexander

    Punishment for banditry?

    Justify your "No"? I wouldn't really describe this as gimmicky... People want a reason not to kill.
  13. KyleAlexander

    Punishment for banditry?

    No Way! But, we could do the opposite! That's right, reward NOT KILLING Ah, I dunno, maybe some kind of point count for each time you have a player encounter and don't shoot at them? But this would only work for unique players so people don't farm points. So, here it is. Z-points are acquired by encountering other players in DayZ and not killing them. Every time you meet a unique player in DayZ and don't shoot you will receive a point instantly, however if you do decide to fire you will loose that point. With Z-points you can buy these things: Makarov 1Point Lee Enfield 3Points CZ 550 4points Ghillie Suit 5Points Okay, I think you guys get the idea! Now just tell me what you think below! Thanks! -Kyle
  14. Hey guys, I'm getting bored of playing solo and I'm looking for one or two other people to play with. If your interested send me a message and we can organise something. Thanks.
  15. KyleAlexander

    Any Australian clans?

    I'm looking for one too, why don't you start one? Message me if you want to? :)