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About artard247

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  1. artard247

    Gear Up Fast! Bandit Camp Location

    Whatever you just said....it doesn't make any frickin' sense.
  2. artard247

    Anyone have tips for finding vehicles?

    or go to dayzwiki.com, it shows the locations of every vehicle in DayZ, and it updates the locations whenever they are changed.
  3. Are you going to let us know anything about this new "Standalone DayZ"?
  4. artard247

    Gear Up Fast! Bandit Camp Location

    Well, if anyone actually goes to these camps, thank me through this thread please.
  5. artard247

    Gear Up Fast! Bandit Camp Location

    I hope you understand that I do not actually play DayZ, I used to, but since it is a horrible game, I am waiting for the standalone version.
  6. I already made a post about this, but the camp that people said was destroyed, well it really isn't. After the server reset, the tents were back in place filled with all of the loot. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/62859-bandit-camp-found-on-us-257/ Also, there is another camp at that exact same location on US 132.
  7. artard247


    thesaurus.com ftw.
  8. http://i.imgur.com/qkJXK.jpg I don't like this harsh anti-Semitic, biased, illiberal, intolerant, narrow-minded, opinionated, partial, prejudiced,sectarian, small-minded, xenophobic image one bit. The developers who released such a heinous image ought to be ashamed of themselves! GOOD DAY!
  9. artard247

    Global Bans for legit players?

    How I felt after BattlEye banned me.
  10. prease guis, moar. so funy! C{;)
  11. Usually in every other game I play, there are obstacles that prevent players from conflicting trouble upon themselves and being punished for it, but for Arma, I am just not seeing them. There aren't any rules, warnings, or alerts that tell you if you do something, you will get banned or kicked for it, and if you do get into trouble, there is no support from BattlEye to get you out of it. Now, I have been reading so many threads about players being banned for absolutely no reason whatsoever, and I believe them, because today, this happened to me as well. When you go to their ban support page you will see what I am talking about: http://battleye.com/support.html. Even if you send them an email they don't even reply to it because whatever you tell them, they won't care. We are their "customers". We bought their "game". Now, why can't they give us their "support"? Well, because it is not even "support"! BattlEye lets hackers run around free tormenting everyone, but instead they will ban the real players. They leave you only one option, and that is to BUY the game again.
  12. I apologize in advance for the Caps Lock, but I just found an amazing bandit camp. It is composed of about 4-5 tents filled with NVGs(about 15 in total), Rangefinders(about 5 in total), GPS(about 10 in total), SVDs(3), DMRs(3 or 4), M4A1 CCO SDs(2), Ghillie Suits(15+), and more. It is located at 003-050, in a group of about 5-10 trees. I cannot carry it all and so I thought I would allow some of you to get some amazing loot as well. I included a map with the location as well, hurry up and get it before its all gone!
  13. Yeah, @MisterFister: I must have gotten killed by those same hackers. I wouldn't go on that server, they teleport you to this "thunderdome" and make you fight everyone else on the server, then they just kill you in the end.
  14. You want to be a bandit...join a large group of other players, get the best guns in the game, and of course, kill people. I have been in alot of bandit groups, and whenever somebody new joins, it is a real pain in the ass, especially if they don't know anything about the game. So, here are some tips. Tip #1: Don't ask too many questions. I am saying this because people who ask alot of questions don't tend to have alot of answers, so it makes you seem like a noob. Tip #2: Don't be greedy. There will be plenty of loot to go around, so don't try to hoard all of the good guns, medical supplies, etc. Tip #3: When you come into contact with other enemies, don't talk about how you went to the movies yesterday and saw the new Batman. It is pretty frickin' annoying. Tip #4: Don't freak out when you find something that isn't even that good, or just any loot in general. For example, if you find an Enfield, don't scream at the group, "OH MY GOODNESS. Fellas, I just found a flippin' Enfield! GEEEZ. SOOOO GOOD." Tip #5 : At all times, let your group know where you're at. You don't want to get stranded out in the middle of nowhere because you went north-west instead of north-east. Also, if you come into contact with other players, and if you don't know if it is your group mate or not, make them dance or use another sign to make sure they are friendly instead of just shooting everyone you see. Well, those are a few tips I could come up with off the top of my head, feel free to add more.