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Everything posted by VZSpyder

  1. You misunderstand. The shooter stole the rifle from the other player's backpack, and then killed him with it. The starting pack doesn't have enough space to store a primary.
  2. Every close call I've had with zombies has been when i was under 9000 blood, so yes I agree. After the last time that happened, I learned my lesson and now stop everything I'm doing to refill my blood anytime I get under ~10k.
  3. VZSpyder

    Weapon Nerf Poll

    The great thing about poll threads is it lets us hear from the silent majority out there, instead of having the discussion controlled by the loud minority. I love polls.
  4. VZSpyder

    Weapon Nerf Poll

    I'd love to see more results from this poll
  5. VZSpyder

    Is anyone NOT a murderer?

    Sure. As you can see, I'm a zombie killer, which of course means I don't hide in the woods. I intend to keep my murders at zero, but you never know what can happen. I've encountered players many times, and I generally evade without them seeing me. Of course I've been shot at as well, but a good zig-zag retreat into the forest has been doing the trick so far.
  6. I would second the OP's suggestion, except that it would be out of character for the setting (russia). Since that doesn't seem to matter for most of the weapons in the game so far, I'll go ahead and second it anyway.
  7. VZSpyder

    1.5.7 update

    My ~6 hour character spawned on the beach instead of deep in the woods where i left off, got killed instantly by a spawn camper. ...Don't worry, I'm not complaining. Just had to vent to someone, that's all. Keep up the good work guys! (and fix that bug!)