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Everything posted by ClankyMichael

  1. I'm willing to do nighttime/daytime through the server but it seems people don't really like playing on servers when its night time on them and i have to figure out whats the best timezone to use.
  2. lol all i did was use the formatting tool and it came out to be all in weird code haha Thats why i got a 70 on my essays in high school :( "Y U NO DO MLA"
  3. post has been moved to another location.
  4. ClankyMichael

    delete this post please!

  5. ClankyMichael

    delete this post please!

  6. ClankyMichael

    delete this post please!

    Added custom loot
  7. ClankyMichael

    delete this post please!

    Even though there has been no hacker seen should there be an added white-list to decrease the chance of finding a hacker?
  8. ClankyMichael

    delete this post please!

  9. ClankyMichael

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    Added 50 more vehicles!
  10. ClankyMichael

    delete this post please!

  11. ClankyMichael

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    Also PM me here if theres anything you would like to suggest or tell me something that i should know thanks!
  12. ClankyMichael

    delete this post please!

    Our server community is still in progress we will implement more features when possible and we are always looking for more staff for the fight on hackers and helping the community. All new players are welcome so join and have fun.
  13. So this has happened to me 3!!!!!!!!!! times so first time im sniping around cherno with an AS50 but my friend skypes me to go to another server... i see setup complete *dies* still says setup complete... debug forest FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKK. Atleast accually die from something than just a stupid bug. this happens 3 times when i switch to a new server. In which all 3 have me carrying an AS50 each time i spawn in some random ass place with no gear at all cept ghillie suit. Now I have to go do sniper hunting for the fourth time to get another AS50 because it seems like the devs aren't doing very well on updates. Im not saying their doing bad on the job. I realize they work hard but in this patch it seems bugs go all into place never had a problem with me. is very unstable like an old dude on crack. People's backpacks rollback when you go to survivor skin, bandit skin shows no backpack(idk if that was meant to be) but yeah next time this bullshit happens i quit till this bug is officially fixed or the standalone version is out.
  14. im getting 20 FPS with a $400 graphics card stated above which makes no sense. This happens on ALL servers btw ;D. I used to use ATI 7850 :( Specs: 16 GB RAM (1600) FX-8150 GTX 670 FTW Edition 800w power supply 500 GB hard drive+external hard drive Someone plz help me fix this >:(
  15. Map suggestions: - There should be some buildings locked but enterable by like a certain way. Example: Theres a building that has much loot inside but to get in you require a key that is somewhere randomly generated around the map. Example 2: In order to get into another building with much more loot you need to turn on the power in the town/city by turning switches on or providing some sort of fuel for power that only lasts for a certain amount of time but you can still get out of the building if it is locked by turning on a switch inside of it that lasts very shortly. - This can light up nights in citys and can be an advantage and disadvantage to players. - If players don't want people turning on the power they can defend the stations that turn them on in the towns - This will make DayZ more interactive for players and provide more warzones like Cherno/NW Airfield. - There could also be bunkers in airfield/military bases that require authorization to get in through killing a Military commander zombie that holds a keycard that allows the player access inside for the awesome loot that can spawn inside ;D - Gives players more of a challange than just walking inside a barrack in NW Airfield. Thanks for reading and i hope this gets put in the standalone game :D.
  16. ClankyMichael

    Cherno's Finest [Bandit Clan- CA 16] Still recruiting!!

    DayZ user name : Clanky How long have you been playing DayZ : 4 months What is your time of area : Eastern Standard Time Will you provide as much support as we will support you : Yes What is your primary weapon of choice : Currently an M16A2 With an M203 but I am more than capable with any other assault rifle. (I'm willing to use something else like snipers and LMGs im really an all out person.) Skype name: ClankyMichael