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Everything posted by pinner52

  1. 23 Canadian Speaks english lf some other players to survive dayz with my steam is Danten message me on there to set up a group
  2. steam is Danten if you wanna group up got all the chat programs
  3. Looking for a couple people to play dayz with, if youd like to add me on steam Danten or message me on the dayz forums or leave a post
  4. pinner52

    Looking for survivors to play with

    im down add me on steam Danten
  5. Name:Danten Age:23 In game name:Danten Steam Id:Danten Desired combat role (Medic, sniper, exc):Sniper preferred do not mind any role tho Why you would like to join (Going to need to do better than simply ‘lookin 4 group’) : looking to play seriously and sick of all the damn shoot first answer later ive found a few nice people but we usally lose each other before we can trade steam names or something. i would also love to do events and raids and you can only do those in groups What can you offer to the clan: im pretty dedicated player who has been playing all types of shooters for years since the days of half life one so i got quite a bit of expeince in all shooters. ive also learn some very cool tricks i havent seen online such as hiding from zombies in bushes when being chased and have no ammo. i also would like to help other new player who are in trouble in the wild i think that would be awesome being a medic getting dropped of to save survuors or being the sniper covering him. Thanks for the considersation
  6. pinner52

    Looking for Group of Survivors

    steam name is Danten if you want to add me
  7. pinner52

    23 y/o looking for others

    23 aswell just started got the game pretty down now just learning the map my steam is Danten if you want to add me