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Posts posted by pinner52

  1. Name:Danten


    In game name:Danten

    Steam Id:Danten

    Desired combat role (Medic, sniper, exc):Sniper preferred do not mind any role tho

    Why you would like to join (Going to need to do better than simply ‘lookin 4 group’) : looking to play seriously and sick of all the damn shoot first answer later ive found a few nice people but we usally lose each other before we can trade steam names or something. i would also love to do events and raids and you can only do those in groups

    What can you offer to the clan: im pretty dedicated player who has been playing all types of shooters for years since the days of half life one so i got quite a bit of expeince in all shooters. ive also learn some very cool tricks i havent seen online such as hiding from zombies in bushes when being chased and have no ammo. i also would like to help other new player who are in trouble in the wild i think that would be awesome being a medic getting dropped of to save survuors or being the sniper covering him.

    Thanks for the considersation
