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About BielBielBR

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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    I try to be the most helpfull guy. I'll try to help you seriously.

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  • Bio
    A good man
  1. I always stuck in loading, and it it for ever, i can only play on Private Hive servers, can you help me ?
  2. BielBielBR

    Stuck on final "Loading" screen

    I need help too, I always stuck in loading, and it it for ever, i can only play on Private Hive servers.
  3. BielBielBR

    Game takes FOREVER to load?

    I always stuck in loading, and it it for ever, i can only play on Private Hive servers, can you help me ?
  4. BielBielBR

    Stuck in loading

    ok man. Can you help me ?
  5. BielBielBR

    Stuck in loading

    I tried everything, but I cant play, i try to update my battleye, beta pach, six launcher. I can only play in servers Private Hive, if you want, i can give you my guid or my cdkey! Anyone can help me?