So.. Before I state the problem I will state what I have done so far. I have installed and run Arma II and Operation Arrowhead. I have downloaded the DayZ .rar files. I have extracted them to the @DayZ/Addons folder in my directory. I changed the set launch options to what the forums stated I should. I launched the game as Combined Operations. I entered the game, made a character, went to multiplayer. I found a DayZ server with 49/50 people. Attempted to join the server. I got to the part where it says something similar to downloading data. (The part where it shows a small town in the background and everyone's names in green on the right.) Now here is the problem. It will get to about 90% of the way done. Then wait about 5 minutes. Then I will get redirected to the Server Selection screen. No errors are given and nothing shows up in chat. What I have tried: -reinstalling the mod files -remaking character -relaunching both games by themselves -I tried to join as many servers as I could to see if it was just a couple servers. Each one has the same problem.